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Tenis 2012


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Beluči sutra gubi od Hasea. Smem u bure piva i tonu ćevapa....
To bi stvarno bio dobar tip na kladži...Edit: 3,40 - nije loše... Edited by tempo
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Nešto se dogodilo :unsure:

Carole Bouchard @carole_bouchard Canal just showed images again of an official coming to talk to Djokovic and then Djokovic leaving his training court in tears..
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Nije uopšte stvar ni u podlozi ni u Haseu nego u Belučiju....;)
Ma kontam, to je takođe izvanredna navlakuša na kladži: Haase je prošao srećno a Bellucci je razvalio Ferrera. Evo već se kladio, kvota 3,95! Računaj koliko je puta bolje to nego na Belluccija 1,25. A odnos snaga sigurno nije takav...
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Neil Harman ‏ @NeilHarmanTimesI'm sorry to say that the news about the death of @DjokerNole's grandfather is true but he is determined to play today
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