luba Posted August 5, 2013 Posted August 5, 2013 postoji, kako ne. ali ako budem pisala o detaljima, neko ce nekad iskoristiti taj post da me smesti u ludnicu. (fontovi, prelom, miris itd)a pdv na knjige je izmisljotina dinkica - posto ne moze da naplati carinu na manje od 40-50 e, onda je izmislio da se placa pdv na posiljku, te sad kad ti stigne paket ispod te cifre, dobijes pismo od poste da odes dole na z.stanicu u postu, popnes se, cekas u redu zajedno sa svim uvoznicima, pa onda sidjes na salter da platis, pa se vratis i cekas. sve to ne bi bilo tragicno jer je cifra max 200 din za knjige, ali procedura cekanja i drkanja na salterima zavisi od dolaska robe iz kine i tajminga isplate penzija, pa traje izmedju deset minuta i dva sata.moja nova erin brokovicevska akcija je da mu to oborim, jer mi je potvrdjeno da ne moze na knjige (i jos neke stvari) da naplacuje pdv jer je vec placen u zemlji gde je kupljen, ali me trenutno ometaju kolektivni godisnji odmori a i nada da ce taj harac nestati odlaskom tog janjicara iz vlade.
Аврам Гојић Posted August 5, 2013 Posted August 5, 2013 PDV na knjigu kupljenu u inostranstvu? :lolol:kids do the darndest things.
Weenie Pooh Posted August 5, 2013 Posted August 5, 2013 Od kad to važi, pretpostavljam da je neka novina?Meni taj papirić da dođem u poštu po knjigu ostave samo kad knjiga fizički ne može da se zaglavi u (poveliko) poštansko sanduče - ako mogu da je ubudže makar 20%, čisto da ne ispadne, dobri su. A kad god sam išao u poštu da je uzmem, nikad mi nisu ništa naplatili i nije bilo preveliko drkanje. (Jedan šalter, lična karta, hvaladoviđenja.)
Sludge Factory Posted August 5, 2013 Posted August 5, 2013 Why Stephen King Spends 'Months and Even Years' Writing Opening SentencesThe author of horror classics like The Shining and its 2013 sequel Doctor Sleep says the best writers hook their readers with voice, not just action.JOE FASSLERJUL 23 2013, 2:05 PM ETBy Heart is a series in which authors share and discuss their all-time favorite passages in literature. Stephen King brings us two new novels in 2013 -- one on shelves already, and the other forthcoming. In June, Joyland was published by Hard Case Crime, an imprint showcasing classic and contemporary crime writers in paperback editions dressed up like vintage pulps: Stylized covers feature ominous taglines, brooding private dicks, and draped-out femme fatales. Though Joyland's story is haunted by a terrifying killer of young women, the book mostly chronicles the yearning rhythms of one adolescent summer -- carny talk and plushie toys, boardwalks and broken hearts. In The New York Times, Walter Kirn aptly compared the book to a fair ride -- it's brief, thrilling, and sweetly quaint.King's second book, Doctor Sleep, which will be published in September by Scribner, is everything Joyland isn't. On his website, the author calls it a "return to balls-to-the-wall, keep-the-lights-on horror." This long-awaited sequel to 1977's The Shining revisits traumatized child psychic Danny Torrance -- he goes by Dan, now -- all grown up and still struggling to understand his frightening gift. "It's a good book, a scary book, but I wonder if some people won't like it as much as the original," King told me. That book's pre-Kubrick readers are 35 years older now. "I can hear everyone saying, 'That wasn't so scary. The first one really scared me," he said. "Well, that's because you read the first one when you were 13 fuckin' years old, hiding under the covers with a flashlight!"When I asked him to share a favorite passage for this series, King couldn't choose between two favorites; both, we noticed, were first sentences. So, he analyzed both his choices as part of a broader discussion about opening lines -- a topic not addressed at length in his memoir-as-craft-manual, On Writing. King paid tribute to Douglas Fairbairn and James M. Cain, looked back on favorite intros he's written, and explained how he approaches a book's first moments. Stephen King spoke to me by phone from his home in Maine.Stephen King: There are all sorts of theories and ideas about what constitutes a good opening line. It's tricky thing, and tough to talk about because I don't think conceptually while I work on a first draft -- I just write. To get scientific about it is a little like trying to catch moonbeams in a jar.But there's one thing I'm sure about. An opening line should invite the reader to begin the story. It should say: Listen. Come in here. You want to know about this.How can a writer extend an appealing invitation -- one that's difficult, even, to refuse?We've all heard the advice writing teachers give: Open a book in the middle of a dramatic or compelling situation, because right away you engage the reader's interest. This is what we call a "hook," and it's true, to a point. This sentence from James M. Cain's The Postman Always Rings Twice certainly plunges you into a specific time and place, just as something is happening:They threw me off the hay truck about noon.Suddenly, you're right inside the story -- the speaker takes a lift on a hay truck and gets found out. But Cain pulls off so much more than a loaded setting -- and the best writers do. This sentence tells you more than you think it tells you. Nobody's riding on the hay truck because they bought a ticket. He's a basically