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DOOM! DOOM IS UPON US! (Raspad naseg drustva, pbp)

Аврам Гојић

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To me i nervira, što se klibere...


Meni izgleda kao da su im rekli da se mole dobrom duhu iz Jure, inače otkaz, pa su svi pali ničice, a ovi sa strane se smeju jadnicima...


Želeo bih da ima neki drugi razlog za ovu fotku, prosto mi nije ljudski da se neko iživljava ovako...

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ja neshto ne verujem u marketing di su ljudi chetvoronoshke. pa kakav god.

Niste proaktivni bubo..polako, jos malo investitora i svi ce verujemo


Sent from my Lenovo P1ma40 using Tapatalk

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Sve je objasnjeno u objasnjenju  :fantom:




Serbian managers and office staff in Korean factory Yura Corporation (South Korean manufacturer of cables for the automotive industry in Nis, SERBIA) literally forced to bow to the ground and humiliate themselves in numerous ways.
After refusal to bow on quality meetings to their Korean jobholders, Serbian staff was instructed to participate in this briefly organized show which solely purpose was to make them kneel and bow their heads to the ground, despite numerous objections and contrary to their christian religious believes as prostration is considered to be the ultimate act of physical humility and veneration. Notice that Korean managers are using their traditional bow as an act of submission and not an act of respect simply by not bowing in return but instead making a fist in the air sign that represents domination.
Edited by MancMellow
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sad tek ne razumem? jel ce morati i da se uzmu po 4 zene na stan, hranu i mnozenje, u beogradu na vodi?


a lc waikiki tek shta ce da nam radi istorijski :o. u janjichare -_-




zezanje, jelda? :unsure:

Edited by gospa buba
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Dobro jel ima neko pelene ovde?


Eto vidite da je sve bilo izmišljeno!


Ovi sto su pristali da klece, oni mogu na pisanje jedared dnevno..jel vidis da su nasmejani.


Jaci su mi utisak ovi Korejci..jebote, kao da se kod Kineza oblace i obuvaju. Kad ih vidim u tim jaknama koje im je dodelila firma, kao da gledam neku tucnjavu sa Dzeki Cenom iz 80-ih.

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