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u veze bilo koje vrste ogromna vecina ne ulazi sa paranojom koja bi ih stitila od manipulacija
Nije lose biti oprezan, ne bih to tako olako nazivala paranojom
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ste primetili kako se svaka tema o nasilju nad zenama vrlo brzo pretvori u temu i zene zlostavljaju, zar ne?
To je poznata MRA taktika, poznata pod imenom "What About The Mens?":
FAQ: WHAT’S WRONG WITH SAYING THAT THINGS HAPPEN TO MEN, TOO?Short answer: Nothing in and of itself. The problem occurs when conversations about women can’t happen on unmoderated blogs without someone showing up and saying, “but [x] happens to men, too!” (also known as a “Patriarchy Hurts Men, Too” or PHMT argument, or a “What About The Mens?” or WATM argument). When this happens, it becomes disruptive of the discussion that’s trying to happen, and has the effect (intended or otherwise) of silencing women’s voices on important issues such as rape and reproductive rights.
Takođe, zgodno formulisano u zakonolikoj formi:
The "What About the Mens?" FallacyForgive me if there is already a law like this in place. I searched and could not find.In any case, this "phallusy"1 fallacy4 is as follows:
In any discussion focusing on women's
issues, the probability that someone will come around and say "men are [fill the blank], too!"
approaches 1 the longer the discussion gets.
Edited by Syme
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Jel ostala sa njim? Kako se inače objašnjava u psihologiji potreba za tim ponavljanjem porodičnih obrazaca (čak iako su loši), ne samo u vezi nasilja nego i inače?
neko je vec napisao najcesce psihoobjasnjenje. u sustini, jednostavno - to je jedino sto znaju i poznaju od funkcionisanja u bliskim emotivnim odnosima
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gazzo, mogao si nam odmah reći

Fond B92 u saradnji s agencijom Saatchi & Saatchi osmislio spot "Jedna fotografija dnevno u najgoroj godini mog života" u cilju borbe protiv porodičnog nasilja.
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