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Mislim da je ban Kurjaku neopravdan, a da su primedbe o blogu neutemeljene. 


na blanko garantujem da se nije nalupetao većih gluposti od ovde uginulih a u pc esfigmeniju vaskrslih feminista koji pre skaču u odbranu faking islama nego evropskih žena :fantom:

Edited by Hella
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Helliša, džabe se gicaš, najebavanje ne gine, iz svakog rakursa. :fantom:


The End of an Era … for White Males

As demographics change, so does the definition of privilege.

White men have had a great run. From the rise of the Greeks to the birth of Western-based global empires, they have controlled much of the world or sought to: So much of history is a consequence of decisions made by—and at the behest of—the white guys in charge.
Several factors are contributing to making this historic moment a watershed in global history. First, there is the rise of the emerging world, notably the economies and societies of Asia. While the planet has always been home to great nonwhite civilizations, such societies have ebbed and flowed in relative importance. Today, it is clear that these emerging societies, namely China and India, are on the rise. So too—thanks to economic and political reforms, technological and scientific progress, and the advent of the connected world—are other great and rich cultures from the Middle East to Africa.
In addition, millennia of repression of women’s rights are coming to an end. Not fast enough. And not everywhere. But in much of the Western world, once male-dominated domains are now populated by more women than ever before, and this trend shows no signs of reversing—thankfully. Not only that, but around the world women are empowering other females, including girls, to lead in technological fields in the Digital Age. Quite simply: It now seems to be common sense that no society can thrive if it fails to tap the intellectual, economic, creative, and spiritual resources of its entire population.

Finally, thanks to the mobility revolution of the past century, flows of refugees and migrants of all kinds have shifted the demographics of societies and—protests and unease aside—they have proved essential to fighting the demographic trends, such as aging, that have put many advanced societies at risk.
Inequality, injustice, and, frankly, fatigue have led populations to seek other choices. Further, the societies that have given the white man his greatest influence in the world—those of Europe and the United States—are struggling in key respects to maintain their global influence. Economic pressures weigh on them. Political divisions are a drag on their growth and ability to act. 
As history has illustrated, it’s hard to stay on top for an indefinite period.
The result is that the status quo of the past several millennia is going to undergo a profound change. In Europe alone, the influx of migrants and refugees is already producing irreversible demographic shifts—a great blending of cultures.
But by mid-century in the United States, the former majority population will be a minority: The majority, according to demographers, will be nonwhite. By that time, Europe will include massive populations from Africa and the Middle East, as well as Asia. This is to say that by 2050 white men will be the ones checking the “other” box on census forms.
In fact, it is this idea of “otherness” that is going to undergo the greatest change. A current subject of hot debate, such othering has been used by some as a tool for fear-mongering against migrants, immigrants, and refugees—an approach linked, of course, to nothing but ignorance and intolerance. (Attacks on America’s first black president had similar origins and took on a similarly ugly tone.) Whether the threat is one associated with Islam or extremism or simply economic competition within a country, the reality is that the expressed fears are way out of proportion with the actual, manifested threats.
A shrink I knew once said that if a reaction is out of proportion with its alleged cause, then there’s a piece of the story that has been omitted. In this case, the politicians in America and Europe who spew nationalist bile and fan the flames of anti-immigrant furor are tapping into a growing if unconscious cultural recognition that time is running out on what has been the world’s most privileged ethnic class.
Of course, human mobility is not something to be fought, but rather something to be embraced. While belonging to a community is wired into our DNA for reasons linked to the survival-based social units of our most ancient ancestors, the story of civilization and progress has been one about the blending and reblending of those units.
There are two key lessons here. The first is that, given the fact that civilization is a safer, happier, healthier, richer, wiser place today than it has ever been, the sharing of ideas and values and cultures, it seems, has actually been for the better. For the United States, this is illustrated in its history: Since the early 19th century, new groups have entered the country and have been resented and resisted—the Irish, Italians, Eastern Europeans, Jews, you name it. Yet over time each group has made huge contributions to the United States, a country that only grew stronger with each wave of new blood and new ideas.
The second key lesson is that there is an alternative to “other” and that is “all.” Rather than focusing on our differences as the smallest and most dangerous of our political leaders have done, the real leaders for this new era will distinguish themselves by focusing not just on the social diversity that makes great nations, but on the truth and wondrous benefits of the diversity that actually lives within us all.
As the nationalists, white supremacists, and idiot hordes who follow them have sown seeds of division in the wake of new human flows across borders, the tragic irony has been that they, in fact, have ended up embracing precisely the same kind of intolerance that is the stock in trade of their avowed enemies.
What we need instead are those who will stand up and say, “No. You have it wrong. Diversity is not the threat. It is the answer.” That is, in fact, what has made America and every diverse society great. To be sure, we should not—not for one minute—lament the passing of the white-male era, for there is at least a glimmer of hope that soon to come is the era of “all.”


