March 27, 201411 yr hm zar ne kažu spisi da je Atila pogreben na nekom ostrvu na Tisi? i to negde kod Titela, tako sto je Tisa skrenuta, Bic Bozji sahranjen u na dno reke, pa reka vracena u staro korito.... Lazu Madjari, oce jos jednu turisticku atrakciju, Atilu Zlog, zlocinca nad zlocincima sto bi se danas reklo, a da pri tom ne moraju da imaju posla sa Hagom...
March 27, 201411 yr Isto, nego se sećam onoga što sam ranije čitao. U svakom slučaju je značajno otkriće a ako je stvarno Atila, uz pronalazak grobnice Ričarda III najveće arheološko otkriće u 21. veku.
March 27, 201411 yr Dopada mi se kako ispada da su po ovoj vesti Atilu Huni sahranili 100-150 godina nakon njegove smrti, kada su i sami nestali. Edited March 27, 201411 yr by Filipenko
July 8, 201410 yr CIA @CIA · Jul 2 Remember reports of unusual activity in the skies in the '50s? That was us. #U2Week #UFODAY
July 31, 201410 yr Author Ancient Greek Wine-Cup Belonging to Pericles Discovered in Greece Culture Archaeology by Nikoleta Kalmouki - Jul 30, 2014 129 31 Google +4 0 1 3276 A wine-cup believed to belong to ancient Greek politician Pericles was discovered on Wednesday in an ancient tomb, in Kifisia, northern Athens, Greece. The ancient tomb came to light during excavations for the foundations of a new building. The wine-cup, measuring 8 centimeters in height, was found shattered into 12 pieces. After the archeologists put the pieces together, they were surprised to find the name “Pericles” engraved under one handle, along with the names of five other men, Aristides, Diodotos, Daesimos, Ariphron and Efkritos. Archaeologists are “99 percent” sure that the cup was used by the Athenian politician and that Ariphron was Pericles’ elder brother. “The name Ariphron is extremely rare. Having it listed above that of Pericles makes us 99 percent sure that these are the two brothers,” Angelos Matthaiou, secretary of the Greek Epigraphic Society, told newspaper Ta Nea. The cup was likely used in a wine symposium when Pericles was twenty years old and the six men who drank from it engraved their names as a memento, Matthaiou said. According to archaeologist Galini Daskalaki, the cup was then given as a gift to another man named Drapetis (escapee in Greek) who was possibly a slave servant or the owner of the tavern. This rare and important finding will be displayed in the autumn at the Epigraphical Museum in Athens. Pericles was born in Athens in 495 BC. He was one of the most eminent and revered figures of ancient Greece as he reigned during the Golden Age of Athens. He died of the plague in 429 BC during a Spartan siege. - See more at:
September 10, 201410 yr Stonehenge had 'huge stone religious sibling' just two miles away Scientists say they had no idea massive henge of 50 stones was just two miles away DAVID KEYS ARCHAEOLOGY CORRESPONDENT Wednesday 10 September 2014 Archaeologists have discovered that Stonehenge had a huge stone sibling just two miles to the north-east. Using powerful ground-penetrating radar, which can ‘X-ray’ archaeological sites to a depth of up to four metres, investigators from Birmingham and Bradford universities and from the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute in Vienna have discovered a 330-metre long line of more than 50 massive stones, buried under part of the bank of Britain’s largest pre-historic henge. “Up till now, we had absolutely no idea that the stones were there,” said the co-director of the investigation Professor Vince Gaffney of Birmingham University. Investigators discovered evidence of dozens of new monuments close to Stonehenge The geophysical evidence suggests that each buried stone is roughly three metres long and 1.5 metres wide and is positioned horizontally, not vertically, in its earthen matrix. However, it’s conceivable that they originally stood vertically in the ground like other standing stones in Britain. It is thought that they were probably brought to the site shortly before 2500BC. They seem to have formed the southern arm of a c-shaped ritual ‘enclosure’, the rest of which was made up of an artificially scarped natural elevation in the ground. The c-shaped enclosure – more than 330 metres wide and over 400 metres long – faced directly towards the River Avon. The monument was later converted from a c-shaped to a roughly circular enclosure, now known as Durrington Walls – Britain’s largest pre-historic henge, roughly 12 times the size of Stonehenge itself. The ground-penetrating radar can detect archaeological sites to a depth of four metres As a religious complex, it would almost certainly have had a deeply spiritual and ritual connection with the river. But precisely why is a complete mystery, although it is possible that that particular stretch of water was regarded as a deity. The discovery of the buried stones is part of a much wider archaeological investigation into Stonehenge’s sacred landscape. A two-part special BBC Two documentary (Operation Stonehenge: What Lies Beneath), being shown this Thursday evening and next Thursday, is set to reveal the details of many of the investigation’s new discoveries. As well as revealing the previously