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Kritika savremenog ateizma


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Someone tell @RichardDawkins you can't be racist against white people or sexist against men because of political power dynamics so shut up.
Nearly half of all victims of racially motivated murders in the last decade have been white, according to official figures released by the Home Office....Fahy also warned of caution in over-interpreting the figures. He said that the 24 white victims also included those who were Jewish, 'dark-skinned' Europeans or gypsies. In addition, seven of those were killed by white attackers, four by black, six by Asian, with seven whose racial background was not identified.
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"Polovina ubijenih (sa rasnom motivacijom) u UK je bila bele puti" sto bi znacilo da je polovina bila tamnoputa... Primetimo da je rasna struktura u UK jos uvek veoma daleko od 50:50.

Edited by Indy
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Ma taj komentar je idiotski, ali to ne menja činjenicu da Dokins meltdaunuje big time. Neki ljudi jednostavno ne treba da tvituju.
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  • 2 months later...

znate šta ovo znači, ne?(hint: da su verski fanatici najgluplji, hehe)

A new study claims to have conclusively proved that the more intelligent a person is the less likely they are to believe in God.Psychologists Miron Zuckerman and Jordan Silberman of the University of Rochester and Judith Hall of Northeastern University have published their review of 63 studies conducted between 1928 and 2012 in this months Personality and Social Psychology Review.While they admit their findings are 'not new', the psychologists embarked on a systematic analysis of almost one hundred years of studies into the correlation between intelligence and religiosity and found that atheism is rife among clever people.article-2390774-1B44045C000005DC-552_634x422.jpg

Edited by Hella
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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

E, da, crtac je idiotski. EDIT. Mislim, super je nacrtan, ali je glup. Eto opet neceg sto bih voleo da vidim da pise neki kvalitetan kriticar, a ne ekvivalent Nelsona Muntza iz The Simpsons.

Edited by Indy
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  • 4 months later...

Znaci, najvece razocarenje u "novoateistickom" kampu, jos od vremena kad se Sam Harris zalozio za racial profiling. (Dawkinsove pomalo infantilne tweetove da ne racunam.)pinker.png(Wikileaks dakako nije perfektan, ali ovo sto je SP linkovao je totalno djubre od clanka. It's official, od sada pa nadalje, Pinker sucks ass. <_< )

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