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ako neko kojim slučajem naleti na link njihovog albuma Time Waits For No One nek bude dobar pa mi ga prosledi, hvala.





'UP AND OUT was a track that came together through 112 days of lockdown here in Melbourne. Our incredible collection of friends and community were our support network and sounding board through this time, some of who eventually went on to feature in the 8 person choir that you can hear throughout the track. Everyone recorded their vocals from their makeshift studio setups and let us piece together the puzzle. We both feel pretty strongly about being able to talk with your friends through your problems and although we were all spread out across the city's north, creatively we managed to come together and create something positive through a really tough time. We think of this song as a bit of a celebration and maybe it was ironically yet appropriately titled in 2019 before any of this went down. It's a fun, throwback tune to the early 2000's - enjoy and we'll see you on the dancefloor soon enough!' :heart:



Posted (edited)

Na ripit danas


 if you're telling me what I'm telling you

then you got to take me home

There's a part of me and a part of you

that could never leave it alone



Edited by mustang

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