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DOOM! DOOM IS UPON US! (Raspad naseg drustva, pbp)

Аврам Гојић

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To svetsko prvenstvo će biti najveća sramota u inače vrlo sramotnoj istoriji FIFA.


edit et mackenzie

Edited by Dr Arslanagić
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Evo još jedna u duhu fudbala.

There are accounts from construction managers:


... and cleaners:

I went on site this morning at 5:00 a.m. and there was blood everywhere. I don't know what happened, but it was covered up with no report. When I reported this, I was told that if I didn't stop complaining, I would be dismissed.


When I first arrived in Qatar, my living conditions were horrible. For three months, I and 15 others who arrived together were forced to sleep on the floor on thin mattresses. We complained to the Qatar National Human Rights Committee about this and were moved into another accommodation. But even now eight people share one bedroom, 16 people share a bathroom and 35 people share a kitchen.


Nikakav problem, treba samo da pređu kod drugog poslodavca ako im se ne sviđaju uslovi. Pa će prvi poslodavac u kompeticiji sa drugim da poboljšava uslove rada. Posebno za najbolje radnike efekat će biti veći, jer poslodavcu ide u prilog da stimuliše svoje najbolje radnike boljim uslovima. Pa eto, nek se ovi radnici malo potrude da budu bolji, i njihov trud neće proći nezapaženo poslodavca koji će to adekvatno nagraditi da ne bi ostao bez najboljih radnika.

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