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DOOM! DOOM IS UPON US! (Raspad naseg drustva, pbp)

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Aha, "protivgradne". Najverovatnije je ovo.

Company EDePro (Engine Development and Production) is today regional leader in propulsion systems solutions for solid rockets, turbo jet powered missiles and production of energetic materials.

EDePro has a long tradition. The foundations of the Company were laid more than twenty years ago, when the Laboratory for Jet Propulsion was founded in 1985. at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Belgrade. Under the leadership of its general manager Professor Branislav Jojić, PhD, EDePro today has grown into a successful, internationally renowned company.

EDePro is engaged in the research, development, production, and trade in the new, and modernization of the existing munitions and defense equipment, as well as in the application of high-tech solutions in hailstorm defense, as well as in other civilian applications.

Our engineering flexibility allows us to meet our customer’s expectations for high performance, quality, reliability, efficiency and fast solutions for tech products in defense and complementary industries.

Website http://www.edepro.com
Industries Defense & Space
Company size 201-500 employees
Headquarters Belgrade, Leštane
Type Privately Held
Founded 1985


Edited by vememah
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Према првим незваничним информацијама, експлозија се десила у фабрици ЕДЕПРо у Лештанима. Ово предузеће се истицало у производњи ракетних, турбомлазних погонских група, као и ракетних горива различитих типова и намена. Полиција и Хитна помоћ су на лицу места. Према незваничним информацијама у овој несрећи има и мртвих.


Edited by vememah
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Hehe, taj edepro rade rakete Alas i jedan je od prvih potpisnika ugovora sa Arapima, u ono vreme kad su masovno isli po Srbiji i kupovali sve, Bg na vodi, Kopaonik, PKB, e ta raketa im je privukla paznju i isao je razvoj za Saudijsku Arabiju. Sad se vidi sto nece kod sebe da razvijaju.

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Ne treba likovati nesposobnosti naprednih kadrova koji su preuzeli bukvalno sve u ovoj drzavi jer ce ovde biti sasvim sigurno mnogo zrtava koje nisu krive sto ih neki idiot sa clanskom doveo do tragedije. 

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Dve osobe poginule su danas u eksploziji fabrike raketa na Kružnom putu koja se dogodila nešto posle 14 sati.

Kako saznajemo, za trećom osobom se traga.



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