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Kladža pt2

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Male mi kvote. :D Recimo, 1&3+ na Atletiko je 1.67. Retko igram kvote manje od 2. Kod favorita ponekad volim da odigram tu mesavinu sa 2-3 jer su kvote uglavnom velike.Od Atletika se ocekuje da razbuca Seltu, ali ajd ostavicu ga.

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Ovo je vec pomak na bolje.FudbalArsenal 3+Inter 1Man City 1Barsa 2PSV 3+Real 3+Roma 3+NBAMiami dop>197.5LA Lakers h2(+0.5)NFLAtlanta 2Danasnji egzibicioni je hrabriji, posto igraju engleske lige:Leeds 3+Cardiff ggSheffield Wed ggPreston 3+Crewe ggFleetwood ggPort Vale 3+Ebbsfleet ggLuton ggDumbarton 3+East Stirling 3+

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Loše otvaranje. Inter nije mogao da pobedi tim koji je u očajnoj formi.Arsenal opet kilavi. Na poslednja 4 meča, samo jedan 3+, i to kada ga nisam odigrao.Biće valjda ostalo bolje, bar za pokriće.Jebo me fudbal. Koji ga djavo igram.Gomila odloženih niželigaških mečeva.Utovar na Roma 3+ u najavi. Malo me je strah posle Intera...Očekivao sam 4-0 ili tako nešto.

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Posle opsirne analize sledi i predlog za nocasnju NFL utakmicu:

I hope you didn't come here looking to confirm your thoughts that the Falcons are going to blow out a Detroit team who just got killed at Arizona! Detroit will be up for this game as they play well at home. If you look at their home games, they've been in every game beating Seattle and losing by 4 or less to GB, Houston and Indy. Atlanta is a good team, but they're no better than GB or Houston was when Detroit played them. Look for Detroit to stay within 4 or even possibly win this game straight up.
Ili konkretno:
Don't be a sheeple along with the other 70% who are throwing their loot into wind. Take Detroit, a bottle of pepto bismol and come back here and buy me a beer when this game cashes :)
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Ako se ne varam, treba im jos jedna pobeda da budu sigurni kao prvi u NFC. Poslednju igraju sa Tampom kuci, ali mozda ce pozuriti da rese nocas.

Edited by Nesh
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