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Verujem ja tebi, da je tebi (a i drugima) super... Ja bih crko od straha da tako nešto vidim u kuhinji.Jbg ne volim da konzumiram vodena bića.

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I samo se repić jede. Mi se ovde smejali kako se na svim jezicima zove kao nešto "ružno", "djavolsko". Jedino je Englezi zovu monkfish. :D

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:kutak za ekoloski trenutak:

Angler Fish - Lophius piscatoriusAngler Fish or Lophius piscatorius is a bottom living fish which can grow to 50kg. It can swallow things almost as large as itself by inflating its body with water. Known to take sea birds off the surface. Seriously over-fished and endangered, there are few left of this size and most that are seen and caught are immature and have not even had chance to breed. Sold incorrectly in shops and restaurants as Monkfish, which is a totally different species belonging to the shark family.
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sad cu, samo da navucem opanke.ja jeo danas kajganu sa crnim lukom, najljucom kobajom na svet i parmezanom. i pio dobro belo ekolosko vino iz Galicije.

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