unknown stones of Durrington Walls, the Anglo-Austrian-led investigation has succeeded in locating more than 60 other previously unknown pre-historic monuments. “It shows that, in terms of temples and shrines, Stonehenge was far from being alone,” said Professor Gaffney. Using ground-penetrating radar, magnetometry and other geophysical techniques to peer beneath the landscape’s surface, archaeologists have found around 17 other henge-like Neolithic and Bronze Age religious monuments, each between 10 and 30 metres in diameter. Some may well have consisted of circles of large timber posts – wooden equivalents of conventional prehistoric stone circles. But the archaeologists have also discovered around 20 large and enigmatic ritual pits – each up to five metres in diameter. Click HERE to view full-size version of graphic They have also discovered more than half a dozen previously unknown Bronze Age burial mounds – and four Iron Age shrines or tombs, as well as half a dozen Bronze Age and Iron Age domestic or livestock enclosures. In total, some 4.5 square miles of buried landscape has been surveyed by the joint Birmingham/Vienna team in an exercise that has taken four years to complete. Now the archaeologists plan to analyse the new data – in order to work out how all the newly discovered prehistoric monuments related to each other. Using avatar-based computer models, they are hoping to tease out exactly how Neolithic and Bronze Age people used Stonehenge’s landscape. Initial results suggest that some of the newly discovered shrines and other monuments grew up along processional ways or pilgrimage routes in Stonehenge’s sacred landscape. The 4.5 square mile survey is the largest of its kind ever carried out anywhere in the world. The large variety of ‘x-ray’ style techniques used have included more than half a dozen different systems. Magnetometry and electro-magnetic induction have been used to map underground features by firing electro magnetic energy into the ground and then measuring the inter-action of that energy with subterranean features such as buried pits, ditches and stones. Earth resistance and electrical resistivity imaging have gathered data on underground features by firing electrical energy into the ground and measuring differences in sub-surface resistance to it. A fifth technique, magnetic susceptibility analysis, helps archaeologists detect buried layers of burnt material, which often indicate ancient human activity. The system works because naturally occurring iron oxides in the ground can become magnetized through the process of being burnt. A final technique, microgravimetry, can also help detect subterranean features, especially cavities – by measuring tiny differences in local gravitational fields. The four year investigation into what lies beneath Stonehenge’s landscape has been carried out jointly by four UK universities (Birmingham, Bradford, St. Andrews and Nottingham) and two continental European institutions – the University of Ghent in Belgium and the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute in Austria.
September 10, 201410 yr
September 11, 201410 yr Author Stonehenge had 'huge stone religious sibling' just two miles away Scientists say they had no idea massive henge of 50 stones was just two miles away DAVID KEYS ARCHAEOLOGY CORRESPONDENT Wednesday 10 September 2014 Archaeologists have discovered that Stonehenge had a huge stone sibling just two miles to the north-east. Using powerful ground-penetrating radar, which can ‘X-ray’ archaeological sites to a depth of up to four metres, investigators from Birmingham and Bradford universities and from the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute in Vienna have discovered a 330-metre long line of more than 50 massive stones, buried under part of the bank of Britain’s largest pre-historic henge. “Up till now, we had absolutely no idea that the stones were there,” said the co-director of the investigation Professor Vince Gaffney of Birmingham University. Investigators discovered evidence of dozens of new monuments close to Stonehenge The geophysical evidence suggests that each buried stone is roughly three metres long and 1.5 metres wide and is positioned horizontally, not vertically, in its earthen matrix. However, it’s conceivable that they originally stood vertically in the ground like other standing stones in Britain. It is thought that they were probably brought to the site shortly before 2500BC. They seem to have formed the southern arm of a c-shaped ritual ‘enclosure’, the rest of which was made up of an artificially scarped natural elevation in the ground. The c-shaped enclosure – more than 330 metres wide and over 400 metres long – faced directly towards the River Avon. The monument was later converted from a c-shaped to a roughly circular enclosure, now known as Durrington Walls – Britain’s largest pre-historic henge, roughly 12 times the size of Stonehenge itself. The ground-penetrating radar can detect archaeological sites to a depth of four metres As a religious complex, it would almost certainly have had a deeply spiritual and ritual connection with the river. But