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DOOM! DOOM IS UPON US! (Raspad naseg drustva, pbp)

Аврам Гојић

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U Putinistanu zakonski nije moguće da bilo ko od civila ima kratkocevno oružje, te je ovo bez dileme primerak s crnog tržišta. Da li je kupio otac ili ona, suštinski je nebitno.

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Ja ne vidim ništa pravno problematično u odgovoru. Taj ceo Zakon ima 4 člana, od kojih su 2 prelazne i završne odredbe, i kaže samo da je zabranjena izgradnja nuklearnih elektrana i postrojenja za preradu goriva, ne i upotreba gotovih nuklearnih reaktora.

Edited by Ayatollah
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1 hour ago, Ayatollah said:

Ja ne vidim ništa pravno problematično u odgovoru. Taj ceo Zakon ima 4 člana, od kojih su 2 prelazne i završne odredbe, i kaže samo da je zabranjena izgradnja nuklearnih elektrana i postrojenja za preradu goriva, ne i upotreba gotovih nuklearnih reaktora.

Cek bre malo, koja je razlika izmedju gradnje i upotrebe nuklearnih reaktora u Srbiji? I taj mali modularni mora da se stacionira i instalira, dakle izgradi i u Srbiji. Ovo je u fazonu da ja zabranim gradnju kuca u Kosutnjaku a onda neki kinez dotera vec izgradjenu montaznu kucu i samo je posadi tu i kaze, jbg, nije napravljena ovde. 


Svi znamo zasto je zabranjena gradnja nuklearnih elektrana u Srbiji, ova ideja je uzasna, radi se o reaktoru ciji je razvoj tek zavrsen a prvi takav nije jos ni u Kini izgradjen. I treba da ga opsluzuje privatna Kineska firma u Srbiji.


Ne mogu naci nista na internetu o ovome, samo se nadam da se odustalo od ove sulude ideje. 

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Pa nije to skineš reaktor s kamiona/voza/čegagod, staviš u zgradu, povežeš par kablova i imaš nuklearku za 3 dana/nedelje/meseca. Kinezi 2 godine grade to i još je nisu pustili u rad.




China has started construction of the first commercial onshore nuclear project using its homegrown "Linglong One" small modular reactor (SMR) design, the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) said on Tuesday, about four years later than planned.

CNNC originally aimed to start building the project at the Changjiang nuclear reactor complex on the island province of Hainan in 2017, but it has been subject to regulatory delays.

The "Linglong One", also known as the ACP100, was the first SMR to be approved by the International Atomic Energy Agency in 2016. Each unit has power generating capacity of 125 megawatts (MW).

China / Core Module Installed At Linglong One SMR

The core module has been installed within the reactor building of the ACP100 small modular reactor demonstration project in southern China, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) has announced.
Construction began in July 2021 on a site next to the existing Changjiang nuclear power station in the island province of Hainan, southern China


Edited by vememah
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26 minutes ago, Frank Pembleton said:

Ja nemam nikakve informacije da li je ovo što sam okačio uopšte istina.

Ako je fejk, izvinjavam se...

Smatraću, diskusije radi, da je dopis Ministarstva energetike autentičan.

Kao takav, on predstavlja, kao što je @Ayatollah lepo napisao, samo pravno tumačenje datog Zakona od strane Ministarstva, a izdato na upit neke stranke.

To je sve.


I to je užasno daleko od realne mogućnosti da se u Srbiji uvede SMR tehnologija i dobije licenca za rad.

Za početak, morao bi postojeći pravni okvir (zakon, pravilnici) da se redefiniše... 

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https://www.euronews.rs/biznis/biznis-vesti/47976/modularni-nuklearni-reaktori-mali-su-i-jeftiniji-mogu-se-sklapati-ali-jesu-li-resenje-za-energetski-sistem-srbije/vest (2022)



Nuklearne elektrane pouzdan su izvor energije širom sveta, ali ne i u Srbiji. Izgradnja nuklearnih elektrana u našoj zemlji zabranjena je Zakonom, koji je donet 1989. godine, tri godine nakon katastrofe u Černobilju, i koji je i danas na snazi. 
Kako se najavljuje, ove godine bi trebalo da bude gotova nova strategija razvoja energetike, uglja je sve manje, traže se novi izvori, a od političara se čuje da se razmišlja i o modularnim nuklearnim elektranama. 


Jel to ovo?



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Micro Modular Reactors su podskup Small Modular Reactors (SMR). Ovaj dopis pita za SMR.


U nastavku dame link na IAEA publikaciju iz septembra 2022. godine, koja nabraja sve do sada razvijene tipove SMR: https://aris.iaea.org/Publications/SMR_booklet_2022.pdf

Sve o SMR tipa ACP-100 koji se pominje u dopisu, možete pročitati na stranama 15-18 dokumenta koji je dat na linku.


