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naucni vocap - kad necete da smarate posten svet


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e da, a muz mi se bavi topologijom tako da uspeva da savije stvari kroz neke vise dimenzije pa natrag u trecu i onda stane vise toga unutra.nemamo previse stvari, trudimo se da nam nista ne skuplja prasinu.

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sad je kuca polucista, stvari poluspakovane, a grant polunapisan. kill me please.
ay :(.sto mrzim selidbe i pakovanje. pakovala sam se pre godinu i po jedno 7 dana, a pakovanje je trajalo do 2 am (avion je poletao u 6 am), stvari su putovale kamionom.
Cisto radoznalosti radi: ako nije tajna, koliko kutija ste napunili? J
nisam brojala ali mnogo, svakih par dana sam dovlacila nove kutije. jednosoban stan bez previse namestaja. skoro tona, a XY kg sam bacila i donirala pre puta. na kraju mi je transport kompanija, kada su mi vec doterali stvari, naplatila 500$ vise od procene, jer je izmeren kamion tezio vise :isuse: . knjige i casopisi tj. sva hartija su najtezi. najveci broj tih kutija sa papirima stoji neraspakovano vec godinu i po...treba se opet seliti :D.
a jel vi inostranci nabavite negde te kutije leglano, il se kao mi tuchete sa manjiskom bracom oko maksija i pijace? ^_^da prosti vocap.
tucemo se :D.iz okolnih prodavnica, besplatno. najocuvanije su one iz prodavnica alkoholnih pica i radnji za printanje/fotokopiranje -_- . da ne gresim dusu, moji transporteri su mi poklonili onu ogromnu kutiju (koja kosta jedno 20$) i u nju spakovali nerasklopljen bicikl.
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kad se budem selio zovem vas u pomoć. sve 4. :thumbsup:
ja vishe necu seliti nikoga batice, svi danci bogovima selidbe su mi vec placeni ^_^jedino iz svog u svoje, posredovano sedmicom na 1 lotou -_-
smuljasmo neki izveštaj na kraju...
chuj smuljasmo <_<ja dajem toliko dobre izveshtaje da se svaki put zapanjim kad ih pogledam posle godinu dana :o :isuse:narochito ciljeve :lolol:mislim, III, koordinacija 36 ljudi u realnom vremenu. trebalo mi je skoro 2 dana da postignem da svi prvo udare pechat na doktorante, pa tek onda skeniraju :rolf: Edited by thermal bug
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Ja se inače selim ponovo u avgustu, a onda najverovatnije ponovo u periodu mart-jun 2014te u neznanom smeru globusa*. Cilj, ideja, smisao mog života do avgusta je da sve ponovo stane u isti broj kutija koje sam danas prenela u novi stan.Kutije sam kupila, tj kupila sam novih deset a ostatak su mi od prethodih selidbi.

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Eh, kad se setim.Prekookeanska selidba.Pakovanje dve nedelje uz rad.Nerviranje oko kompanije koja da neverovatno dobru ponudu za avionsku selidbu (umesto brodske) da bi u trenutku potvrde ugovora rekli, eh, zajebali smo se.Moja supruga je vesto pretila advokatom koji je vec iznajmljen i tako nekako sklopismo cemnu koja je bila prihvatljiva za sve.35 kutija.4 kofera sa nama u avion.Posle nerviranje oko speditera koji tvrdi da su nam stvari zaplenjene u Majamiju jer se proverava droga i da je moguce da ih vrate nazad za Britaniju. Ispostavilo se, moron je zapisao pogresan broj posiljke.Sve stvari stigle neosteceno (osim jedne vaze) a moron spediter nam naplatio vise posto su u lokalnoj carini njegovom greskom stvari visile vise nego sto je trebalo.To je bila treca selidba u periodu Februar 2011 - Avgust 2012, prva lokalna iz jednog stana u drugi, druga regionalna iz jednog grada u drugi, i treca je opisana.Sporazum sa suprugom sklopljen: Nema selidbe u narednih pet godina.

Edited by Budja
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uf što volim beskonačna grickanja za guzice između 2 strane gde ja nisam ni na jednoj strani, niti želim da budeme sad, niko me ni ne primorava (zasad), ali mi svi pričaju sve, a ja ne moram baš sve da znam™bwt još se i radi na istom projektu, koji će trajati 3 godine, sreća, sreća, radost :D

