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Bice ipak pre da je neki biznis (startup...) Dobro je to, ko ima smisla za te stvari.
jeste pocinje biznis, ali rizicnoooo, uh. ulozio je sav novac u bitcoin i pocinje consultancy biznis za bitcoin. sad se kocka sa svim [pravim] novcem koji je imao, a u nekoj buducnosti (nemam predstavu sada kada to moze da bude) ce ili biti bogat, ili potpuni bankrot koji nece moci ni da zavrsi taj phd part-time, jer se u tom slucaju placa skolarina iz sopstvenog dzepa. inace je bio u fazi pisanja teze...
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da. vise od godinu dana znam da se time "zanima", ali sam mislila samo kao idejom, ne stvarnim (a tek ne jedinim) poslom. uglavnom, ovo danas je bila objava godine za mene, kao grom iz vedra neba. i potpuno je svestan da se opasno kocka. otprilike bi mu trebalo jos 2 meseca da diplomira.

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dve crtice iz scientific okruzenjakolega iz susednog laba "pise" doktorat vec god i malo jace. u medjuvremenu mu je objavjen super rad, on prvi autor al dzebiga on upao u neku quarter life crisis i ne mice se odatle, inace, predstavnik svih studenata u nekim univerzitetskim telima, uzasno drustven i pricljiv tip. premestio se davno iz biblioteke kuci, niko ga ne vidja i nije u kontaktu sa njim. ugovor mu ovde prestao nedavno jer je trebalo da zavrsi jos prosle god sad je valjda na birou. ponekad vidim neke slike sa skijanja na fejsbuku, valjda je dobro :unsure:drugi, mnogo lepsi primer - postdok koji je u oprostajnom mailu objasnio da se posvecuje svojoj biofarmi negde u 3 lepe u sred fr i uzgajanju svega i svacega uz podrobne opise i slike :wub: cini mi se i da je ceo institut pozvao da ga posete

Edited by lostfanforever
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evo zabavnog stiva za postdokove, http://www.guardian....rink?CMP=twt_gunajbolji deo je na kraju, predlozi za novi nacin dodele sredstava:

OR, and this one is my own personal favourite, when there is research funding available, we introduce an X-factor style audition/elimination where scientists get to beg for funding live on television, either by telling the world just how significant and worthwhile their research project is or by generating the biggest sob story, e.g. I was raised by an abusive Elton John fan and now my partner is cheating on me with a lorry driver from Slough with a penchant for dogging. You the public get to pick who goes through by voting via a premium rate telephone line, thus generating enough capital to fund the next round of research. The BBC gets a new premium reality TV show, and the general public get their latest fix of car crash television and all the while generating cash to fund the next Nature paper. It's win-win. So, WHO'S WITH ME??
Edited by BraveMargot
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:D moram da procitam kasnije.prezentacija je prosla, bile su krofne. bila sam u opitmistickom raspolozenju, ali sam im dala primere iz realnosti i razloge napustanja akademskog sveta. ostali postdokovi su bili u slicnom iskrenom [ali ipak pozitivnom] raspolozenju, osim jednog koji je imao srecu da se za svaki postdok (ovo mu je treci!) seli zajedno sa devojkom koja je isto postdoc, tj. da uvek zajedno i gotovo simultano dobiju poziciju na istom mestu i sad opet zajedno idi na ass. prof pozicije na istom mestu! on je bio pravi propagandni materijal za "life is beautiful". drugi postdok je jutros izjavio da je aplicirao na 36 mesta za profa. ja sam videla ove godine samo jedan oglas koja mi se dopada :unsure: ...drugi kazu da je normalno prijaviti se na 50+. raznolik je svet postdokovski.

Edited by mei
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Ja dok nisam pratio te profesorske oglase (mislim na USA) nisam ni znao kakva sve mesta postoje, a da imaju univerzitet. Doduse, u sva bi bilo zanimljivo otici... jednom, dvaput.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ko izgleda "prezidecijalno" :) iliti budite "facijalno kompetentni", da ne kažemo lepi, kako biste povećali šanse svog izbora :)

