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u 10 € da će na kraju ispasti i da je keln bio samo 1 veliko šaljenje :fantom:


A 65-year-old Italian man accused of groping his female colleagues was found not guilty of sexual harassment because he was driven by an immature sense of humour, an Italian court ruled.

The ruling was condemned in the country where around a third of women aged 16 to 70 are said to have suffered some form of physical or sexual violence.

A junior colleague accused the man of touching her sexually, while a second woman said he treated he like 'a little girl... as if he were giving me a light slap on the behind', court documents stated.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3430386/Groping-women-workplace-legal-long-fun-sexual-pleasure-Italian-judges-rule-clearing-65-year-old-harassing-female-staff.html#ixzz3zBdCHpuE

Edited by Hella
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ljudi lepo sam vam rekao da je za švedsku kasno ostavite je u jendeku i produžite dalje :fantom:


Swedish feminists: “Please don’t protect us if we get raped by immigrants”


Feminists in Sweden have launched a new campaign against men that wants to protect women from being raped


FEMINISM | So, no doubt you have all heard about taHarrush by now, the Islamo-Arabic rape game. You might also have heard about the backlash against the people engaging in this behavior in Stockholm, where 200 men put their viking-genes to use by physically attacking these “refugees”.


What you probably have NOT heard about however, (or find hard to believe) is the feminist outcry (surprise surprise!) against these noble berserkers. Indeed, the rage was so great, they created the hashtag #inteerkvinna (translated as #notyourwoman) where they spewed their hatred over racism, fascism, white men and many other things that can be loosely tied to the events with some cognitive dissonance. In short, they made a collective tantrum on social media over the fact that white European men are standing up to the rape-fugees.


The whole thing culminated with the statement “It’s YOU I’m afraid of!” where the feminist in question is now fantasizing about afraid that some tall, good-looking nationalist will sexually harass her in the streets.


Why is it always that women who are at least risk are the ones to make these claims… :0.6:






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ne moze se zabraniti ljudima da se druze, koliko god bedni bili

ali se zagovornicima nasilja nad zenama moze uskratiti viza/ulazak u zemlju (hint: australija. eno ga peni i preti kako ce da udje ilegalno, jahtom kroz Darvin).  

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Viktimološko društvo Srbije u martu orzanizuje trening za rad sa žrtvama rodno baziranog nasilja, detalji su u spojleru.


Drage koleginice i kolege,

Viktimolosko drustvo Srbije vas poziva na intenzivni cetvorodnevni trening:

Za rad sa zrtvama rodno baziranog nasilja

Mart 2016. godine

Radni jezik: srpski
Iznos kotizacije: 20.000,00 dinara po osobi (ukoliko se prijavljuju vise od tri osobe iz organizacije cena je 18.000 dinara po osobi)
Rok za prijavu: 29. februar 2016.
Mesto odrzavanja: Viktimolosko drustvo Srbije, Ismeta Mujezinovica 21, Beograd (za grupe ucesnika van Beograda moguc je dogovor vezan za mesto odrzavanja)
Opis i satnica treninga nalaze se u prilogu.
Kotizacija za ucesce pokriva sve troskove treninga (rucak, osvezenje, radni materijal, literaturu i sertifikat koji dodeljuje Zavod za socijalnu zastitu).

Za trening se mogu prijaviti socijalni radnici, specijalni pedagozi, pravnici, psiholozi, pedagozi, predstavnici NVO, studenti zavrsnih godina redovnih studija, studenti poslediplomskih studija i ostali zainteresovani.

Trening je akreditovan od strane Zavoda za socijalnu zastitu Republike Srbije.

Molimo Vas da Vase popunjene prijave, koje se nalaze u prilogu poruke, pošaljete na e-mail: vdsrbija@gmail.com najkasnije do 29.februara 2016.g. Za vise informacija o treningu i nacinu placanja, molimo vas da se obratite Jasmini Nikolić na telefon 011 630 30 22 ili e-mail: vdsrbija@gmail.com. Trening je interaktivnog karaktera i radi se u grupama do 10 osoba. Datumi održavanja obuke biće naknadno formirani u dogovoru sa polaznicima.

Za više informacija o Viktimološkom društvu Srbije posetite našu internet stranicu www.vds.org.rs, za informacije o predavačicama posetite http://www.vds.org.rs/osobeAngazovaneUVDS.htm i ostalim treninzima koje organizujemo posetite http://www.vds.org.rs/Treninzi.htm

Trening za rad sa žrtvama rodno baziranog nasilja

Program rada
I dan
Trajanje: 10-16 časova

Definisanje osnovnih pojmova i pravni okvir (međunardni i domaći instrumenti i mehanizmi)
• Definisanje rodno baziranog nasilja uopšte, i posebno nasilja u porodici, seksualnog nasilja i trgovine ljudima
• Odnos sa drugim pojavama, posebno sa prostitucijom, ilegalnim migracijama, krijumčarenjem ljudi, organizovanim kriminalitetom, ilegalnim tržištima
• Pravni okvir - međunarodni standardi i domaće zakonodavstvo

I1 dan
Trajanje: 10-16 časova

Obim, struktura i karakteristike nasilja u porodici, seksualnog nasilja i trgovine ljudima, posebno ženama i decom

• Rasprostranjenost, oblici i karakteristike nasilja u porodici
• Rasprostranjenost, oblici i karakteristike seksualnog nasilja
• Ko su žrtve
• Ko su nasilnici
• Rasprostranjenost i oblici trgovine ženama i decom
• Mapiranje puteva trgovine ženama i decom – globalno, u regionu i putevi kroz Srbiju
• Karakteristike trgovine ženama i decom - namamljivanje, transport/transfer i eksploatacija
• Ko su žrtve a ko trgovci ljudima

