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Stanje sveta 2013


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Kao i svake godine, Brus Sterling i Džon Lebkovski ćeretaju na WELL-u o tome kako izgleda svet na kraju godine i povlače tangente o tome šta to znači za budućnost. Malo su se, meni se čini, ispucali u odličnim diskusijama tokom prethodnih par krajeva godina, ali i ova je prilično zanimljiva... Ne ponajmanje zato što Sterling bude deo godine u BG, sa svojom ženom Jasminom Tešanović. Ako ništa, interesantno je pročitati opservacije Amerikanca, makar i ne-tipičnog, o stanju u Srbiji krajem 2012. :)Neki favoriti

As a nation, Serbia is a small republic -- but Belgrade is a metropolitan city. It cramps people's imaginations tobe stuck inside a tight little Ruritania. The city's too big for the nation.
I love those "civil society" guys. There's a group here in Belgrade called the "Center for Cultural Decontamination" that's been civilly decontaminating for, gosh, must be twenty years now. Things never feel any less contaminated for them. One gets the impression that,although they don't exactly love the contamination, they'd be at a loss for what to do without it.
Trajaće još nedelju dana, sigurno, pa se valja vraćati.http://www.well.com/...-St-page01.html Edited by Ariel
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