a drifter, someone on the outskirts, someone who's going to steal and filch to get by. So you know a lot about him from the beginning, more than maybe registers in your conscious mind, and you start to get curious.This opening accomplishes something else: It's a quick introduction to the writer's style, another thing good first sentences tend to do. In "They threw me off the hay truck about noon," we can see right away that we're not going to indulge in a lot of foofaraw. There's not going to be much floridity in the language, no persiflage. The narrative vehicle is simple, lean (not to mention that the book you're holding is just 128 pages long). What a beautiful thing -- fast, clean, and deadly, like a bullet. We're intrigued by the promise that we're just going to zoom.Of course, it's a little do-or-die here for the writer. A really bad first line can convince me not to buy a book -- because, god, I've got plenty of books already -- and an unappealing style in the first moments is reason enough to scurry off. I'll never forget the botched opening lines of A. E. Van Vogt -- a German science fiction writer, long dead, who liked to effuse a little bit. His book Slan was actually the basis of the Alien films -- they basically stole them to do that, and ended up paying his estate some money -- but he was just a terrible, terrible writer. His short story, "Black Destroyer," begins:On and on, Coeurl prowled!You read that, and you think -- my god! Can I really put up with even five more pages of this? It's just panting!So an intriguing context is important, and so is style. But for me, a good opening sentence really begins with voice. You hear people talk about "voice" a lot, when I think they really just mean "style." Voice is more than that. People come to books looking for something. But they don't come for the story, or even for the characters. They certainly don't come for the genre. I think readers come for the voice.A novel's voice is something like a singer's -- think of singers like Mick Jagger and Bob Dylan, who have no musical training but are instantly recognizable. When people pick up a Rolling Stones record, it's because they want access to that distinctive quality. They know that voice, they love that voice, and something in them connects profoundly with it. Well, it's the same way with books. Anyone who's read a lot of John Sanford, for example, knows that wry, sarcastic amusing voice that's his and his alone. Or Elmore Leonard -- my god, his writing is like a fingerprint. You'd recognize him anywhere. An appealing voice achieves an intimate connection -- a bond much stronger than the kind forged, intellectually, through crafted writing.With really good books, a powerful sense of voice is established in the first line. My favorite example is from Douglas Fairbairn's novel, Shoot, which begins with a confrontation in the woods. There are two groups of hunters from different parts of town. One gets shot accidentally, and over time tensions escalate. Later in the book, they meet again in the woods to wage war -- they re-enact Vietnam, essentially. And the story begins this way:This is what happened.For me, this has always been the quintessential opening line. It's flat and clean as an affidavit. It establishes just what kind of speaker we're dealing with: someone willing to say, I will tell you the truth. I'll tell you the facts. I'll cut through the bullshit and show you exactly what happened. It suggests that there's an important story here, too, in a way that says to the reader: and you want to know.A line like "This is what happened," doesn't actually say anything--there's zero action or context -- but it doesn't matter. It's a voice, and an invitation, that's very difficult for me to refuse. It's like finding a good friend who has valuable information to share. Here's somebody, it says, who can provide entertainment, an escape, and maybe even a way of looking at the world that will open your eyes. In fiction, that's irresistible. It's why we read.We've talked so much about the reader, but you can't forget that the opening line is important to the writer, too. To the person who's actually boots-on-the-ground. Because it's not just the reader's way in, it's the writer's way in also, and you've got to find a doorway that fits us both. I think that's why my books tend to begin as first sentences -- I'll write that opening sentence first, and when I get it right I'll start to think I really have something.When I'm starting a book, I compose in bed before I go to sleep. I will lie there in the dark and think. I'll try to write a paragraph. An opening paragraph. And over a period of weeks and months and even years, I'll word and reword it until I'm happy with what I've got. If I can get that first paragraph right, I'll know I can do the book.Because of this, I think, my first sentences stick with me. They were a doorway I went through. The opening line of 11/22/63 is "I've never been what you'd call a crying man." The opening line of Salem's Lot is "Everybody thought the man and the boy were father and son." See? I remember them! The opening line of It is "The terror that would not end for another 28 years, if it ever did, began so far as I can know or tell, with a boat made from a sheet of newspaper floating down a gutter swollen