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Kako napreduje LHC od milošte nazvan: Metro za krave?

  • 2 weeks later...
više mi je i svejednoveć sam napravio biznis plan sa drugarom zaljubljenikom u heraldiku, radimo geneološka istraživanja, crtamo grbove, smišljamo latinske devize, za small fee falsifikujemo darovnice i hrisovulje.
lajk!jeste zloupotreba teme, ali može da bude i konkretan primer:nemam pristup sledećim referencama (mada ima jedna profanka iz amerike koja je svoj lični nalog za apa bazu ustupila našoj fakultetskoj biblioteci, ej. ali ovoga nema ni tu, ni na kobsonu). dakle, naučnici u rasejanju, da li biste mogli da pošaljete sledeće članke meni, na mail?hvala hvala hvala (stanovič i vest su svoje odgovore okačili, njih imam)
  • Arie W. Kruglanski Only One? The Default Interventionist Perspective as a Unimodel—Commentary on Evans & Stanovich (2013)Perspectives on Psychological Science May 2013 8: 242-247,doi:10.1177/1745691613483477
  • A Case Study: Dual-Process Theories of Higher Cognition—Commentary on Evans & Stanovich (2013)Perspectives on Psychological Science May 2013 8: 248-252,doi:10.1177/1745691613483475
    • Magda Osman

  • Valerie A. Thompson Why It Matters: The Implications of Autonomous Processes for Dual Process Theories—Commentary on Evans & Stanovich (2013)Perspectives on Psychological Science May 2013 8: 253-256,doi:10.1177/1745691613483476
  • Gideon Keren A Tale of Two Systems: A Scientific Advance or a Theoretical Stone Soup? Commentary on Evans & Stanovich (2013)Perspectives on Psychological Science May 2013 8: 257-262,doi:10.1177/1745691613483474

šta bre znači: Your post is too short?!

Posted (edited)

imena gospodzo, imena! a ne zvona i praporci! <_<kako cemo mi mali tuzni balkanski mishi znati kome da se obratimo? :cry:edip. shalim se, naravno. imamo mi svoje mishe u rasejanju. kad nas vide, shes dana emajl ne otvaraju :P

Edited by thermal bug
vorum je mama. :heart:
Samo da se ubelezi da sam bio opravdano odsutan, inace sam obicno brz da priskocim oko ovih stvari (stavise skoro osnovni razlog sto se uvek drzim upisanim na ponekom postgrad programu je da bih imao pristup biblioteckim bazama).

moj cale je uspeo, sa svojih 60+ godina, da dobije da bude honorary lecturer na jednom sveckom univerzitetu, te da ima neometan pristup clancima. kraj golgote pred penziju.ima na fb grupa po imenu reading group, gde ljudi traze clanke koje ne mogu da nadju. samo ne znam da li cita iko osim onih koji ne mogu da nadju clanke.


evo malo plezir teme:

Oral Sex Study: Can Cunnilingus Ward Off Infidelity?Posted: 07/03/2013 4:47 pm EDT | Updated: 07/04/2013 10:00 am EDT According to a recently published study, one of the reasons men perform oral sex on female partners may be to minimize the risk of infidelity.The study, published late last month in the Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, sought to discover why men perform oral sex on women, since the act does not lead directly to reproduction.After surveying 243 adult men in heterosexual relationships, the researchers deduced that cunnilingus is used to discourage women from cheating, a theory the authors refer to as a "mate-retention strategy."The research suggests that men perform oral sex on their female partners in order "to minimize the risk of their partner’s infidelity by increasing her relationship satisfaction."The study has garnered some negative reactions across the web: An article on The Gloss wondered why the researchers aren't "questioning the evolutionary advantage of oral sex for men? Isn’t that purposeless, too?" And Handbag.com writer Kate Gilbert pointed out that perhaps men perform oral sex because it's pleasurable: "Sorry science guys -- sometimes things are just meant for fun."
Samo da se ubelezi da sam bio opravdano odsutan, inace sam obicno brz da priskocim oko ovih stvari (stavise skoro osnovni razlog sto se uvek drzim upisanim na ponekom postgrad programu je da bih imao pristup biblioteckim bazama).
zabeleženo :D oštri tastaturicu, biće toga još za šta ću da moljakam.odličnik je odlična reč

