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Posted (edited)

Songs of joy!


Jedna iz mladosti, a onda jedna iz povratničkog dela karijere: fantastični (živi) kaver Bitlsa:



Edited by Ras

hvala za drugi yt.

dom mariani je, sem sto je drugi najbolji gitarista pertha, naparavio taj bend samo da bi me jebao u mozak.

ovo je vrlo podlozno promenamanma:


-odem u kafanu - svira

-youtube - izbacuje mi da kliknem

-mislim o zivotu - tu je

-ne znam gde je

-stvarno ne znam jel ima italijansku mater i oca, mada prezime vice

-bog otac, a jedna je majka

-tears me in two

-cuvaj se, care.


da dodam dva na rasova dva:


drugi je  jebiga:




 a prvi:





2 minutes ago, holden kolfild said:


-take cuvaj se, care.

















10 minutes ago, holden kolfild said:


dom mariani je, sem sto je drugi najbolji gitarista pertha




Nikad čuo... a koji je prvi (radoznalost)?

NP. The Stems... više volim da otkrivam nove stare ozi bendove nego leba da jedem.

Posted (edited)


7 minutes ago, Ras said:

The Triffids?



The Drones su takođe originalno iz Pertha. Kao i The Smrts. :D 




I neke od najjačih lirika ozi roka (Gaz Liddiard)


Ether was the town where I was born
They pulled iron from the ground
And knife wounds from the port
They built a prison and it tempered in the sun
It rose up off a plateau like the last tooth in a gum
You went there by train and you would never be the same


They made the blacks live outside of town
The weekend come they'd tear the whole place down
The Chinese came without weekends at all
And the whites complained the pay was better
Shooting them in the war
Home may be where the calm blinds
But I could see that they weren't lying



Edited by Indy
11 minutes ago, Indy said:

The Smrts. :D 



Mislim da su stvari sada jasne.



Začudilo me ono drugi.



Nisam ja toliko promućuran, razjasnilo mi se na PM.


U međuvremenu sam našao Soviet Valves na Spotify. Ima 4 stvari, baš osvežavajuće.




@ supertramp

Danas su ovakvi tatui naprosto obavezni. Posebno u Brunswicku;)


Super izbor roxi.



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