Caligula Posted December 17, 2007 Posted December 17, 2007 (edited) fragmenti za intelektualce i urbane ... a zasto bi pravila morala da budu jasna? ... mislim da su ovo kreativne asocijacije. Skakanje iz poetike u poetiku, gde svako od nas izmedju motiva koje postuje pravi licnu logicnu vezu. Nesto kao fragmenti u medjusobnoj vezi. Mislim da asocijacije ne moraju (a mogu) da se sastoje iz dva koraka, mogu i iz jednog.Evo da nastavim niz:edit: meni se ideja dopada, samo na prvoj strani procitah i videh dobre stvari:) Edited December 17, 2007 by CowBoy
kurdi Posted December 21, 2007 Posted December 21, 2007 a: he's not mine... is he? his madness... his madness keeps him sane.q: i have given him what many mortals have lived and died for, sister. i have made him king.joshua norton was buried on sunday, the 10th of january 1880. 10,000 people filed past the body, as it lay in state; and his funeral cortege was over two miles long. his burial was marked by a total eclipse of the sun.he was the first and last emperor of the united states of america.
nezvanova Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 a:q: “Ko je to?” rekoh pretvarajuci se da ne znam.“Zena-zmaj”, odgovorila je Kiti. “Dosla je da te ukrade.”Uhvatio sam je za ruke pokusavajuci da ne zadrhtim kada sam osetio kako su meke. “Cini mi se da me je vec ukrala”, kazao sam.Nastala je kratka pauza, a onda me je stegnula jos jace. “Ja se tebi ipak malo dopadam, zar ne?”“Vise nego malo. Znas i sama. Mnogo vise nego malo.”“Nista ja ne znam. Suvise dugo cekam da bih znala bilo sta.”Citava ta scena bila je nekako imaginarna. Znao sam da je stvarna, ali u isto vreme, bila je bolja od stvarnosti, mnogo bliza projekciji stvarnosti koju sam prizeljkivao od bilo cega drugoga sto sam dotad iskusio. Moje zelje bile su veoma jake, zapravo bile su ogromne, ali samo zahvaljujuci Kiti dobile su priliku da se ispolje. Sve je zavisilo od njenih reakcija, od suptilnih podsticaja i vestine njenih pokreta, od toga sto nije oklevala. Kiti se nije plasila sebe, i zivela je u svom telu bez stida i nedoumica. Mozda je to sto se bavila plesom imalo neke veze s tim, ali pre mi se cini da je bilo obrnuto. To sto je uzivala u svom telu omogucavalo joj je da se bavi plesom.Nekoliko sati smo, pod bledim popodnevnim svetlom vodili ljubav u Zimerovom stanu. Bez ikakve sumnje, to je nesto sto nikada necu zaboraviti, i verujem da je to ono sto je u meni konacno dovelo do promene. Ne mislim samo na seks ili na permutacije zelje, vec pre na dramaticno rusenje unutrasnjih zidova, na zemljotres u sredistu moje samoce. Toliko sam se bio navikao na cinjenicu da sam sam, da nisam ni pomislio da bi mi se tako nesto moglo desiti. Podvrgao sam sebe odredjenom nacinu zivota, a onda se, iz meni potpuno nepoznatih razloga, ova lepa Kineskinja nasla preda mnom, spustila se kao andjeo s nekog drugog sveta. Nisam mogao da se ne zaljubim u nju, nisam mogao da ne budem zanesen samom cinjenicom da postoji.” Pol Oster “Meseceva palata”
kurdi Posted December 26, 2007 Posted December 26, 2007 (edited) a (uvod u antipoda):+vezano q (interni sukob, dve se u njoj pobise sile): Edited December 26, 2007 by kurdi
kgmr Posted January 9, 2008 Author Posted January 9, 2008 Nisam jos procitao strip (sad cu da zaredjam po knjiznicama) al sam gledao film.koji film? naisla sam na krasne slike evnuha, slobodno asocirajuci....
kurdi Posted January 10, 2008 Posted January 10, 2008 (edited) :lol:ja nisam (jos*) gledao film (@km - bilalov immortel).edit: glede stripa - zena klopka je tu kljucni (drugi) deo trilogije i super je sama po sebi. mada mislim da su nova izdanja uglavnom ionako integralna. ali ako slucajno nadjes samo zenu klopku, to mozes da uzmes i nezavisno od prvog i treceg dela.*referenca na? Edited January 10, 2008 by kurdi
Aleksija Posted January 10, 2008 Posted January 10, 2008 We kneel, face to face. Our faces are lit by two strong lamps. Alternately, we slap each other's face until one of us stops.
luba Posted January 10, 2008 Posted January 10, 2008 marina :)lenja asocijacijaa pravaLife is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for. Unreturnable, because all you get back is another box of chocolates. So you're stuck with this undefinable whipped mint crap that you mindlessly wolf down when there's nothing else left to eat. Sure, once in a while there's a peanut butter cup or an english toffee but they're gone too fast and taste is fleeting. So you end up with nothing but broken bits of hardened jelly and teeth-shattering nuts. If you're desperate enough to eat those, all you got left is an empty box filled with useless brown paper wrappers.
luba Posted January 13, 2008 Posted January 13, 2008 a:There are countries that exist only for a matter of days, sometimes only for hours, not lasting long enough to be named or even recognized for what they are by their temporary citizenry. Often they are created by fog banks, hurricanes, blizzards, by any force of nature with the power to isolate; on other occasions they are brought into being by incidences of cosmic weather, shifts in dimensionality and the like, events to which many of us in our stubborn rationality refuse to subscribe. Whatever the character of their borders, for the duration of their existence these countries are governed by their own peculiar laws, which we are persuaded to accept as logical and right, no matter how illogical and wrong they might strike us were we back in the country of our birth; and because we accept them, because we yield ourselves up to their remarkable processes, the unremarkable stuff of our lives may be transformed forever.I am writing this during the week immediately preceding Valentine's Day, nearly three months after you and I met in just such a country, an encounter that you may not remember. Though I did not consciously choose the moment to write, I can't deny that the day is appropriate to the task?a day when the confusions of love are cast aside and the essence of that emotion is expressed simply by means of heartfelt gifts and heart-shaped cards. What I have to say does not in itself constitute a simple expression, being a detailed record of our time together and referencing other times when we have shared the same latitude and longitude. But perhaps the simplicity of the form, a letter, will convey the simplicity of the feelings that inspire it and so find its way to your heart.a --->>>a <<<---
Indy Posted January 13, 2008 Posted January 13, 2008 a>>>Tuco: You never had a rope around your neck. Well, I'm going to tell you something. When that rope starts to pull tight, you can feel the Devil bite your ass. <<<....i really think i am entitled to an answer to that question....
PussyGalore Posted February 26, 2008 Posted February 26, 2008 Crveno:: Crnobez mapplethorpea, bghost ,sve izgleda crno bez belo
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