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A najjača je pretraga na Bingu, The search simona halep may return explicit adult content :lol:
nista adult, nista explicit :(a3795278-52-Simona%20Halep.jpg?d=1297451109mada je i ovo dosta za 4baf06a14a8095b6488c6447ef891fb7_b3b4216919.jpga sto se tice NJoleta... aman ljudi, opusteno. trust me ;)
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pa ono, "may" :D ma Ameri, dramosere zbog malo kvalitetnog poprsja... ajte, molim vasŠta smo još imali, Rafa ponovo drugi, Ana opet malo napred, na 13. mesto, Kerber u top 10, JJ van top 20

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Ne sećam se kad je ovako bio narogušen u intervjuu, dobro je da mu nije svejedno :P

Monday, 21 May, 2012 An interview with: Novak DjokovicQ: If you compare last year and this year….Djokovic I am not comparing last year and this one.Q: NO, just in the way you are both playing. What are the main differencesDjokovic I cant say – he is always the favourite even if I win against him 7 times – he is the best player in the world on this surface and the two wins I had gave me confidence and I think that the match today was quite close …even if he won in straight sets. If you don’t use the opportunities against Rafa he gets momentum. I made unforced errors and I don’t think he played extremely well – I made a lot of errors which should not happen when you play against Nadal and ….. I will go to Paris with confidence and I played a great week.Q: Sorry to say but will it be crucial to block ……Djokovic The facts are there. I cannot say it is not present and its there and a possibility to win 4 Grand Slams in a row and I am going and preparing for a Grand Slam as I prepare for any other big event with more focus and its 2 weeks long and the most important tournament and we always wast to deliver out best game and we are good – I feel good on the court and I need to make a few adjustment before Paris but I'll be in top formQ: 2 raquets broken in 3 matches. Whats your opinion.Djokovic No opinion. Its my emotions on the court and I show good and bad emotions.Q: You day the fist set as 6 break piints --Djokovic A lot of changes from 5 all – a lot of changes and I made incredible mistakes. What can you do – Nadal is across the net and you need a strong and precise shot and you can over force the shot but look --- as I said – its been a good week and he deserved to win.Q: Do you watch the match on TV or you never do it. Today you were pushing him back and he was playing short and you didn't take advantage.Djokovic I feel the ball as well as in the semi finalsQ: How you explain the unforced errors today. Bad form?Djokovic I just answered that questionQ: Novak – you said Rafa didn’t play but is he doing any thing different with his serve or forehandDjokovic That is a question for him. I don't fee that there is much difference in the tactics., Always when we play t is a close match and small differences.Q: Why did you feel last night you couldn't playDjokovic Made a decision together with the officials and we made the decision that the court was not possible to play. Sorry for the people but risky to go out on the court an having an injury and very soft and not good conditions and I think that the finals today was good and a good crown of people in the stands.
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Rezultati za 21.5., nesto poput Stojanke majke Knespoljke Novak Djokovic - Nadal 5:7, 3:6Marko Djokovic - Perez Sanz 6:1, 4:6, 1:6Djordje Djokovic - Polanen 6:4, 1:6, 0:1 predajaDa ne bude sve tako crno Lukic - Kitagawa 6:2, 6:1. U finalu kvalifikacija najvece iskusenje - Addison. :oNajsexy sportistkinje - 16. Ivanovic, 7. Kirilenko, 3. Sarapova, dalje znate i sami... http://bleacherreport.com/articles/582296-25-hottest-athletes-under-25/page/26

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Sa tvitera....:D :lol:

Cuvena modna kreatorka Jelena Jankovic posle Stutgarta,Madrida i Rima posetila i svecano otvaranje WTA turnira u Briselu.
ima i ovo.....:lolol:
Jelena Janković je nakon ispadanja u prvom kolu turnira, izjavila : Neću se povući iz tenisa! A i zašto bi, ne oduzima joj puno vremena.
Edited by Jean-Luc Picard
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Krajinović prošao u drugi krug kvalifikacija, pobedio nekog Čeha (oko ~200. mesta) u tri seta, sledeći je Bobi Rejnolds :)

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