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Odličan tekst, osjeća se taj neki ideološki totalitarizam koji će tek da dobije svoje ime pošto je "nacizam" zauzet.


Malo o rodnoj ravnopravnosti iz norsk medija:



Most male migrants: - Can injure our society

The overweight male migrants could destroy our equal societies, warns American professor.
Professor Valerie M. Hudson at Texas A & M University is calling for politicians who take into account the fact what the gender imbalance among asylum seekers do with our society.
- The world looks to the Nordic countries as gender equality stronghold. Therefore, it becomes totally incomprehensible that their politicians seem like they do not understand the tremendous change in the gender balance of the community immigration policy their causes. These changes will certainly affect women in their communities negatively, and can wipe out more than a hundred years of hard work for equality, says Hudson VG.
Mostly men to Norway
State Secretary Joran Kallemyr the Ministry of Justice reports that 80 percent of the asylum seekers who come to Norway are men.
According to figures from the UDI came in 2015 7.215 female and 23,930 male asylum seekers to Norway.
- More violence
- In societies with much higher percentage of men than women, we are seeing more cases of violent crimes, thefts, crimes against women and trafficking in women. We also see that women in these communities experience their ability to move in the public sphere as limited because it exercised more crime directed against them, she explains.
Hudson does not know the details of atrocities in Cologne New Year's Eve, but says in general:
- When you change the gender balance dramatically, so, for example, look at Sweden, we will see increased crime against women. There will also be a tendency for this type of crime is often performed by marginalized men who are superior women in number, and together create criminal gangs. 
Researcher Andrea den Boer of the University of Kent in England, has attempted to calculate the influence of gender balance in Germany compared to the one million asylum seekers who arrived in the country only in 2015.
- We assume that 70 percent of those who came to Germany are adult males between 15 and 34 years.
Both the Swedish and German population has basically a slight predominance of men. In Germany, according to the Boer now has a gender imbalance at 109.4 men to 100 women.
- This imbalance of approximately 900,000 men have the potential to create major problems for Germany, if not the success of the integration process, says the Boer told VG.
She emphasizes that it is not the number of men in itself that is the problem, but that the risk of violence and crime increases with young, single men who have opportunities to find each other in groups. 
- A successful integration where they get job, the opportunity to contribute and participate in society and the possibility of family reunification, will be crucial for the progress, says Andrea den Boer.
Feminist Sweden bad
Professor Hudson is particularly contended with Sweden, which has a pronounced feminist foreign policy. She has studied the specific figures for how immigration of men have created distortions.
- In the age group 16-17 years is now gender difference is greater in Sweden than in China, says the professor, who heads the department of Women, Peace and Security at the University of Texas.
In Sweden, at the end of 2015 123 men against 100 women between 16-17 years old. In China, the corresponding numbers 117 men against 100 women.
- I have studied gender differences in Asia for 20 years, and gender distribution of this group is worse than anything I've seen in Asia ever, says Hudson.
Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom and Justice and Immigration Minister Morgan Johansson have all declined to comment Hudsons findings and allegations.
Security and stability threatened
- Why is a balanced gender balance so important in a society?
- There are many reasons, but in a nutshell it's about a nation's stability and safety of women in the nation. There can not be any meaningful equality in a society where women can not move freely in the public sphere, where women are told that they must consider special train stations or festivals to be "no go areas" for them. For those of us who thought the Nordic countries were the living proof that gender equality was possible, this is a tragic, not measurable loss, said Hudson about what is now happening.
Thomas Hylland Eriksen, professor of social anthropology at the University of Oslo, commenting Hudsons allegations as follows:
- Here there is a very interesting tension between different views on gender. It is often the same as supporting homosexuality and feminism, which also supports comprehensive immigration. But many immigrants are not northern Europeans, and consequently negative to homosexuality and uncomprehending towards Nordic feminism. The conclusion must be that it is important to make family reunification easier, since boys and men happy are those who are sent in advance.  :whistle:
They remain vulnerable
Hudson believes there are two main challenges decision-makers do not sufficiently take into account:
One is what majority of male migrants make to society they are going, and the other is what it does to the predominance of women and children who are left in the communities they travel from.
- If communities that migrants come from have normal gender balance, why would you accept a much larger proportion of men than women from these countries? Have not women in these countries equally great need for protection? she asks rhetorically.
Many surviving women and children are extremely vulnerable. They are easy prey and are often exploited.*
- Many daughters are sold for forced prostitution because the family needs funds to survive. Refugee Camps are often unsafe places for women, where it is difficult to physically protect themselves against abuse. Also the minority of women and children who come to Europe, are more vulnerable to abuse while traveling and in the camps in Europe, stressing Hudson.
Pointing to Canada
She holds up Canada as an example of how to take the consequences of the uneven gender distribution immigration provides.
Background: Canada says no to single male refugees - unless they are gays
In November last year decided Canada's new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his multicultural, equal government that this year they will only accept women, children with companions or families from Syria. Unaccompanied minor boys and men will essentially be denied access.
- We distinguish ourselves not so very from Canada, says statssekreær Jøran Kallemyr the Ministry of Justice.
He explains that Canda receive fewer asylum seekers than Norway, and that their decision comes kvotefyktninger.
- As regards the quota refugees have also Norway a particular focus on vulnerable families. We have no opportunity to give asylum seeker rejected because there is a man who comes alone, anyone who has need of protection receive it irrespective of gender, says Kallemyr.
He believes this is something Norway can do little with.
- We do not control who comes to our borders and seek asylum. What we can do is tell them that come what expectations there are for them in Norwegian society, and how you relate to women here. Otherwise there is little we can do. We can not import women either,** he says. 
The Secretary of State said they have not discussed the issue of imbalance in the sexes as a result of immigration especially with their Nordic counterparts.
- But there is clearly more focus on it now, after what has happened in Germany and Sweden.