III dan
Trajanje: 10-16 časova

Faktori koji doprinose javljanju nasilja, rizične situacije i značaj odgovarajućeg odnosa stručnjaka

• Viktimogeni i kriminogeni faktori koji utiču na javljanje rodno zasnovanog nasilja
• Veza između viktimizacije (rodnom diskriminacijom, ekonomskom deprivacijom, nasiljem u porodici, seksualnim nasiljem i dr.), aktivnog traženja izlaza i rizika od drugih oblika nasilja, uključujući trgovinu ljudima
• Kakva treba da bude podrška koja bi pomogla žrtvi da reši problem i izbegne viktimizaciju
• Iskustvo viktimizacije rodno zasnovanim nasiljem i posledice po žrtvu
• Rizik od sekundarne viktimizacije i reviktimizacije
• Osnažujuća podrška i principi rada sa žrtvama

1V dan
Trajanje: 10-16 časova

Mitovi i predrasude u vezi sa rodno zasnovanim nasiljem i sistem zaštite žrtava, podrška i rehabilitacija

• Rezultati istraživanja u vezi sa mitovima i predrasudama kod pružalaca socijalnih usluga
• Stereotipi i predrasude kao prepreke jednakom pristupu svim korisnicima
• Mogući načini za osvešćivanje i prevazilaženje stereotipa
• Mogući načini smanjivanja uticaja stereotipa i predrasuda na pružanje podrške žrtvama
• Prava žrtava
• Službe za podršku žrtvama u svetu i kod nas
• Uloga različitih institucija i pojedinaca u pružanju pomoći, podrške i zaštite žrtvama
• Baze podataka i drugi izvori podataka o službama za žrtve u Srbiji

Način realizacije treninga:
• Predavanje uz pomoć Power Point prezentacije
• Radionice
• Analiza ličnog iskustva
• Igranje uloga
• Diskusija

Prof dr. Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović
Dr Sanja Ćopić
Jasmina Nikolić



Edited by Notorious
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taj seks i grad sa svakom reprizom sve pogubniji uticaj imaju na srpsko selo <_<



I majke, majke su najgore. Kad krenu da ti pričaju budi svoj čovek, gledaj da živiš što bolje i udobnije, da izvučeš maksimum iz okolnosti i sve tako nešto, umesto da uče ćerke da budu pokorne, slušaju muža, rade za njega bez plate, trpe batine, a kad ih izbaci jednog dana iz kuće i kad ostanu bez prava na udeo u njegovoj jelte imovini, da im se nikako ne vraćaju kući.

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ljudi lepo sam vam rekao da je za švedsku kasno ostavite je u jendeku i produžite dalje :fantom:

u kakve su cice, idem odma  u svecku!












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Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn has been urged to act after a Birmingham women’s group claimed male Muslim councillors were blocking female Muslims from standing for election because of ‘systematic misogyny’.


Muslim Women’s Network UK (MWNUK) has made an official complaint to the party claiming female candidates had been ‘undermined, sabotaged and blocked’ from standing for public office.


In a letter to the Labour leader Shaista Gohir, chair of the group, wrote: “As this is an open secret and has been going on for decades, we can only assume that the Labour party has been complicit at the highest levels.


“How do men who do not want Muslim women to be empowered or have a voice remain in power unless the Labour party allows it?


"It appears that over decades senior Labour politicians have deliberately turned a blind eye to the treatment of Muslim women because votes have been more important to them than women’s rights.


dobro jutro drage bule :fantom:

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dobro bre građanijo šta se ovo dešava s vašom religijom mira bez koje nema uživancije i koju je samo šačica ekstremista pogrešno skapirala a :fantom:


Majority of prison imams are 'teaching anti-western' values that promote gender segregation, study claims

    Around 70% of Muslim prison chaplains teach a hardline view of Islam
    Radical brand of Islam contrasts to British values and human rights
    Study found that 140 of the 200 Muslim chaplains working in prisons have studied Deobandi Islam which promotes gender segregation and no music

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3435806/Majority-prison-imams-teach-anti-western-values-promote-gender-segregation.html#ixzz3zVtrxQVH


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u međuvremenu u uzornom multikulturnom melting potu :fantom:




England is basically a third-world country coated with a micron-thin patina of fading civilisation:


    A case of female genital mutilation is reported in England every 109 minutes, official health figures show.


    Some 2421 instances of mutilation were reported from April 2015 to September 2015 – the latest full six months of figures published by the Health and Social Care Information Centre.

Keep in mind that those are only the reported figures. Even so, there are substantially more cases of female genital mutilation in England than there are road deaths. England is gradually approaching Indonesian levels of girl-slashing brutality.


    Experts say the figures, released on the eve of the International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM on Saturday, are just the ‘tip of the iceberg’ …


    [Plan UK] chief executive, Tanya Barron, said: ‘FGM has been a hidden danger threatening girls in the UK and around the world – only now is the full scale becoming clear.’


    But she warned there were still many ‘unseen, unheard cases’ that didn’t show up in official statistics.


    The statistics, which were published monthly but are now released quarterly, show that between July and September last year 1385 cases were reported.


    Of those, 758 cases were in London, 227 were in the Midlands and east of England, 245 were in the North of England and 155 were in the South of England.


Damn those Anglican girl-hating bastards. Reminder: this is happening in the 21st century. Observe also that the Press Association’s report doesn’t offer any reasons why female genital mutilation is increasing in England.




Edited by Hella
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