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Košarkaška Reprezentacija Srbije

Joe D

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Je l bese on ili burazer mu imao neku opasnu povredu bas posle zakucavanja?

Jovan je imao taj pad posle kucanja (podisao mu igrac ispod nogu kod kucanja, pao je direktno na potiljag glave, vrat)...bio sam u parteru bas pored kosa gde se to desilo...pao je stravicno...nije se pomerao minutima na podu, utakmica je prekinuta...cak se cinilo da ima neke trzaje nogu nekontrolisane, utisak je bio da je sjebao kicmeni stup na kraju..ipak su ga posle 5-10min digli sa parketa i otisao je sa terena...najjeziviji prizor na sportskim utakmicama kome sam prisustvovao

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kecman, koprivica i ko je bio treci klinac u beopetrolu u polednjoj njihovoj prvoligaskoj sezoni kad su ispali na kraju?

u jednoj sezoni bio je tu i Slavko Stefanovic (kasnije kapiten Zvezde), zatim Otasevic, Cabarkapa itd...igrali su sexy kosarku

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2016 FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournaments (OQTs)

- The 18 teams that will participate in the three 2016 FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournaments (OQTs) have been classified into six pots on the basis of their quality and geographical principles.

- Qualification for the Olympic Basketball Tournament at Rio 2016 began at the 2015 continental championships. As such, the key criterion in determining the quality of teams at the OQTs has been their performances at their respective regional championship last year. When teams from different regions are mixed in a same pot, another factor taken into account is the relative strength of the continents, based on their results at the 2014 FIBA Basketball World Cup.  

- The aim of the draw is to have three tournaments containing groups of similar quality and with teams from the same continents equally distributed across the OQTs.


Pot 1: France, Serbia and Greece

Pot 2: Italy, Czech Republic and Canada

Pot 3: Philippines, Iran and Japan

Pot 4: Angola, Tunisia and Senegal

Pot 5: Latvia, Croatia and Turkey

Pot 6: Mexico, Puerto Rico and New Zealand



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a ne uracunavas individualni napredak igraca i sticanje iskustva u godinu dana kao mogucnost?


nemojmo se zajebavati, ozbiljan sastav imaju kanadjani. ne znam kakav im je trener, ali igracki su puni. za cesku su avion

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