December 21, 201113 yr Jobik. You know it makes sense...Pa ček, i u onoj našoj šklj partiji, kako se već zvala, bila je Ceca (što i nije baš previše različito od porničarke, ako je uopšte). Ti Mađari mogu da nas sanjaju u koloru, uvek smo ispred njih.
December 21, 201113 yr A jel' imaju takve planove, ovi što su na vlasti?Interesantno kako ozbiljna atmosfera na forumu kad je reč o situaciji u Mađarskoj vs. sprdnja kad se radi o Sev. Koreji. A gde biste radije bili?Pa Severna Koreja je van svake diskusije, svi znamo da je to drzava sjebana do bola. Posto je daleko i nema uticaja na vaskoliko sprstvo, mozemo da se sprdamo.A ovo je u komsiluku u jednoj zemlji za koju bi do juce svi rekli da je sto se tih stvari tice u normalnijem stanju od vaskolikog srpstva. A ispada da nije tako...
December 21, 201113 yr Skoro svaka zemlja ima poneku mentolsku smradnu neo-naci partiju u opoziciji. Važno je da ne dođu na vlast... pa stoga možda ova svevlast koju sadašnji FIDESZ (koji nisu neonaci, jel da? ) u Mađarskoj imaju i nije tako loša stvar.PS. Ako bude rata i ako ih pobedite, ukradite im kobasice. Jobbik je skoro druga partija u Mađarskoj, sa milion glasova i sa samo 2 poslanika manje od do skora vladajućih socijalista... uz to, na vlasti je Fidesz, koji mu dođe kao Jobbik sa 1% mlečne masti.Ne radi se samo o bulažnjenju kontra Trijanona, koje mu dođe kao neka konstanta u mađarskoj politici još od 1920. godine, oni imaju otvorene antisemitske stavove (zli juden kapital koji je pokupovao sve budimpeštanske nekretnine), poluvojne odrede koji pale romska naselja itd.Što se preemptive rata kontra nji tiče - Tuđe nećemo, svoje nedamo! Samo povesne granice: Pečuj - Balaton - Sentandreja - Segedin! :P
December 21, 201113 yr Voli ženska uniforme... Već je zamišljam kao pandurku ili lekarku.svakoj po jedna sremska kobasica ako dodju u goste
December 21, 201113 yr ... oni imaju otvorene antisemitske stavove (zli juden kapital koji je pokupovao sve budimpeštanske nekretnine), poluvojne odrede koji pale romska naselja itd....Koliko vidim u vestima, glavni problem je Jobbik, a ne ovi što su na vlasti.Odakle tolika podrška Jobbik-u, btw? (Osim porničarki). Istorija nas uči da se naci-pokreti hrane nekom (umišljenom ili stvarnom) nepravdom? Šta ovima nije pravo, nalaze se u EU i stoje svakako bolje nego kad su bili u Varšavskom paktu? Ko je njih nasekirao?
December 22, 201113 yr Koliko vidim u vestima, glavni problem je Jobbik, a ne ovi što su na vlasti.Odakle tolika podrška Jobbik-u, btw? (Osim porničarki). Istorija nas uči da se naci-pokreti hrane nekom (umišljenom ili stvarnom) nepravdom? Šta ovima nije pravo, nalaze se u EU i stoje svakako bolje nego kad su bili u Varšavskom paktu? Ko je njih nasekirao?Krivi su im Srbi, Hrvati, Slovaci i Rumuni što su im razbucali zemlje krune Svetog Stefana, krivi su im komunisti jer su ih handrili pola veka, krivi su im Jevreji jer su pokupovali sve u Mađarskoj i krivi su im Cigani jer postoje.
December 22, 201113 yr Istorija nas uči da se naci-pokreti hrane nekom (umišljenom ili stvarnom) nepravdom? Šta ovima nije pravo, nalaze se u EU i stoje svakako bolje nego kad su bili u Varšavskom paktu? Ko je njih nasekirao?Pa natovila se stoka, baš kao i ovdašnja, pa je sada kada se zadovoljila ishranom počela da mašta o povratku vekovnih ognjišta mađarštine diljem Slavonije, Vojvodine i Transilvanije...
