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Uplifting and positive

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  • 5 months later...
  • 8 months later...

Eh sta odlazak na jug napravi od coveka :Dhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diA6VCInN44

In 2012 Erlend Øye moved from Norway to Italy. It didn't take him long to discover the goldmine of Italian music of the 60s and 70s and start taking inspiration from its arrangements and style of melodies. Neither did it take him long to take inspiration from the lives of the people around him in the Sicilian town of Siracusa, his new home, and learn enough of the language to write this song, La Prima Estate, his first song in Italian, which centers around his friend Lucia and her day of graduation.

Edited by laki strajk

A i meni uslo u uvo Frantijevo letnje izdanje, vrte ga cesto na Studiju B :)

A i meni uslo u uvo Frantijevo letnje izdanje, vrte ga cesto na Studiju B :)
meni bilo malo tuzno kada sam prvi put cuo pesmu. franti, veliki buntovnik i politicki aktivista se prebacio na lagane pesmice, kao mora se leba jesti ... ali mi posle sine, pa ako je aktivista ne mora da znaci da ne sme da bude veseo, zaljubljen ili-sta-vec i pravi ovakvu muziku. a mogao bi malo i da zaradi.- nisu losi za leto ni ovi francuzi sto podgrevaju michael jacskona.:http://youtu.be/ShiKVmNnp9w
  • 4 weeks later...

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