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DOOM! DOOM IS UPON US! (Raspad naseg drustva, pbp)

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janko (pre 3 sata i 24 minuta)Pre par dana su komšinici cigani strgli lančić sa vrata na izlazu iz zgrade. Cigana ima najviše naseljeno oko buvljaka, ali se ta teritorija širi i na Gajevu ulicu, na Bajsko groblje gde ne smete nositi torbicu jer će vam je oteti, a specijalnost im je upadanje u tuđe domove i pljačkanje istih. Donedavno mi je bilo nerazumljivo zašto je Hitler mrzio cigane. Treba uvesti patrole građana, s obzirom da se MUP pokazao neefikasnim zajedno sa sudovima, jer ih na sudu u većini slučajeva oslobađaju pa oni nastavljaju svoje delatnosti.icon-thumb-up.png[24] | icon-thumb-down.png[2]janko (pre 3 sata i 24 minuta)
Evo kako otprilike izgleda ono što je masovno pisano na forumu onomad na temu prepuštanja građanima da procenjuju kako treba braniti svoju imovinu
Posted (edited)

Gluposti i lupetanja!EDIT. Ti si, uostalom, dokazano ogranicen covek.

Edited by Indy
Sa druge strane kad pogledas rezultate nekih istrazivanja, recimo World Values Survey iz 2000-te, ne dobija se slika da su stanovnici Srbije posebno neprijateljski raspolozeni prema Romima. Naprimer, samo 18% Srba ne bi zelelo da ima Rome za susede (stvarna cifra je sigurno veca, jer ispitanici cesto daju PC odgovore, ali to verovatno vazi u istoj meri za ispitanike iz svih drzava), spram 37% Britanaca, 40% Francuza, 32% Nemaca, 56% Italijana, 35% Belgijanca, 39% Hrvata, 77% Slovaka, 40% Ceha, 25% Luksemburzana, 37% Portugalaca, 51% Rumuna itd. Samo su stanovnici skandinavskih zemalja i Danske i Holandije uporedivi sa Srbima po prihvatanju Roma. Elem, ili su stanovnici Srbije izuzetni po sklonosti ka laganju u anketama, ili su medju tolerantnijim narodima u Jevropi, glede Roma.
Izgleda da se problem za 10 godina pogorsao ili da statistike variiraju vajdli u zavisnosti od trenutnog raspolozenja:
Roma make up 2-3% of population in the Czech Republic. According to Říčan (1998), Roma make up more than 60% of Czech prisoners and about 20-30% earn their livelihood in illegal ways, such as prostitution, trafficking and other property crimes.[42] Roma are thus more than 20 times overrepresented in Czech prisons than their population share would suggest.The high crime rate and asocial behavior creates fear and hostility. According to 2010 survey, 83% of Czechs consider Roma asocial and 45% of Czechs would like to expel them from the Czech Republic.[43] A 2011 poll, which followed after a number of brutal attacks by Romani perpetrators against majority population victims, revealed that 44% of Czechs are afraid of Roma people.[44] The majority of the Czech people do not want to have Romanies as neighbours (almost 90%, more than any other group[45]) seeing them as thieves and social parasites. In spite of long waiting time for a child adoption, Romani children from orphanages are almost never adopted by Czech couples.[46] After the Velvet Revolution in 1989 the jobs traditionally employing Romanis either disappeared or were taken over by immigrant workers.
Ovo je mala repriza onog I Don't Like Mondays; This Livens Up The Day:
College baseball player Christopher Lane, 22, was shot in the back in the town of Duncan on Friday.Police said one of the accused admitted Lane was killed for "the fun of it".Chancey Luna, 16, and James Edwards, 15, were charged with first-degree murder; Michael Dewayne Jones, 17, has been named as accessory to the crime.Lane, from Melbourne, had been visiting his girlfriend's family in Duncan. He was entering his final year at East Central University in the city of Ada, some 85 miles (137km) east of the town.'We were bored'Because of the severity of their alleged crime, all three of the accused will be tried in adult court.At Tuesday's hearing, Michael Dewayne Jones cried after he tried to speak about the incident but was cut short by the judge, who said the facts of the case would be determined at another hearing.Bail for him was set at $1m (£640,000). The two younger accused were denied bail.Duncan Police Chief Danny Ford told local television on Monday that one suspect had said Lane was killed at random._69400306_69400305.jpgFrom left, James Francis Edwards, 15, Michael Dewayne Jones, 17, and Chancey Allen Luna, 16, are being tried as adults"They saw Christopher go by, and one of them said, 'there's our target,'" Chief Ford said."The boy who has talked to us said, 'we were bored and didn't have anything to do, so we decided to kill somebody.'"Mr Ford said they followed Lane in a car and shot him once in the back before driving off.
Posted (edited)

Brojka dana: U Srbiji 760 parova ceka na usvajanje deteta. Broj parova koji bi bili spremni da usvoje romsko dete: 0.kapiram da je sasvim racionalna stvar u pitanju, boje se da im romsko dete ne obori vrednost nekretnine :fantom:

Edited by Marko M. Dabovic

joooj, to je zla tema. jednom sam upoznao lika koji je bio neko mudo u zvecanskoj, mozda cak i direktor :isuse:zlatna kajla od pola kile, rolex, najnoviji dzip...


Pa, ništa zato, siguran sam da će napredni članovi ovog foruma usvojiti barem neko od te romske dece.

Posted (edited)

@indya sto ti sad ovo treba?

Edited by aram

mozda zato sto se insistira na kontria i miralem ga iznervirao


Pa da, sačuvaj bože da se nešto stvarno uradi. Ovo je forum samo za kukanje.Laku noć.


Idem i ja cas posla do azila da usvojim jedno Romce, trebace mi jos jedan litterbox i to je otprilike to :)

Posted (edited)

opet @indy, samo se utrpava ovaj dabovic.pa nije problem, kapiram da bi ti mogao da usvojis nekoliko...laku noc i tebi.

Edited by aram

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