precisely why is a complete mystery, although it is possible that that particular stretch of water was regarded as a deity. The discovery of the buried stones is part of a much wider archaeological investigation into Stonehenge’s sacred landscape. A two-part special BBC Two documentary (Operation Stonehenge: What Lies Beneath), being shown this Thursday evening and next Thursday, is set to reveal the details of many of the investigation’s new discoveries. As well as revealing the previously unknown stones of Durrington Walls, the Anglo-Austrian-led investigation has succeeded in locating more than 60 other previously unknown pre-historic monuments. “It shows that, in terms of temples and shrines, Stonehenge was far from being alone,” said Professor Gaffney. Using ground-penetrating radar, magnetometry and other geophysical techniques to peer beneath the landscape’s surface, archaeologists have found around 17 other henge-like Neolithic and Bronze Age religious monuments, each between 10 and 30 metres in diameter. Some may well have consisted of circles of large timber posts – wooden equivalents of conventional prehistoric stone circles. But the archaeologists have also discovered around 20 large and enigmatic ritual pits – each up to five metres in diameter. Click HERE to view full-size version of graphic They have also discovered more than half a dozen previously unknown Bronze Age burial mounds – and four Iron Age shrines or tombs, as well as half a dozen Bronze Age and Iron Age domestic or livestock enclosures. In total, some 4.5 square miles of buried landscape has been surveyed by the joint Birmingham/Vienna team in an exercise that has taken four years to complete. Now the archaeologists plan to analyse the new data – in order to work out how all the newly discovered prehistoric monuments related to each other. Using avatar-based computer models, they are hoping to tease out exactly how Neolithic and Bronze Age people used Stonehenge’s landscape. Initial results suggest that some of the newly discovered shrines and other monuments grew up along processional ways or pilgrimage routes in Stonehenge’s sacred landscape. The 4.5 square mile survey is the largest of its kind ever carried out anywhere in the world. The large variety of ‘x-ray’ style techniques used have included more than half a dozen different systems. Magnetometry and electro-magnetic induction have been used to map underground features by firing electro magnetic energy into the ground and then measuring the inter-action of that energy with subterranean features such as buried pits, ditches and stones. Earth resistance and electrical resistivity imaging have gathered data on underground features by firing electrical energy into the ground and measuring differences in sub-surface resistance to it. A fifth technique, magnetic susceptibility analysis, helps archaeologists detect buried layers of burnt material, which often indicate ancient human activity. The system works because naturally occurring iron oxides in the ground can become magnetized through the process of being burnt. A final technique, microgravimetry, can also help detect subterranean features, especially cavities – by measuring tiny differences in local gravitational fields. The four year investigation into what lies beneath Stonehenge’s landscape has been carried out jointly by four UK universities (Birmingham, Bradford, St. Andrews and Nottingham) and two continental European institutions – the University of Ghent in Belgium and the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute in Austria. Ja sad doš'o da okačim :) Evo da dodam bar muzičku pratnju.
September 11, 201410 yr Našli su Erebus ili Teror
October 12, 201410 yr Video sam da ste ovaj članak postavljali par puta ali je uvek bio sitan, tj. nije moglo sve da se pročita.
October 19, 201410 yr Да ли је можда неко начуо да је надвојвода Франц Фердинанд, ђубре неопевано који је од квалитета имао једино нагон за убијањем, почело је са немерљивим количинама животињских врста, и сигурно је да би погинуо од руке активиста за права животиња да није било сарајевског атентата, који је Србе звао "оне свиње", који се плашио жене више него самог ђавола... итд, све сами квалитети - у ствари преживео атентат и завршио, а где би него у Јужној Америци... и ту је живео срећно до краја живота. А тај сценарио је већ поприлично отрцан, поготово на овим просторима - био је потребан повод за војну интервенцију.
October 19, 201410 yr Да ли је можда неко начуо да је надвојвода Франц Фердинанд, ђубре неопевано који је од квалитета имао једино нагон за убијањем, почело је са немерљивим количинама животињских врста, и сигурно је да би погинуо од руке активиста за права животиња да није било сарајевског атентата, који је Србе звао "оне свиње", који се плашио жене више него самог ђавола... итд, све сами квалитети - у ствари преживео атентат и завршио, а где би него у Јужној Америци... и ту је живео срећно до краја живота. А тај сценарио је већ поприлично отрцан, поготово на овим просторима - био је потребан повод за војну интервенцију. A otkud je ova vest?
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