Posted April 24, 201212 yr Dakle, najavljuje se da će svih 10 epizoda četvrte sezone biti emitovano za jedan dan 2013. Ladies and gentlemen, make sure you have a sick day to spare in 2013, because it looks like the new season of "Arrested Development" -- yes, all ten episodes -- are going to premiere all at once next year on Netflix.Yes, there are going to be a lot of A.D. fanboys and fangirls calling in sick with TBA (or perhaps Graft vs. Host?) when the cult favorite comes out. Netflix Chief Content Officer Ted Sarandos confirmed the plan to release all ten episodes of the fourth season of "Arrested Development" at a National Association of Broadcasters event in Las Vegas.Vulture reported on the plans and also added that "Arrested" creator Mitch Hurwitz is open to doing a season 5 and season 6 of the show on Netflix and that Bob Loblaw, the attorney-at-law with the eponymous law blog, will make an appearance in season 4.The biggest news from the NAB convention, however, is the single-day release plan. It's similar to what Netflix did with its first exclusive show, "Lilyhammer," a mobster dramedy with Steven Van Zandt: That crime saga also made its entire first season available in one fell swoop back in early February. Though Netflix hasn't released viewing numbers for that show (and has previously told HuffPost that it will not, ever), it apparently did well enough that Netflix will be airing a second season of the show, according to Vulture.This likely means that Netflix's other upcoming shows may also get all-at-once releases. Among those shows are the David Mamet-Kevin Spacey drama "House of Cards," currently filming in Baltimore, and the just-announced Eli Roth horror series, "Hemlock Grove."Though Netflix has been busy acquiring and greenlighting original content -- it's got "Lilyhammer," "Arrested," "House of Cards," "Hemlock Grove," and "Orange Is the New Black," a prison comedy -- that's not the streaming site's long-term goal, per Netflix spokesman Steve Swasey (in an interview with HuffPost a couple months ago). All of these first-run shows are more of a pilot program than a new business plan; the focus is still on acquiring big-name movies and television shows to fill out its (oft-bemoaned) library.The fourth season of "Arrested Development" is a little different than a new show like "Lilyhammer" or "Hemlock Grove," of course, in that it comes with a built-in set of fans and viewers from its TV (and especially DVD) days. The Hollywood Reporter noted that fan activism on the Internet -- the petitions, the tweets, the emails, the tributes -- spurred Mitch Hurwitz and the show's executive producers into producing a new batch of episodes.Well, mission accomplished, "Arrested" fans, because the Bluths will be back soon, and when they do come back, it'll be all at once. Ready your favorite couch, recliner or hand chair. Dakle, osim opšte radosti zbog nove sezone (koja će iskreno biti ko zna kakva), možemo malo da hailujemo prve tri, sećamo se debilnih trenutaka i eventualno raširimo AD virus na one koji nisu gledali. Moj omiljeni GOB i njegovo odelce: analrapist: naravno, chicken dance:
April 24, 201212 yr Najbolji sitcom ikad, na svako ponovno gledanje sve bolji, nesto kao Big Lebowski serija. Nova sezona ce biti uzasno razocarenje, buduci da je Hurwitz ocito izgubio smisao za humor (jos vidam rane od Running Wildea), ali me to nece spreciti da hajpujem sve dok ima nade! Edited April 24, 201212 yr by Calavera
April 24, 201212 yr Dakle, osim opšte radosti zbog nove sezone (koja će iskreno biti ko zna kakva), možemo malo da hailujemo prve tri, sećamo se debilnih trenutaka i eventualno raširimo AD virus na one koji nisu gledali. Najbolji sitcom ikad, na svako ponovno gledanje sve bolji, nesto kao Big Lebowski serija. Nova sezona ce biti uzasno razocarenje, buduci da je Hurwitz ocito izgubio smisao za humor (jos vidam rane od Running Wildea), ali me to nece spreciti da hajpujem sve dok ima nade!Vi ste se vidim unapred spremili za onaj hipsteraj koji će prvi put pogledati seriju kad izađe nova sezona i sa visine nam dobaciti kako ne vidi čemu toliki hype, nije ništa naročito
April 24, 201212 yr Ma jok, ja iskreno verujem da ce biti bezveze. Ne verujem da su oni to iskreno hteli da naprave, nego samo udovoljavaju narodu koji ih na svakoj konvenciji pita hoce li biti novog AD filma ili sezone.A te replike kako serija nije nista posebno ne prihvatam dok se svaka epizoda ne odgleda minimum dva puta. ^_^
April 24, 201212 yr Author Vi ste se vidim unapred spremili za onaj hipsteraj koji će prvi put pogledati seriju kad izađe nova sezona i sa visine nam dobaciti kako ne vidi čemu toliki hype, nije ništa naročito Ja sam imun na hipsteraj, mišljenje javnosti, savremene trendove i uticaj medija. Moje "ko zna kakva" je zbog, kako to sad kažu komentatori, gubljenja momentuma.
October 17, 201212 yr,86805/ Nearly a month has passed since we last had an Arrested Development casting update, but this one should make up for all those weeks we've spent talking about absolutely nothing, just filling the space with formless words: Ben Schwartz has joined the regular, reunited cast, playing—as with other guest stars like John Slattery, Terry Crews, and Isla Fisher—an unspecified role in the upcoming fourth season. But of course, Ben Schwartz is also famous for his role as Jean-Ralphio onParks And Recreation, creating a pop-culture referencing conundrum that threatens to split the part of your temporal lobe responsible for quoting things in half. Which one will you quote? And then who will you be? And what will become of you then? Lrde, sad stvarno nema nista sem ovog u quoteu. :D
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