da okacim i ovde

ima li neka dobra dusa da mi sapne gde mogu da skinem sledece knjige>Heger, Heinz. The Men with the Pink Triangle. (Boston, 1994).A Mosaic of Victims: Non-Jews Persecuted and Murdered by the Nazis (New York. 1990)Plant, Richard. The Pink Triangle: The Nazi War against Homosexuals (New York, 1986).hvala
  • 3 weeks later...

vidi arbajtmane, ako budeš teo da se smucaš po amerikama:

Report: Adjunct Historians Very Much at Bottom of the BarrelBy David Austin Walsh7-31-13David Austin Walsh is the editor of the History News Network. Follow him on Twitter @DavidAstinWalshAdjunct history faculty face heavy workloads, low pay, and poor working conditions, according a new report prepared for the Organization of American Historians.“Adjunct and contingent faculty have a very, very desperate sense of their future,” Edward Reiner, the report's primary author, said in a phone interview. “The consensus, particularly within the humanities, is that adjuncts are treated very poorly, and most never see full-time employment.”Reiner is an adjunct professor of continuing and professional studies at New York University. He was commissioned by the OAH, along with market researcher Catherine Walton, to analyze data on contingent faculty in all fields released by the Coalition on the Academic Workforce in 2012.The CAW report surveyed nearly 20,000 contingent and adjunct faculty at colleges and universities across the United States on their working conditions. Reiner and Walton, using membership rosters from the OAH and the American Historical Association, filtered the 731 historians who participated in the survey, and compared their responses to the larger dataset compiled by the Coalition.The study found that 54 percent of adjunct faculty are under the age of 35; 45 percent hold master's degrees and 31 percent PhDs; and 52 percent earn less than $35,000. By comparison, American Historical Association data compiled in 2010 shows that the average salary for new assistant professors of history is approximately $52,000.Many surveyed hold full-time positions in all but name, but are classified as contingent faculty to keep costs down.Unlike tenure-track historians, most adjuncts lack a basic benefits package. One in ten adjunct historians lack health insurance (though some 40 percent have shared-cost insurance plans through their employers), only around a quarter have employer-supported retirement plans, and less than 2 percent have access to child care. Eleven percent of contingent history faculty are union members, compared to the 23 percent of full-time history faculty who work at institutions with a collective bargaining unit, according to the most recent CUPA-HR salary report. (The full CAW report notes that 39.4 percent of all contingent faculty have union representation.)Adjunct historians also overwhelmingly desire full-time, tenure-track employment, though according to Reiner, a part-time humanities position that leads to full-time work is exceedingly rare. Most contingent and adjunct history faculty never see full-time employment.“In the sciences and in business, job prospects and salaries are better for contingent faculty,” he said. It is in the economic interests of colleges and universities, he added, to use cheap adjunct and contingent labor to teach the less profitable humanities courses.Ironically, according to the OAH press release that accompanied the report, historians are actually more optimistic about their chances of securing full-time and tenure-track appointments than their counterparts in other disciplines.But “historians are very much at the bottom of the barrel,” Reiner cautioned. “They just don't have the same career options available to them” as faculty in the sciences and business.

I say f*ck 'em. Možda ne umemo da radimoda budemo plaćeni, ali umemo da se bijemoda učinimo da se drugi pobiju. Pa posle nek nas™ ne plaćaju ponovo ^_^


imamo jak ucenjivački kapacitet :s_d:


treba da napravim poster, i mrzi me strašnotreba da napravim dve prezentacije, i mrzi me jezivotreba da revidiram članak <čitaj: udovoljim željama cenjenih recenzenata> i pošaljem ga ponovo, i mrzi me neopisivotreba da pozavršavam razne neke stvari za neki projekat, i mrzi me neviđenotreba da idem na konferenciju početkom septembra, i jedva čekam

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