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Poslednji film koji ste gledali Part II


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  daleko najbolji linčov, strejt stori




samo da potvrdim boldano, mislio sam da sam jedini koji tako misli.




Prokleti ljubitelji realizma.... :fantom:


Sad nemam vremena, jednom prilikom ću vam dokazati komparativnom alnalizom Blue Velvet, Mulholand dr. i Straight Story da su sva tri filma - nadrealizam, te da vas je Linč zajebao i nema ništa "straight" u Straight Story.

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donekle si (nehotično) u pravu - većina njegovih filmova mogu se svrstati u trop "nadrealizma", dočim strejt stori funkcioniše kao "irealizam"/"arealizam"


ali da ne smaram s neologizmima, po mom mišljenju, taj film jeste osebujan spram njegovog stvaralaštva

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Како сам преспојио сада, стварно осећам последице убрзавања форума. Дакле, прво сам помислио да се Зелајино "проклети љубитељи реализма" односи на све оне који обожавају Гравити, па сам прочитао да се прича Линчу и онда помислио да га Ајант пореди са Иваном Јордан. Штета, баш би били у праву да су све то стварно написали. :(

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Prokleti ljubitelji realizma.... :fantom:


Sad nemam vremena, jednom prilikom ću vam dokazati komparativnom alnalizom Blue Velvet, Mulholand dr. i Straight Story da su sva tri filma - nadrealizam, te da vas je Linč zajebao i nema ništa "straight" u Straight Story.


Pretek'o te Slavuj.


So, if Lynch's earlier films were also caught in this trap, what then about The Straight Story, based on the true case of Alvin Straight, an old, crippled farmer who motored across the American plains on a John Deere lawnmower to visit his ailing brother? Does this slow-paced story of persistence imply the renunciation to transgression, the turn towards naive immediacy of direct ethical stance of fidelity? The very title of the film undoubtedly refers to Lynch's previous opus: this is the straight story with regard to the "deviations" into the uncanny underworld from Eraserhead to The Lost Highway. However, what if the "straight" hero of Lynch's last film is effectively much more subversive than the weird characters who people his previous films? What if, in our postmodern world in which the radical ethical commitment is perceived as ridiculously out of time, he is the true outcast? One should recall here G.K.Chesterton's old perspicuous remark, in his "A Defense of Detective Stories," about how the detective story "keeps in some sense before the mind the fact that civilization itself is the most sensational of departures and the most romantic of rebellions. When the detective in a police romance stands alone, and somewhat fatuously fearless amid the knives and fists of a thieves' kitchen, it does certainly serve to make us remember that it is the agent of social justice who is the original and poetic figure, while the burglars and footpads are merely placid old cosmic conservatives, happy in the immemorial respectability of apes and wolves. /The police romance/ is based on the fact that morality is the most dark and daring of conspiracies."

What, then, if THIS is the ultimate message of Lynch's film - that ethics is "the most dark and daring of all conspiracies," that the ethical subject is the one who effectively threatens the existing order, in contrast to the long series of Lynchean weird perverts (Baron Harkonnen in Dune, Frank in Blue Velvet, Bobby Peru in Wild at Heart...) who ultimately sustain it?


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da i ne: teorija naivnih skupova (linčovi filmovi), podrazumeva da za svako svojstvo možemo formirati skup svih elemenata koji ga sadrže; rasel je to oborio sa čuvenim "ako je n takav skup, da li pripada sebi?" (da li linčov obrazac jeste skup koji odgovara podskupovima, te je li i sam podskup skupa koji formira?)


ovaj film jeste deo skupa, te zadovoljava njegove elementarne uslove, ali je takođe skup za sebe

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Ništa ja sad to više ne razumem, sve je to suviše pametno za mene. Kad kažem nadrealizam - mislim na stil, a ovo je sad neka filozofija, bem li ga... :huh:


edip - et Syme - pa da, Žižek već u "Perverznjakovom vodiču kroz film" tako analizira Blue Velvet da je jasna sličnost zahvata sa Mulholand dr. Prilično je slična stvar i sa Straight Story - to su tri "bratska filma".

Edited by kobni zelaya
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ma kapiram, naravno, zato i napisah arealizam, a u kontekstu toga da film nije, a za razliku od većeg dela opusa dotičnog, niti ispod, niti iznad, već po strani spram njegove percepcije stvarnosti - drugačiji na, po mojem rezonovanju, pozitivan način


da ne palamudim više - ae kada te ne bude mrzelo, izvuci stilsko-žanrovske sličnosti koje si pomenuo


edit: sad vidim tvoj edit spram tzv. žižeka - ne slažem se da strejt stori tu pripada, ali let's leave it at that

Edited by boshoku
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