December 22, 201113 yr Krivi su im Srbi, Hrvati, Slovaci i Rumuni što su im razbucali zemlje krune Svetog Stefana, krivi su im komunisti jer su ih handrili pola veka, krivi su im Jevreji jer su pokupovali sve u Mađarskoj i krivi su im Cigani jer postoje. Kako li Jobbik zamišlja da ispravi te krivde?
December 22, 201113 yr Kako li Jobbik zamišlja da ispravi te krivde? Gypsy issuesThe coexistence and cohesion of Magyar and Gypsy is one of the severest problems facing Hungarian society. On the occasion of 1989’s regime change, great swathes of the Gypsy people lost their jobs; who subsequently found themselves unable, and in many cases unfortunately unwilling, to adapt to the new realities. Astonishing rates of unemployment were produced, which the absence or low-level of education merely exacerbated. In certain parts of the country over the last decades the situation has deteriorated to truly deplorable levels. Generations have now grown up, having never once seen their parents in work. The continuation of the Gypsy people’s circumstances along their current course is nothing short of a potential time-bomb, and if it is not subject to concerted intervention, our mutual home could sink into a state of virtual civil war. At the present time a segment of the Gypsy community strive for neither integration, nor employment, nor education; and wish only that society maintain them through the unconditional provision of state benefits. If we wish to return the Gypsy people to a world of work, education and lawfulness it will be necessary to: deliver a truthful and accurate assessment of the realities we face, fundamentally reform social benefit provision, bolster the education of the Gypsy young, bring an end to the phenomena of gypsy crime, and achieve the greater engagement of the churches and civil society institutions in the remedying of the Gypsy people’s circumstances. The most pressing of these issues is undeniably the halting of gypsy crime, for which the strengthening of the established police, and the foundation of a dedicated rural police service, or Gendarmerie, is required. Naturally gypsy crime does not mean that all Gypsy people are criminals, and it is an absurdity to suggest that it equates to the collective labelling of an entire community, as frequently the main victims of gypsy crime are Gypsy people themselves. What is however simply beyond dispute, is that certain specific criminological phenomena are predominantly and overwhelmingly associated with this minority, and that as a result such phenomena require the application of fitting and appropriate remedies. Law enforcement initiatives therefore, must go hand in hand with the reform of social, educational and employment policy, given that Gypsy integration [as opposed to alienation means assimilation into society-at-large, and that this process must commence at school, even in nursery school; which is why we would allocate both churches and civic and social institutions a specific role in this endeavour, given their ability to more quickly engage the Gypsy people in the necessary dialogue. Instead of the unconditional receipt of benefits, everyone in the country who is capable of work and who is not in employment, must be offered work; if required through a public works project: in order to receive public assistance. Such assistance must not be paid to the recipient in cash, but rather through the Social Card scheme. [see Social Welfare policy, above] In the interests of restricting the regrettable practise of the bearing of children for the purposes of economic subsistence through the state benefits receivable: child benefit will be reformed nationally, so as to only be receivable after the third child, in the form of tax relief; and it is vital that all child benefits be conditional on that child’s attendance in education. pa kažeForeign Affairs policyIn the post-regime change era, Hungarian foreign policy has set itself three objectives: the improvement of the circumstances of Hungarians living in neighbouring countries, the development of good relations with our neighbours, and effective integration into the strategic European and North Atlantic communities. The last twenty years has proven, that these three objectives have only partially been achieved. Jobbik’s objectives are: the reincorporation into the national body of both Western and Carpathian-basin Hungarians, a resolute and independent Central and Eastern European foreign policy, an active policy towards the Balkans, closer relationships with those nations related to us by culture and descent, a balanced economic and political cooperation with all the great powers on the international stage, the development and support of a Hungarianto-Hungarian institutional network, and political and economic openness towards the East. Jobbik considers its most important task to be the reunification of a Hungarian nation unjustly torn apart during the course of the 20th century. It is our most fundamental moral duty to represent the interests and