Fotografija koja treba dobiti Pulicera, osim ako nije orkestrirana u šta sumnjam ali ostavljam mogućnost http://postimg.org/image/40fjnqq1h/


** Za problem uvoza žena da obrate domaćem socijalisti 



Državni sekretar u Ministarstvu za rad i socijalnu politiku Željko Vasiljević ima ideju kako da poboljša demografsku sliku Srbije. Njegov projekat podrazumeva dovođenje najmanje 100.000 žena iz Vijetnama, Kambodže, Laosa i Burme koje bi se udale za srpske neženje!



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White men have had a great run. From the rise of the Greeks to the birth of Western-based global empires, they have controlled much of the world or sought to: So much of history is a consequence of decisions made by—and at the behest of—the white guys in charge.


Centar sveta u Greek city-states, vazi :rolf: Sve dok se kolonijalna carstva nisu prosirila na svim kontinentima centar sveta je bio u Aziji, prevashodno Kini. 


Ono jeste da istoriju pisu pobednici ali ako vec pises ovakav tekst trebalo bi da se informises i iz drugih izvora a ne samo od old white men in charge i njihovih knjiga :happy:

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Centar sveta u Greek city-states, vazi :rolf: Sve dok se kolonijalna carstva nisu prosirila na svim kontinentima centar sveta je bio u Aziji, prevashodno Kini.



lik je totalno u modernom self hating jew fazonu majke mi


inače proričem da od prevlasti hordi braonkastih čovečuljaka neće biti ništa jer će toma mengele i ostali eugeniji uskoro biti u mogućnosti da izdizajniraju kojekakve iks menše a zna se šta onda sleduje :fantom:



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Napadnut sam ovde i sto sam uporedio neke radikalne feministkinje i islamizam. Pogledajmo sta Zoran Cirjakovic , profesor na fakultetu za medije i komunikaciju, cuveni novinar, kaze na tu temu, kao i na temu turbo folka i odnosa nekih feministkinja prema njemu(odnos za koji sam ja banovan). U slucaju da ovo opet bude obrisano usled pritisaka zna se kojih grupa, pozivam da se pogleda jos vise materjala na ovu temu na Alternativnoj rodnoj ravnopravnosti, na deponiji.


Edit naucnog materjala, koji je neki moderator proglasio u svojoj neukosti za trolovanje. Pdf nevladinih organizacija braco i sestre, pdf i citanje, ne banovanje.

Drugi kritičari su išli puno dalje. " Sistem vrednosti koji je ruzičasta turbo-folk kultura plasirala ... podrazumevao je ratno profiterstvo, kult kriminala i oružja, vladavinu sile i nasilja, korupciju, političko jednoumlje i konformizam, ali i odbacivanje građanskih vrednosti, kao sto su pravna država, brak, porodica, obrazovanje, moral, u korist jačanja ratničkog patrijarhata i prostituizacije žene", tvrdi Ivana Kronja, autorka knjige "Smrtonosni Sjaj".

U ambiciozno zamišljenoj knjizi o turbofolku Kronja piše i o "agresivnoj, sadistički i pornografski erotizovanoj turbo-folk ikonografiji". Ovde treba naglasiti da bi veliki deo ostrašćenih, i često bez ikakve ograde iznetih stavova ove beogradske feministkinje, sa zadovoljstvom potpisali ideolozi militatnih ogranaka Osamine "Al Kaide" koji u sam vrh svojih prioriteta stavljaju borbu protiv "turbofolkova" širom islamskog sveta. Za jednu moguću "binladenovsku" verziju citiranog opisa turbofolk kulture samo zamenite reč "građanski" rečju "islamski" i izbacite reči "jačanja ratničkog patrijarhata". Teoretičari islamskog fundamentalizma bez izuzetka smatraju da ovakva muzika vodi slabljenju onoga što beogradska teoretičarka kulture naziva "jačanjem ratničkog patrijarhata". 


izvor za pasus https://www.academia.edu/1908218/Turbofolk_-_na%C5%A1_a_svetski

Edited by kurjak92
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