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Is Blogging Unscholarly?January 29, 2014 By Carl StraumsheimThe political science blogosphere has erupted in protest after the International Studies Association unveiled a proposal to bar members affiliated with its scholarly journal from doing just that -- blogging.“No editor of any ISA journal or member of any editorial team of an ISA journal can create or actively manage a blog unless it is an official blog of the editor’s journal or the editorial team’s journal,” the proposal reads. “This policy requires that all editors and members of editorial teams to apply this aspect of the Code of Conduct to their ISA journal commitments. All editorial members, both the Editor in Chief(s) and the board of editors/editorial teams, should maintain a complete separation of their journal responsibilities and their blog associations.”The Governing Council of the ISA, which consists of about 50 voting members, will debate the proposal the day before the association’s annual meeting in Toronto on March 25. Should the council adopt the proposal, it would impact five journals: International Studies Quarterly, International Studies Review, International Studies Perspectives, Foreign Policy Analysis and International Political Sociology, as well as International Interactions, which the association co-sponsors.“I think it’s a really strange proposal in 2014,” said Stephen M. Saideman, a professor at Carleton University in Canada and one of many political science scholars who assailed the policy on social media. “I would have expected it in 2006.”Faculty members, several outside the field of international studies, said the proposal is simultaneously too broad and too narrow. Some pointed out that, as written, the proposal could be interpreted to include not only each journal’s core team of editors, but also its dozens of advisers and board members (International Political Sociology, for example, lists 118 members). Others questioned why the policy singled out blogs without mentioning other forms of social media, such as Facebook and Twitter.Others yet predicted the policy will be rejected. "I cannot see how this can be a viable long-term policy,” said Daniel W. Drezner, professor of international politics at Tufts University. Drezner, a prominent blogger in the early 2000s, found himself the center of a debate on academic blogging when he was rejected for tenure at the University of Chicago in 2005. (Some feared he lost tenure for being a blogger, but without giving up his blogging, Drezner quickly landed a top job elsewhere.) Of the policy, he said, "at best, it’s draconian, and at worst, an infringement of academic freedom."Saideman said he will lobby members of the General Council in the weeks leading up to the annual meeting. “There’s still a segment of academia that doesn’t engage in any kind of social media,” he said. “They don’t really have an idea what’s out there. The people whoare out there find this appalling, because they know this is a way people can communicate.”Harvey Starr, the University of South Carolina professor who serves as the association’s president, said in an email that the proposal, if passed, would strengthen the organization’s Code of Conduct.“Often the sort of ‘professional environment’ we expect our members to promote is challenged by the nature of the presentations and exchanges that often occur on blogs,” Starr wrote. “The proposed policy is one response, not to blogs per se, but to issues that can arise with people confusing the personal blogs of the editors of ISA journals with the editorial policies for their journals. This proposal is trying to address that possible confusion.”Some faculty members wondered if the proposal is a response to a controversy last summer on the blog The Duck of Minerva, when contributor Brian Rathbun wrote that professional networking made him feel like "an ugly slut who no one even wanted to sleep with." The blog was created by Georgetown University professor Daniel H. Nexon, who last fall became editor of International Studies Quarterly. Nexon declined to comment for this article.Starr said the proposal is not a response to a specific incident, “but several observations on the nature of comments on various blogs that raise questions about ‘professional responsibility’ and ‘dignity and respect.’ The idea was to create a policy before we had to respond to any single or particular egregious incident.”The move to limit more informal means of communication runs counter to a movement within the political science discipline to rethink how scholars can engage with the public, said John Sides, associate professor at George Washington University. The American Political Science Association has for years debated how to strategically communicate the worth of its scholars’ research, he said -- a conversation that has grown more urgent in light of Congress voting to bar the National Science Foundation from funding political science research not related to national security or economic interests. The funding was later restored.“In the broader political science community, there’s probably going to be more encouragement of something like blogging,” Sides said. “It’s not the only form of public engagement, but it’s part of it. To tell editors to back off from that seems to be swimming in the opposite direction.”Sides, while not an international studies scholar, is one of five regular contributors to The Monkey Cage, a popular political science blog that last year joined The Washington Post. With the expanded audience provided by the Post’s platform, Sides said political science as a discipline should create more blogs, not close them.“I don’t think that the discourse that occurs on blogs is necessarily any more problematic or more unprofessional that the discourses that editors are going to have in other contexts in their own scholarship,” Sides said. “You could certainly ask editors to uphold a certain degree of professionalism, including in their personal communication or personal writing, but ... to put a blanket prohibition on communication in just one medium -- I think that throws the baby out with the bathwater.”Read more: http://www.insidehig...g#ixzz2roZR9oFI Inside Higher Ed
ludo, burazere, ludo
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kolegu 2. put oborili™ na komisiji za izbor u zvanje.e sad, nakupio on bodova i svih formalnih uslova, i pre godinu dana 1. put podnese zahtev, i obore ga, suštinski jer je prošlo malo preko 3 godine od prethodnog izbora. popriča on sa starijima™, ljudima iz mno, oni mu kažu "ispravi u izveštaju to i to, spakuj još par ozbiljnih radova i sve ok". on to uradi i posle par meseci podnese ponovo. čekalo se poduže na odluku kad ono - cvrc, pade™ ponovo. čovek popizdeo, ne zna šta da radi, da li je lud ili mu neko namešta, kad mu posle par dana javili da je komisija u ovom turnusu čitala stari, prvi izveštaj, sa sve starim datumima, i bila u fazonu "aaaa, pa ne može posle 3 godine". novi izveštaj je negde, neznano gde, ne mogu naš sad da ga traže i revidiraju odluku. privatni savet je da skucka još jedan, za par meseci, kažu da će onda sve biti kako treba. :frust::isuse:

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skandal. znash, a svi oni se posle malo godina pojave pred nekim vecem da izmole josh 2 godine staza. i prosto ti dodje da pustish, tako jadne i odrtavele olupine, jer se zarozaju momentalno, kad treba da se iskamchi josh koja godinica plate. a do tog dana se useravali u tudje zivote bez milosti, shto vishe ispunjenih uslova, to vishe besmislenih primedbi. umesto da ih shutirash niz stepenice dok ne pocrkaju. velichine sa poslednjim objavljenim radom 1984 <_<

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