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Pesme o Drozi

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Bravo, to je to. 

Samo ljudi nisu na vreme shvatili.

A ni Nada Macura.

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Ovo bi ipak trebalo da je himna topika


My sister got bit by a copperhead snake
In the woods behind the house
Nobody was home so I grabbed her foot
And I sucked that poison out
My sister got better in a month or two
When the swellin' it went down
But I'd started off my teenage years
With a poison in my mouth
And we were too young to be hippies
Missed out on the love
We turned to a teen in the late 70's
In the summer of the drugs :wub:

Ovo su neke moje komšije slušale jedno petnaest dana, samo ovu pjesmu, odvrnutu do maksimuma



na jednom starom Marancovom lampaškom pojačalu


A onda, kad su prestali da budu klošari, počeo sam da im puštam i druge pjesme sa ove genijalne ploče


You'll forget about women,
You'll forget about men.
Try it just once,
And you'll try it again.
You'll forget about livin'
You'll forget about time,
And spend the rest of your days
As a slave to codine.


  • 4 weeks later...


Ova je bolja


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