Does this woman look like she'd be a good president of Bulgaria? Posted By Joshua Keating 091022_meta_block.gif Monday, May 6, 2013 - 4:17 PM 091022_meta_block.gif091022_more_icon.gif Sharemaglena.jpgA study for the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology suggests that people in different countries have similar ideas of what it means for a politician to "look presidential," or at least Americans and Bulgarians do. The authors, Abigail Sussman, Kristina Petkova, and Alexander Podorov, write:
In the present study, we tested whether the predictive ability of ratings based on facial appearance would extend to a wider range of candidates. Specifically, we examined whether individuals in the US could predict outcomes in the 2011 Bulgarian presidential elections by evaluating the facial appearance of 18 candidates. The large number of candidates naturally running for the high level office allowed us to accurately test the strength of the relationship between judgments of facial appearance and election outcomes across a broad range of faces. We found that a strong correlation between ratings of facial competence and election outcomes persisted across the full range of candidates, and that US participants' hypothetical choices paralleled actual Bulgarian election outcomes. We demonstrated that competence ratings were more effective at predicting election outcomes than judgments on a variety of other characteristics deemed important by Bulgarian voters as well as ratings of attractiveness. Furthermore, judgments of competence largely drove the correlation between hypothetical and actual votes.
In case you're curious, the candidate above --former European Commissioner for Consumer Protection Meglena Kuneva, the only headshot included in the published paper -- got the highest scores on both "competence" and "honesty" from the American participants who had no idea who she was. She came in second for "attractiveness" to Maria Kapon, who -- it seems relevant to point out -- was the only other woman in the field. (The survey-takers were exactly 50 percent male.) On the question of who the participants would vote for, Kuneva came in third, which is exactly how it turned out in the real election. The winner of the election, the 49-year-old, silver-haired Rosen Plevneliev, scored highest on hypothetical vote, third highest on competence, and third highest on attractiveness. The top three finishers in the real world election got 83 percent of the hypothetical vote.This is just one of a number of similar studies. One asked Australians to pick U.S. presidential primary winners. Another that asked Swiss children which French politician they would want to be "captain of their boat". Both were pretty accurate. It apparently works decently across ethnicities as well: Americans and Indians are pretty good at picking Mexican and Brazilian winners.
iz zaključka:
This paper contributes to existing literature in several important ways. It is the first in our knowledge to examine all individuals running in a single race with many candidates. This methodology allows us to report a more representative relationship between competence judgments and election outcomes than in previous examinations, and it minimizes possible bias in understanding individual-level decision making that results from political party pre-screening of candidates (and subsequent experimental stimuli). Additionally, we demonstrate both that judgment of facial competence is a better predictor of election outcomes than other relevant characteristics and that this judgment drives correlations between hypothetical and actual votes. Importantly, we show that heuristic reasoning as manifested in ratings of facial competence (as a proxy for actual competence) serves as a very powerful cue; it not only serves as a substitute for actual competence, but also overpowers evaluations of other characteristics deemed important for leaders. Overall, this study provides important evidence highlighting the role of facial competence and corroborating the robust ability to predict election outcomes from facial appearance alone.
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imam jedno pitanje za one intimnije upućene u bespuća srpskih doktorskih studija - šta se dešava ako doktorant ne doktorira ni posle 6. godine svojih studija? preciziraću - zaposlen je kao asistent, završeni svi ispiti, ali tema još nije ni precizirana a kamoli odobrena (da ne ulazim u razloge). opisani doktorant je dobio produženje asistentskog ugovora na još 3 godine pre par meseci.jel to sve zavisi od faxa do faxa, ili je precizirano na nivou univerziteta? formalnost mi je manje bitna od nekog praktičnog infoa kako to sve šljaka.hint: nisam ja u pitanju :)edit: nađoh u zakonu o visokom školstvu Čl.94 -Статус студента престаје у случају:...4) кад не заврши студије до истека рока који се одређује удвоструком броју школских година потребних за реализацијустудијског програма;...Студенту се на лични захтев може продужити рок за завршетакстудија, у складу са општим актом високошколске установе.edit2: vidim da se to razrađuje u statutima i pravilnicima ali vidim i da oni odstupaju od "objektivne stvarnosti", pa ostaje moj upit sa početka.

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šta se dešava ako doktorant ne doktorira ni posle 6. godine svojih studija? preciziraću - zaposlen je kao asistent, završeni svi ispiti, ali tema još nije ni precizirana a kamoli odobrena (da ne ulazim u razloge). opisani doktorant je dobio produženje asistentskog ugovora na još 3 godine pre par meseci.
ako za te tri godine ne doktorira trebalo bi da je na ulici. ne može da mu se raspiše konkurs za docenta (jer nema doktorat), a nema pravo na reizbor.medjutim, ako je teza pri kraju, fakulteti nađu nekakav radnopravni modus da premoste vreme dok ne stekne uslove za docenturu (zaposle ga u biblioteci, na poslovima medjunarodne saradnje, etc.).ako nema nade da uspešno doktorira, stvar može gadno da se zakomplikuje, kad razni točkovi dohvate tu činjenicu što neko ostaje bez posla. može mnogo gadno da bude. izbeći po svaku cenu!
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mislim da je moja anksioznost ipak zdravstvenog porekla. vec sam se zalila na vise topika kako sam lose, pa je doca sumnjao na mononukleozu, pa smo mislili da nije jer se pokazalo da imam bakterijsku infekciju. ali kako me umor ne pusta bice da su te streptokoke ipak bile pratilac a ne glavni akter. a kad sam umorna ne mogu da budem on top of things, pa se skupi svega i male stvari pocnu da mi deluju nemoguce. a ove velike, koje se ticu buducnosti, njih cu da odlozim za koji mesec pa da im se vratim kad budem u stanju. sad mi sledi jedno stratesko rasporedjivanje posla, kako se ne bih cimala u narednom periodu. zev.

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