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DOOM! DOOM IS UPON US! (Raspad naseg drustva, pbp)

Аврам Гојић

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  :unsure: (ovo podvlachim jer je izgleda doshlo vreme kad nishta nije bitno, shipka, diploma, baba, dida, nema veze :ph34r:)


sve to ima svoje, shto bi reko onaj <_<


U manjim mestima je ovo pogotovu jako vidljivo..Ili ce te gurati stranka ili ce roditelj da grize, sutira i udara oko sebe da te zaposli, po mogucstvu na svoje mesto. Postali smo kao Indija, delimo se na nekakve kaste. Ako ti je stari dimnjacar, vatrogasac ili hirurg..i ti ces to isto da budes,hteo ne hteo, milom ili silom. Na neko drugo mesto svakako neces upasti. Mnoge se zivotne drame tako stvaraju..mnogi snovi nikada ne stignu da se ostvare..mnogi se osuse u 30. godini zarobljeni na poslu koji ne vole a za koji su isuvise malo placeni da bi zaradom izdrzavali porodicu.

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Nisu krali struju da bi uštedeli pare, nego da ne bi skretali pažnju na sebe sa visokim računima. Posle 5-6 računa bi im neko zakucao da 

ih pita na šta im odlazi ta silna struja.

sad se setih jednog filma

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Police in Texas have arrested a 14-year-old boy for building a clock. Ahmed Mohamed, who lives in Irving and has a keen interest in robotics and engineering, put the device together on Sunday night. When he took it to school the next day, he was pulled out of class, interviewed by police officers, and taken in handcuffs to juvenile detention, after being told by teachers that his creation looked like a bomb.


Ahmed told The Dallas Morning News that he showed his clock — a simple device, created from a circuit board and a power supply wired to a digital display, all strapped inside a case with a tiger hologram on the front — to his engineering teacher first, who advised him not to show any other staff members at MacArthur High School. He originally kept it in his bag during English class, but his teacher heard it beep during the lesson — when Ahmed showed her his home-made clock at the end of class, she took it away from him. In sixth period, the school principal came for Ahmed with a police officer in tow, arresting him and marching him out of school. The schoolboy says he was interrogated by five officers, who asked why he was trying to make a bomb, and was threatened with expulsion by his Principal unless he made a written statement.

Irving police might still charge Ahmed with making a "hoax bomb." Police spokesperson James McLellan said Ahmed "kept maintaining it was a clock" when he was brought in for interrogation, but that he offered "no broader explanation." When asked by The Dallas Morning News what broader explanation Ahmed could have given for a clock that was actually a clock, McLellan said the creation "could reasonably be mistaken as a device if left in a bathroom or under a car." A police report released on Tuesday cites three MacArthur High teachers as complainants against Ahmed for the "hoax bomb."




Edited by Lezilebovich
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Dobro, mozda su i drotovi po skolama malo nervozni s' obzirom da svako malo neko pripuca i pobije decu u skolama, ali sigurno nije to bio razlog u ovom slucaju jerbo nije bilo mrtvih ima vec mesec dana, nego je bikoz he iz blek mudžos.

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extra mu je sat baš je čudnovato što su ga priveli  :fantom:


Čudnovato je samo glupsonima što su u ovome videli bombu što odbrojava. (ali tako izgledaju bombe u filmovima!)


Po veličina i konektora za 9V bateriju rekao bih da ova kofernjača nije veća od A5 formata.

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Čudnovato je samo glupsonima što su u ovome videli bombu što odbrojava. (ali tako izgledaju bombe u filmovima!)


Po veličina i konektora za 9V bateriju rekao bih da ova kofernjača nije veća od A5 formata.




ne mogu da odlučim da li je lepši kao zidni ručni ili vekerica  :fantom:

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ne mogu da odlučim da li je lepši kao zidni ručni ili vekerica  :fantom:


ovo je igračka, funkcionalnost i  lepota nisu prioritet.

i matori konji (me included) se igraju pa prave ovakve stvari a kamoli klinac od 14 godina.


a zaista je za doom zatupljenost mase što u ovome vidi pretnju, pa vezuje lisicama i uzima otiske

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