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kjucne momente vidim u izolaciji, stvaranju osecaja delimicnog sazaljenja a zatim i zavisnosti (materijalne, emotivne, you name it) u vezi i povremenim rundama zastrasivanja koje cak ne moraju ni da dovedu do fizickih povreda.
mislim da je dodatni problem i sto je izolacija normalna faza kod ljudi koji su sveze zaljubljeni. i neka sitna ljubomorica, i neka mala posesivnost, i onaj grceviti osecaj panike pri pomisli da mozes da izgubis voljenu osobu - sve je to slatko, sve je to strast, sve je to razumljivo. sve je to potvrda ljubavi, u pocetnom periodu. problem je nastaje je veza zrela da izadje iz te faze. Edited by betty
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Mene zanima kako uspeju da nekog dugo vezu u zajednicu. Kapiram sve ovo sto si napisala pre. Samo me zanima da li to funkcionise toplo hladno. Da li je nasilje, pogotovo psihicko konstantno ili na mahove koji se posle vremenski pojacavaju. Sta on daje zauzvrat.
Ne znam da li se ovo 'sta on daje za uzvrat' mnogo razlikuje od onog 'why did you stay (for so long)' ili je to ustvari isto pitanje. Jednostavno ne vidis stvari tada na taj nacin; daje sve ono u sta si se prvobitno zaljubila, (ili ti bar sebe i dalje ubedjujes u to) a ovo ostalo su, je li, problemi, obstacles, a ti si tu da mu pomognes.
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Zene uopste nikad nisu posesivne, ljubomorne, manipulativne, ne gundjaju sto se vidjas sa prijateljima ...... Nikad ne sednu u kola sa pelenama i voze se preko tri drzave da prete suparnicama na aerodromu i ne salju preteca pisma zenama za koje su umislile da su suparnice.

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Reci slobodno nisam ti ja vladika.Yes, women have been abused, (physically, sexually, and emotionally) by men for centuries. And yet women can also be the abusers. Would you recognize one? They don't all deliver cuts and bruises, and thus, may remain unnoticed by most. Yet the injuries they inflict can do more damage than the casual observer may notice.In fact, women oftentimes can wreck about as much havoc on those in their environment as their male counterparts. Some are even clever actors who can morph from June Cleaver to Cruella De Ville in a moment's notice.They are vindictive wives, caustic bosses, name-calling mothers and grandmothers, condescending friends, and nightmare employees.They come in all walks of life, all socio-economic groups, ages, and races. And they can deviously trap their hostages in a living hell from which they may not know how to escape.What do abusive women look like? Well, they can use the exact methodology as the men do. They can use physical punishment, beating and/or torturing children or anyone less capable than they are (aging parents?) They can demand or withhold sex, using it as a weapon, or can cheat on their spouses without apparent conscience. They can name-call to the point where the victim is left feeling vile, unimportant, and as though they don't even exist. They can ignore and deliver the "silent treatment" as punishment for perceived wrongs. They can even hold all the purse strings, not allowing their husbands or family members to have so much as their own allowance. And they can prohibit their "loved ones" from even interacting with friends and extended family.Want some real examples? The mother of a 5 year old boy who taught her son total emotional confusion and lead him to a life filled with anxiety, due to her early treatment of him. Some days she would call him up to her lap to watch her TV shows with her when he came home from school, and yet other days she would reach out and slap him in the face unexpectedly and without warning. He never knew which mother to expect and after years of her roller coaster behaviors he still has a hard time trusting women.The wife of a devoted husband who thought that she was the best thing that ever came into his life. While she didn't appear to have much of a sexual appetite with him, he later found out that she had been having affairs with 5 different men during their marriage, then accused him of being the one to destroy their relationship.

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What do abusive women look like? They can [...] withhold sex
:ph34r:I posle pitate šta je to kultura silovanja.. Edited by sailorman
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:ph34r:I posle pitate šta je to kultura silovanja..
They can demand or withhold sex, using it as a weapon, or can cheat on their spouses without apparent conscience.
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Reci slobodno nisam ti ja vladika.Yes, women have been abused, (physically, sexually, and emotionally) by men for centuries. And yet women can also be the abusers....
mogu ja? pisati ovakve stvari u srbiji je neukusno. sitna crevca kontrargumenata ovog tipa neumitno vode neumesnostima dragan markovic palma tipa (sig. kuca za muskarce).
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:ph34r:I posle pitate šta je to kultura silovanja..
Dobro, zvuci malo silly, ali nije taj tekst pisao bilo ko - autor je, ni manje ni vise nego Mary Jo Fay, medicinska sestra koja je dozivela otkrovenje i samoproglasila se "the Voice of dating, mating and relating". Pred njenim znanstvenim opusom - knjigama poput Get Out of Your Boxx and Live the Life You Really Want ili Please Dear Not Tonight: The Truth About the Women and Sex - Gnjata himself bi prebledeo od zavisti. Njena rec ipak ima neku tezinu.
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^^^ uopste ne pricam o silovanju vec o opusu gde zeli u svakoj situaciji prikazati svoj pol ko zrtvu. Da, ovo dvoje forumasa jesu dve strane iste medalje.

Edited by Shan Jan
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