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gospode mili, nek mi neko kaze da nam Bill Sheridan nije novi DC :isuse: nadam se samo da dolazi kao maska i da ce Davis biti DC, ne vidim nijedan drugi razlog zasto bi njega uzeli

gospode mili, nek mi neko kaze da nam Bill Sheridan nije novi DC :isuse: nadam se samo da dolazi kao maska i da ce Davis biti DC, ne vidim nijedan drugi razlog zasto bi njega uzeli
Moje saučešće.

nista mi ne pricaj, lupo sam glavom u zid kada sam procitao... doveli smo i Bryana Coxa(Parcells connection id say) assistant coacha, moja pretpostavka da ce raditi sa DL, mada nije iskljuceno da radi sa LBovima. ceo coaching staff za sada mi izgleda odlicno sem Sheridana. jebiga, valjda ce Butch Davis sve da vodi, jer nemoguce je da bi ovog doveli da bude def playcaller

holly fuck, doveli smo Bob Bostada da nam buce OL coach. coveka smatraju najboljim OL coachom na koledzu. :Hail:

holly fuck, doveli smo Bob Bostada da nam buce OL coach. coveka smatraju najboljim OL coachom na koledzu. :Hail:
Koliko vidim češljate po koledž tržištu a?

pa obzirom da iz NFL nije ostalo nista sto bi valjalo, bolje je ovako... mene realno od svih dovodjenja najvise nervira bas taj sto smo ga iz NFL i doveli(Bill Sheridan)... mada bi o njebovim dostignucima najmerodavniji bio titjer da kaze poneku(tipa primanje 40+ poena u proseku dok je bio DC u Giantsima i slicno :isuse: )

Stanford Routt Agrees To Terms With ChiefsFree agent cornerback Stanford Routt has agreed to terms with the Kansas City Chiefs, ESPN's Adam Schefter reports.Mike Florio of ProFootballTalk.com reports the deal is worth $20 million over three seasons. Routt signed a three-year, $31.5 million contract with the Oakland Raiders last March, but was released the day before his $5 million base salary in 2012 was to be guaranteed.Routt spent much of his first seven seasons of his career with the Raiders, totaling 273 tackles, two quarterback sacks, 10 interceptions and 50 passes defensed in 110 games, of which the University of Houston product started 53.The signing of Routt could lead to the end of Brandon Carr's tenure with the Chiefs. The 2008 fifth-round pick out of Grand Valley State had started all 64 games of his NFL career, led the NFL in passes defensed (25) in 2010 and had a career-high four interceptions in 2011. Carr was a candidate to receive the franchise tag this off-season, but with a cost of around $10.5 million in guaranteed base salary, seems unlikely with the amount of money directed towards Routt and starting cornerback Brandon Flowers, who signed a $48.75 million contract extension last September.
BTW friche vi ste najbolji ispod cap-a ;)
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Routt je chatovao i sa Billsima, ali nisu hteli da plate toliko (niti je on goreo od zelje da igra za njih).Chiefsi mi nisu jasni sa ovim. Usteda je oko 4M, ali Carr > Routt. Zar im je usteda hitna?

pa obzirom da iz NFL nije ostalo nista sto bi valjalo, bolje je ovako... mene realno od svih dovodjenja najvise nervira bas taj sto smo ga iz NFL i doveli(Bill Sheridan)... mada bi o njebovim dostignucima najmerodavniji bio titjer da kaze poneku(tipa primanje 40+ poena u proseku dok je bio DC u Giantsima i slicno :isuse: )
Ubedljivo najgori playcaller kojeg sam pratio u NFL-u. A imao je bolju odbranu od Giantsa 2011. Ovako ide njegov play rotation: 1&10 nećemo blicati, 2&10 nećemo blicati, 3&10 blic (vrlo loše dizajniran, tj i gotovo uvek isti nekakav zonski blic gde su nas bušili najstrašnije). Tako da su nam ekipe jedva čekale njihov 3&10 i ono uvek bude 20, 30yd. Odbrana mu je bila neka mešavina Spagsovog sistema (press coverage, kombinacija čoveka i zone blica) i klasične 4-3 odbrane, gde niko nije znao šta radi. Iz intervjua koje je davao, shvatio sam da je reč o čoveku koji nema samopouzdanja i nema strpljenja. Mislim lik je razjebao šampionsku odbranu. Bili smo skoro najgora odbrana u ligi sa 27 ppg, godinu dana posle osvojenog Superbowla.
Bill Sheridan defends track record with Giants Posted by Gregg Rosenthal on February 21, 2012, 12:50 PM EST b-sheridan.jpg?w=250 The defensive coordinator that preceded Bill Sheridan with the Giants (Steve Spagnuolo) won a Super Bowl and got a head coaching job. The coordinator that came after Sheridan (Perry Fewell) won a Super Bowl and probably will be a head coach some day. Now Sheridan is the defensive coordinator of the Bucs and was somewhat on the defensive in his introductory news conference, trying to explain his season running the Giants defense. New York gave up the second most amount of points in team history in 2009. “I took and take full responsibility for the fact that we didn’t play good enough defense at the end of the year when I was coordinating that year,” Sheridan said via Stephen Holder of the Tampa Bay Times. “Because I was put in charge of that, and the bottom line, at the end of the year, we didn’t keep people out of the end zone well enough to be successful.” Sheridan believes that he simplified the defense too much in New York. Now he takes over a defense that is coming off an awful season, but he understands the Bucs attack won’t be his defense. “I think our defense, it’s going to be Greg Schiano’s defense because he’s our head coach and I’m coordinating for him,” Sheridan said. The Bucs will play an attacking defense that is multiple in its 4-3 looks, with Sheridan promising to be more aggressive. We are still waiting for the first defensive coordinator hire to announce at his first press conference that his defense is hoping to play more passive in the coming year.
:lol: saučešće...

place mi se od tog potpisa :isuse: ali realno, potpuno neshvatljivi potpis obzirom na ostatak tima sto je skupio Schiano... doveden je i Earnest Byner kao RB coach, znaci zaista 4-5 izuzetnih imena na mestima pomocnika... i ovaj kreten na mestu DC. al dobro, i dalje se nadam da ce Butch Davis da bude covek koji ce da rukovodi odbranom, ovaj ce biti zvanicni DC cisto da bi UNC morao da isplati Davisa do kraja

place mi se od tog potpisa :isuse: ali realno, potpuno neshvatljivi potpis obzirom na ostatak tima sto je skupio Schiano... doveden je i Earnest Byner kao RB coach, znaci zaista 4-5 izuzetnih imena na mestima pomocnika... i ovaj kreten na mestu DC. al dobro, i dalje se nadam da ce Butch Davis da bude covek koji ce da rukovodi odbranom, ovaj ce biti zvanicni DC cisto da bi UNC morao da isplati Davisa do kraja
New Bucs defensive coordinator Bill Sheridan says he will be running Greg Schiano’s defense. But Sheridan will be the one calling the plays.In an interview that will air on NBC SportsTalk, Schiano said that he trusts Sheridan to handle gameday duties to free Schiano up for managing the team.

ma nije ni bilo pitanje da li ce Schiano da bude playcaller. nakon debakla sa Morrisom, a i pre toga uzasavajuceg napada kada je Gruden bio HC/OC, novi HC/playcaller nikako ne bi legao... pitanje je samo sta ce tacno Butch Davis raditi.

hocesh li uci u fantasy bejzbol jbt? :D

Sources tell CBS' Clark Judge there is "virtually no chance" free agent Mario Manningham re-signs with the Giants, and that he is "expected" to sign with the Bucs.
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