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ma našao sam na discogsu kopi pejstom al kako su ti na radiju dali hint šta da tražiš to mi nije jasno :lol:


^_^ e ne secam se, potrazicu podcast kad ugrabim malo vremena, pa javim.



Ima ona aplikacija za telefone sto prepoznaje pesme. Par puta sam pustio neke kasete mississippi rec, nema pojma


dadada, bese shazam, zar ne? genijalna alatka.

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aj sad ponovo (citala vas na brzinu):


@maheem, evo, nadjoh ti podkast (u plejlisti je info. uopste se ne secam najave, znam samo da sam naknadno potrazila na sajtu plejlistu. tu su i rusi. ima tu jos odlicnih stvari).  stvar je sa king records.


@plasticni, tek sad vidim da je to bila negativna kritika. no, sigurno vredi za masu toga.

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sad mi je jasno, tupadžija, nisam skontao tracklist

shazam je nekad car a nekad gluperda

btw sećam se da su u nekoj od epizoda Top Geara pričali kako su u UK početkom novog milenijuma imali telefonski servis (ne sećam se četvorocifrenog broja) koji možeš da pozoveš i pustiš im stvar sa zvučnika a oni je prepoznaju i pošalju ti podatke o numeri.

google zna to bolje. to je u stvari bio početak Shazama:




Early days of the service
Initially, in 2002, the service was launched only in the UK and was known as "2580", as the number was the shortcode that customers dialled from their mobile phone to get music recognised.[3] The phone would automatically hang up after 30 seconds. A result was then sent to the user in the form of a text message containing the song title and artist name. At a later date, the service also began to add hyperlinks in the text message to allow the user to download the song online.[28]

Shazam launched in the US on the AT&T Wireless network in 2004 in a joint offering with Musicphone, a now defunct San Francisco-based company. The service was free at launch with AT&T saying that it would charge USD0.99 for each use in future.[29]

In 2006, users were charged £0.60 per call or had unlimited use for £4.50 a month, as well as an online service to keep track of all tags.[28]
Edited by maheem
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