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Ovo izvesno nije Pattin najbolji uradak, ali je zato ova recenzija na Pitchforku olimpijski sampion u pljuvanju (i u dalj, i sa motkom).



...Smith loves to be taken seriously as a poet, so I'll pretend to be Harold Bloom and deal with her so-called poetry as if I were analyzing the great works of the Western Canon. On "Grateful," I stopped paying attention as soon as she employed that hackneyed "ship in a bottle" metaphor: "Like a ship in a bottle/ Held up to the sun/ Sails ain't going nowhere." Uh, is that anything like time in a bottle? A message in a bottle, maybe?


"Upright Come" is a condescending Jim Morrison-esque sermon to the lumpen rabble. See, Patti "Moses" Smith looks down upon you and I as entranced, mystified mortals desperately in need of her spiritual guidance counseling: "Awake, people, arise!/ Fortune is falling like tears from the skies/ Open your eyes!" Ah, blow me, Patti! How's that for a Harold Bloom impression?




PS. Uopste nije toliko los album... recimo, pesadijski.



Harold Bloom bi pre svega nabio ovog sa pitchforka na svoj pitchfork, pa onda tako redom, dalje, dok ne bi ceo pitchfork natakao na pitchfork! 


preslusao sve, gomila pozitivne energije :thumbsup:


  • Wub 1




ovo zvuci malo ko da pozni swansi sviraju riblju corbu.

  • +1 1

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