defend the rights of Hungarian communities. We will strive, perpetually, for the collective rights of the Hungarians of the Carpathian basin, and for the realisation of their territorial, economic and cultural self-determination. In contrast to the foreign policy carried out beforehand towards the EU and the North Atlantic region, we will operate a policy that promotes our interests with both decisiveness and determination. Jobbik also considers it important to welcome those American Hungarians, who have preserved their awareness of their national origins, back into Hungarian public life. We will develop a partner relationship with Russia, which should bring our homeland positive economic and national-political benefits. We shall pursue cooperation with the Far-East and the South-East Asian region, in the interests of our mutual benefit, through the utilization of advantages which originate in our capacity to be a geographical bridgehead. With the United States we intend developing the kind of bilateral relationship, which consistently and transparently promotes our national interests. We shall also widen diplomatic relations with Arab nations, and will promote the creation of an independent Palestinian state, moreover, we shall accept a greater role in promoting the continued existence of Christian communities in the Middle-East. In the case of Central Asian nations, we shall reinforce the development of political and economic relations on the basis of cultural relationships, given our ancient kinship with the peoples of that region. Considering their geopolitical status and influence, our diplomatic efforts are predominantly aimed at China, Japan, Kazakhstan and Turkey. We will guarantee every Hungarian the right to Hungarian citizenship, and thus, to have their voices heard in matters concerning the national interest. We will review the treaties agreed with our neighbouring countries, and reposition them onto more sound foundations. And with every single political instrument at our disposal we shall promote and support the efforts of Hungarians beyond the border to achieve self-determination. Jobbik will diligently strive in its foreign policy, for the closer cooperation of Central-European states, on the pre-condition that the rights of the Hungarian minorities living in those states are resolved. ima sve ovdeRADICAL CHANGE for national self-determination and social justice A guide to Jobbik’s parliamentary electoral manifesto
December 22, 201113 yr Čitam sad nešto o situaciji u Mađarskoj, pa vidim da sam potcenio nezaposlenost (oko 11%) ...
December 22, 201113 yr Author We will develop a partner relationship with Russia, which should bring our homeland positive economic andnational-political benefits. We shall pursue cooperation with the Far-East and the South-East Asian region, in theinterests of our mutual benefit, through the utilization of advantages which originate in our capacity to be ageographical bridgehead. With the United States we intend developing the kind of bilateral relationship, whichconsistently and transparently promotes our national interests. We shall also widen diplomatic relations withArab nations, and will promote the creation of an independent Palestinian state, moreover, we shall accept agreater role in promoting the continued existence of Christian communities in the Middle-East. In the case ofCentral Asian nations, we shall reinforce the development of political and economic relations on the basis ofcultural relationships, given our ancient kinship with the peoples of that region. Considering their geopoliticalstatus and influence, our diplomatic efforts are predominantly aimed at China, Japan, Kazakhstan and Turkey. 4 stuba.
December 22, 201113 yr Glede Trianona, tu mogu da leleču koliko hoće, jasno. Ono što mene kopka je, da li bi, da možemo i mi da se ovako raspojasamo, imali (tako popularnu) stranku koja najopuštenije za program ima i rešavanje ciganskog pitanja?Spustiću sve na lično iskustvo - moja porodica i dobar deo familije (imam ogromnu familiju, ne mogu za sve da tvrdim), prijatelji, svi su ok ljudi, i svi se načelno slažu da tim ljudima treba pomoći, ali što se nasumičnog okruženja, posebno na radnom mestu tiče, ja se prosto plašim da i pomenem tu priču, posebno nakon što je par inteligentnih, obrazovanih i kulturnih ljudi izjavilo da bi bagerima trebalo zatrpati i same cigane, zajedno s karton-naseljima.Mađarima alal ona stvar na jobiku - tim idiotima želim da se što pre udave i pocrkaju u rasnoj čistoći, ali bih voleo i da imam više razloga za optimizam kada je i ovaj deo Balkana u pitanju, te da na odsustvo ovakvih pojava neće uticati samo slanje slike u svet i to što moramo da budemo dobri mali deca.
December 22, 201113 yr imam i ja te sto bi zatrpavali bagerima, ali na osnovu dela moze se reci da je kod nas antiromska histerija daleko manja nego u Madjarskoj i drugim zemljama koje smatraju da imaju "romski problem". prilicno sam siguran da ce tako i ostati.
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