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NFL 2012

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Gledao iskljucio da bih cuo Dekija Golalica. :Hail: Malo je jednom, evo ga opet. :Hail: :)Cime se on sada bavi?
mislim da je zubar negde u USAcovek je apsolutno najzasluzniji za uspeh AF u Srbiji. genije :Hail:
dm_130204_espnthemag_michaeljackson.jpgodo od sramote da navijam za DJetse :(
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mislim da je zubar negde u USAcovek je apsolutno najzasluzniji za uspeh AF u Srbiji. genije :Hail:
yup, u pitsburgu,

izgleda da je mvp u finisu sezone igrao sa sportskom kilom... :mellow:

Adrian Peterson's MVP season looks a bit more incredible now that the abdominal injury he played through in December proved serious enough to require surgery.The Vikings released this statement this morning: Adrian Peterson had a surgical procedure done today by Dr. William Meyers, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dr. Meyers was able to successfully repair Adrian’s abdominal core muscle injury (sports hernia). We expect a speedy recovery with no long-term concerns.
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