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Uspon neonacizma u Mađarskoj

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Je li ovo mejnstrim ili hardkor?THE FUNDAMENTAL LAW OF HUNGARY (25 April 2011)God bless the HungariansNATIONAL AVOWALWE, THE MEMBERS OF THE HUNGARIAN NATION, at the beginning of the new millennium, with a sense of responsibility for every Hungarian, hereby proclaim the following:We are proud that our king Saint Stephen built the Hungarian State on solid ground and made our country a part of Christian Europe one thousand years ago.We are proud of our forebears who fought for the survival, freedom and independence of our country.We are proud of the outstanding intellectual achievements of the Hungarian people.We are proud that our people has over the centuries defended Europe in a series of struggles and enriched Europe’s common values with its talent and diligence.We recognise the role of Christianity in preserving nationhood. We value the various religious traditions of our country.ostatak u spoileru

We promise to preserve the intellectual and spiritual unity of our nation torn apart in the storms of the last century. The nationalities living with us form part of the Hungarian political community and are constituent parts of the State.We commit to promoting and safeguarding our heritage, our unique language, Hungarian culture, the languages and cultures of nationalities living in Hungary, along with all man-made and natural assets of the Carpathian Basin. We bear responsibility for our descendants; therefore we shall protect the living conditions of future generations by making prudent use of our material, intellectual and natural resources.We believe that our national culture is a rich contribution to the diversity of European unity.We respect the freedom and culture of other nations, and shall strive to cooperate with every nation of the world.We hold that human existence is based on human dignity.We hold that individual freedom can only be complete in cooperation with others.We hold that the family and the nation constitute the principal framework of ourcoexistence, and that our fundamental cohesive values are fidelity, faith and love.We hold that the strength of community and the honour of each person are based on labour, an achievement of the human mind.We hold that we have a general duty to help the vulnerable and the poor.We hold that the common goal of citizens and the State is to achieve the highest possible measure of well-being, safety, order, justice and liberty.We hold that democracy is only possible where the State serves its citizens and administers their affairs in an equitable manner, without prejudice or abuse.1We honour the achievements of our historical constitution and we honour the Holy Crown, which embodies the constitutional continuity of Hungary’s statehood and the unity of the nation.We do not recognise the suspension of our historical constitution due to foreign occupations. We deny any statute of limitations for the inhuman crimes committed against the Hungarian nation and its citizens under the national socialist and communist dictatorships.We do not recognise the communist constitution of 1949, since it was the basis for tyrannical rule; therefore we proclaim it to be invalid.We agree with the members of the first free Parliament, which proclaimed as its first decision that our current liberty was born of our 1956 Revolution.We date the restoration of our country’s self-determination, lost on the nineteenth day of March 1944, from the second day of May 1990, when the first freely elected body of popular representation was formed. We shall consider this date to be the beginning of our country’s new democracy and constitutional order.We hold that after the decades of the twentieth century which led to a state of moral decay, we have an abiding need for spiritual and intellectual renewal.We trust in a jointly-shaped future and the commitment of younger generations. We believe that our children and grandchildren will make Hungary great again with their talent, persistence and moral strength.Our Fundamental Law shall be the basis of our legal order: it shall be a covenant among Hungarians past, present and future; a living framework which expresses the nation’s will and the form in which we want to live.We, the citizens of Hungary, are ready to found the order of our country upon the common endeavours of the nation.

Stupa na snagu 1. januara. :)

Edited by anantaram

to je priprema za stvaranje drzave koja po svojim bazicnim principima jako podseca na Musolinijevu Italiju i u kojoj se mediji, sudovi, stranke i gotovo sve ustanove u zemlji stavljaju pod indirektnu administrativnu kontrolu Fidesa, nezavisno od rezultata izbora. citam cele godine o ovome sto se desava u Madjarskoj i - ne verujem.evo covek lepo sabrao sta je sve uradjeno i kako ce Madjarska izgledati za nekoliko dana.

Nesto mi nije jasno... ili su "desni centar" ili su kao Mussolini. To nikako nije isto. (BTW. Barack Obama = centre right) EDIT Izgleda su oni vise autoritarijanci nego desnicari.

