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Ти си, дакле, 1 идеал  :P

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Iako ima naravno nepregledno mnogo literature na tu temu, najbolji roman na koji sam naisao na temu glavnog lika ovog topika je... Anatolij Ribakov, Deca Arbata








Opisuje grupu drugara i njihove zivotne puteve, tokom 20-tih i 30-tih godina, i to kako su odluke na "visokom nivou" imale uticaj na njihove licne price. 

Edited by odmor


U svakom slucaju posteniji od kasnog Solzenjicina.




Posted (edited)







Between 1948 and 1986, during his career as a prison guard, Danzig Baldaev made over 3,000 drawings of tattoos. They were his gateway into a secret world in which he acted as ethnographer, recording the rituals of a closed society. The icons and tribal languages he documented are artful, distasteful, sexually explicit and provocative, reflecting as they do the lives, status and traditions of the convicts that wore them. Baldaev made comprehensive notes about each tattoo, which he then carefully reproduced in his tiny St. Petersburg flat. The resulting exquisitely detailed ink drawings are accompanied with his handwritten notes and signature on the reverse, the paper is yellowed with age, and carries Baldaev’s stamp, giving the drawings a visceral temporality – almost like skin.



Edited by slow

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