Korisni deo za upoznavanje sa tematikom je preuzet iz uvoda ove publikacije:

Climate change presents us with a stark challenge, that is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions much faster than has been done so far or face the increasingly catastrophic consequences of an inexorably warming planet. The world needs to harness all low-carbon sources of energy to meet the Paris Agreement goal of limiting the rise in global temperatures to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. Use of renewables such as wind and solar power is growing, while nuclear power continues to make a significant contribution to energy supply, energy security and grid stability. Of all the low-carbon energy sources, nuclear power is one of the few, if not the only one, that can generate at scale all the main energy carriers: electricity, heat, and hydrogen. Advanced nuclear reactor technologies, particularly Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) including microreactors, are designed to not only produce base load and dispatchable carbon-free electricity but also to supply other clean energy products needed to decarbonize energy-intensive sectors such as the transport sector, the building sector, industrial heat applications, and desalination. SMRs are also designed with enhanced operability to enable flexible operation with variable renewables.


There is increasing interest in SMRs and their applications. During the International Conference on Climate Change and the Role of Nuclear Power held in September 2019, SMRs were considered by many Member States as a potential viable nuclear option to contribute in mitigating the climate change. Following on this conference, in April 2021, the IAEA launched the IAEA Platform on Small Modular Reactors and their Applications (the SMR Platform), a mechanism that coordinates the IAEA’s activities in this field and provides a ‘one‐stop shop’ for Member States and other stakeholders. The SMR Platform offers expertise from the entire Agency, encompassing all aspects relevant to the development, early deployment, and oversight of SMRs and their applications.


SMRs are advanced reactors with a power capacity of typically up to 300 MW(e) per unit, which is about one-third of the generating capacity of traditional nuclear power reactors and whose components and systems can be shop fabricated and then transported as modules to the sites for installation as demand arises. Most of the SMR designs adopt advanced safety features and are deployable either as a single or multi- module plant. SMRs are under development for all principal reactor technology lines: water-cooled reactors, high temperature gas-cooled reactors, liquid metal-cooled fast neutron spectrum reactors, molten salt reactors, and microreactors. The key driving forces of SMR development are fulfilling the need for flexible power generation for a wider range of users and applications, replacing ageing fossil-fired units, enhancing safety performance, and offering better economic affordability.


SMRs are envisioned for niche electricity or energy markets where large reactors would not be viable. SMRs could provide cogeneration for heat, hydrogen production, desalination for small electricity grids, remote and off-grid areas, and enabling hybrid nuclear-renewables energy systems. Through modularisation technology, SMRs target at the economies of serial production with shorter installation or construction time. Near-term deployable SMRs are expected to have safety performance comparable or better to that of evolutionary reactor designs.

With smaller footprints, SMRs are expected to have flexibility in siting and allow them to be tailored to the energy needs of regional or industrial clusters. The modularity and advanced safety features make SMRs attractive to industries and countries with smaller grid sizes and little to no expertise of operating nuclear plants. Some transportable turnkey systems are being developed and deployed that are completely built in a shipyard factory, delivered to remote sites, or exported to other countries as a marine plant for plug and play for electricity and heat supply. The possibility of siting SMRs in remote, off-grid communities enhance theaccess of such community to clean electricity and heat. These advantages relate well with the floating power plants concepts based on SMRs.


Although SMRs are designed for lower upfront capital cost per unit, their economic competitiveness is still to be proven.


There are more than eighty (80) SMR designs under development and deployment at different stages in 18 IAEA Member States.

Several major milestones have been reached in SMR technology deployment:

  • The Akademik Lomonosov floating power unit in the Russian Federation with two-module KLT-40S was connected to the grid in December 2019 and started commercial operation in May 2020.
  • The HTR-PM demonstrator in China was connected to the grid in December 2021 and is expected to reach full power operation by the end of 2022.
  • The CAREM25 in Argentina is under construction and is expected to reach first criticality in 2026.
  • The construction of ACP100 in China started in July 2021 and is targeted to start commercial operation by the end of 2026.
  • The construction of BREST-OD-300 in Russian Federation began in June 2021 and is planned to be completed in 2026.
  • The NuScale Power ModuleTM in the United States has received Standard Design Approval from U.S. NRC in September 2020. The NRC has directed to issue a final rule that certifies NuScale’s SMR design for use in the United States.
Edited by pt 2.0
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Šta tu ima da se experimentiše, dovoljno je da se iskopira dizajn koji se decenijama koristi na podmornicama i nosačima aviona :happy:

Avaj velikim silama je važnije da sačuvaju tehnološku prednost svojih mornarica od globalnog zagrevanja...



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