Edited by Indy

Nesto mi nije jasno... ili su "desni centar" ili su kao Mussolini. To nikako nije isto.
svakako su centar u odnosu na Jobbik. No, ta podela je u uslovima administrativne partijske kontrole prilicno nebitna. Pazi ne zovem ja ovo fasizmom, vec me ovaj pateticni organski nacionalizam u sprezi sa trajnom partijskom kontrolom institucija podseca na Musolinijevu Italiju. Ovde se vidi sva slabost evropskog projekta onakvog kakav je: eu cele godine vristi do neba da ovo ne sme, i, gle, ipak sme. A pola od ovih odredbi bi neku zemlju aspiranta drzalo izvan EU. Kada jednom udjes, mozes da radis sta hoces, pa i da beskucnistvo, kao Madjari sto rade, proglasavas za krivicno delo.
  • Author
to je priprema za stvaranje drzave koja po svojim bazicnim principima jako podseca na Musolinijevu Italiju i u kojoj se mediji, sudovi, stranke i gotovo sve ustanove u zemlji stavljaju pod indirektnu administrativnu kontrolu Fidesa, nezavisno od rezultata izbora. citam cele godine o ovome sto se desava u Madjarskoj i - ne verujem.evo covek lepo sabrao sta je sve uradjeno i kako ce Madjarska izgledati za nekoliko dana.
Jos gore, ne vidim ni ko ce u dogledno vreme moci promeniti ovaj dokument i pratece zakone. Socijalisti pored Fidesa, Hriscana i Jobika nikad nece sakupiti 2/3 vecinu.Tacno su se montirali na dugo vreme.

Edited by anantaram

Jos gore, ne vidim ni ko ce u dogledno vreme moci promeniti ovaj dokument i pratece zakone. Socijalisti pored Fidesa, Hriscana i Jobika nikad nece sakupiti 2/3 vecinu.Tacno su se montirali na dugo vreme.
montirali su se tako da ne postoji legalan nacin da odu sa vlasti, osim da je dobrovoljno prepuste, sto je krugman plasticno objasnio. Sto kaze indy, to nije desni centar nego autoritarna vlast. Demokratija u svakom slucaju nije.

pa jesmo mi sad bolji od njih ili nismo?

montirali su se tako da ne postoji legalan nacin da odu sa vlasti, osim da je dobrovoljno prepuste, sto je krugman plasticno objasnio. Sto kaze indy, to nije desni centar nego autoritarna vlast. Demokratija u svakom slucaju nije.
Mene zanima, da li neko zna da li EU to sad moze da dovede u pitanje? Mislim, koja je poenta EU ako nece spreciti nove Hitlere. Koji ce nam onda, mislim, bilo kome. Ovamo Turci ne valjaju, Srbi ne valjaju, a ovi im se sprdaju sa demokratijom pod nosom.
Mene zanima, da li neko zna da li EU to sad moze da dovede u pitanje? Mislim, koja je poenta EU ako nece spreciti nove Hitlere. Koji ce nam onda, mislim, bilo kome. Ovamo Turci ne valjaju, Srbi ne valjaju, a ovi im se sprdaju sa demokratijom pod nosom.
ne postoje mehanizmi za iskljucivanje iz EU, a jedina kaznena mera (koliko znam, mozda ima jos neka blaza mera) za narusavanje demokratije i vladavine prava je oduzimanje glasackog prava u Savetu Evrope.

Edited by Marko M. Dabovic

ne postoje mehanizmi za iskljucivanje iz EU, a jedina kaznena mera za narusavanje demokratije i vladavine prava je oduzimanje glasackog prava u Savetu Evrope.
Od cega nema nista, sudeci po onome sto je Gugl na brzinu izbacio. Sva paznja EU je na euru i merama stednje, izgleda. A ovaj novi rezim se uporno svuda zove desni centar, sto je velika vecina rezima u zapadnom svetu, znaci nista oko cega bi se neko uzbudjivao. Jedino sam nasao neki tekst u Der Spiegel od pre nekoliko meseci koji kaze otprilike sto i ja u prethodnom postu. Valjda su Nemci posebno pozorni na ovakve "elemente" kakvi preuzimaju Madjarsku.
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Mene zanima, da li neko zna da li EU to sad moze da dovede u pitanje? Mislim, koja je poenta EU ako nece spreciti nove Hitlere. Koji ce nam onda, mislim, bilo kome. Ovamo Turci ne valjaju, Srbi ne valjaju, a ovi im se sprdaju sa demokratijom pod nosom.
Pa dovode oni to u pitanje vec godinu dana, i Venecijanska komisija, i Evropski parlament, cak su se i Ameri malo trtili tu, ali nista. :) Za 10 dana postaje osnovni zakon Madjarske.Pazi ovo:"The new election law specifies the precise boundaries of the new electoral districts that will send representatives to the parliament. But the new districts are drawn in such a way that no other party on the political horizon besides Fidesz is likely to win elections. A respected Hungarian think tank ran the numbers from the last three elections using the new district boundaries. Fidesz would have won all three elections, including the two they actually lost."..."Even the precise boundaries of electoral districts cannot be changed by simple majority vote, but only by a two-third supermajority."

Edited by anantaram

Bilo je nekih tekstova o usponu neonacizma u Mađarskoj. Jevrejima se prijeti, neonacisti marširaju... Užas.

3. stranka u Mađarskoju__Jobbik_.jpghungaryarmy_wideweb__470x332,0.jpgHATE%2BIN%2BHUNGARY5.jpgjobbik%20001.jpg

Zvezdaši. Znao sam.

stranačke novine10_cimlap_web.jpg

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