with rain." That's one that I worked over and over and over.But I can tell you right now that the best first line I ever wrote -- and I learned it from Cain, and learned it from Fairbairn -- is the opening of Needful Things. It's the story about this guy who comes to town, and uses grudges and sleeping animosities among the townspeople to whip everyone up into a frenzy of neighbor against neighbor. And so the story starts off with an opening line, printed by itself on a page in 20-point type:You've been here before.All there by itself on one page, inviting the reader to keep reading. It suggests a familiar story; at the same time, the unusual presentation brings us outside the realm of the ordinary. And this, in a way, is a promise of the book that's going to come. The story of neighbor against neighbor is the oldest story in the world, and yet this telling is (I hope) strange and somehow different. Sometimes it's important to find that kind of line: one that encapsulates what's going to happen later without being a big thematic statement.Still, I don't have a lot of books where that opening line is poetry or beautiful. Sometimes it's perfectly workman-like. You try to find something that's going to offer that crucial way in, any way in, whatever it is as long as it works. This approach is closer to what worked for in my new book, Doctor Sleep. All I remember is wanting to leapfrog from the timeframe of The Shining into the present by talking about presidents, without using their names. The peanut farmer president, the actor president, the president who played the saxophone, and so on. The sentence is:On the second day of December, in a year when a Georgia peanut farmer was doing business in the White House, one of Colorado's great resort hotels burned to the ground.It's supposed to do three things. It sets you in time. It sets you in place. And it recalls the ending of the book -- though I don't know it will do much good for people who only saw the movie, because the hotel doesn't burn in the movie. This isn't grand or elegant -- it's a door-opener, it's a table-setter. I was able to take the motif -- chronicle a series of important events quickly by linking them to presidential administrations -- to set the stage and begin the story. There's nothing "big" here. It's just one of those gracenotes you try to put in there so that the narrative has a feeling of balance, and it helped me find my way in.Listen, you can't live on love, and you can't create a writing career based on first lines.A book won't stand or fall on the very first line of prose -- the story has got to be there, and that's the real work. And yet a really good first line can do so much to establish that crucial sense of voice -- it's the first thing that acquaints you, that makes you eager, that starts to enlist you for the long haul. So there's incredible power in it, when you say, come in here. You want to know about this. And someone begins to listen. BTW, je l' smo imali bese ovakav topic ovde?
luba Posted August 5, 2013 Posted August 5, 2013 ima jedno dva-tri meseca, ne mogu sad tacno da pinujem. ako je u paketu jedna knjiga, onda nema pisamca i pdva - doduse, jos nisam nista debelo porucila kao jednu, mozda ce i za to da zavazi uskoro.nego, da se vratimo the kingu. jel neko nekad naleteo na neko tabitino delo? ja imam par prica iz nekih antologija, ali ni u jednom kopanju po sekndhendovima nisam nasla nista, a ni na netu.ali sam se zato sad bacila na zapostavljene metisonove uradke. moze ovde, jer da nije metisona, ko zna u sta bi se king izmetnuo. uzela earthbound, "erotic ghost thriller", fini klasicni pulpic, procita se za dva sata, mogao bi da bude i neki b filmic, no ide u drugi red na polici.zato ovosomeone is bleeding, fury on sunday i ride the nightmare. perfektni noarovi iz1950-ih, onakav krimic koji dok citas odmah gledas i film. nema komplikacija, samo ljudsko. i danas tece lako, savremeno kao da je danas pisano. odlicno, odlicno.
luba Posted August 5, 2013 Posted August 5, 2013 BTW, je l' smo imali bese ovakav topic ovde?moze ovaj da posluzi, nece se dare ljutiti :)
luba Posted October 5, 2013 Posted October 5, 2013 podeljena su mi osecanja. s jedne strane, carrie je jedna od tri savrsene adaptacije, s druge, zulijana mur kao keva - jedino bi mozda bila bolja keti bejts, a i ova kikes devojcica je odlicna.
Weenie Pooh Posted October 5, 2013 Posted October 5, 2013 Hit-Girl kao Carrie? Previše je lepuškasta, Carrie bi trebalo da je neka mišolika i neugledna.Ne sviđa mi se i sažvakavanje radnje za pospanu publiku: "If I concentrate hard enough, I can make things move". Kao ni superherojski throwaway line: "There are other people like me out there". To je sve žanru strano <_<
porucnik vasic Posted October 5, 2013 Posted October 5, 2013 Hit-Girl kao Carrie? Previše je lepuškasta, Carrie bi trebalo da je neka mišolika i neugledna.Ne sviđa mi se i sažvakavanje radnje za pospanu publiku: "If I concentrate hard enough, I can make things move". Kao ni superherojski throwaway line: "There are other people like me out there". To je sve žanru strano <_<Успут, Сиси је легендарна. Боље да је ТО поново урађен.
Weenie Pooh Posted October 5, 2013 Posted October 5, 2013 E, baš sam pre nekog vremena mislio kako bi bilo dobro da je neko odradio remake za It, taman je vreme za novi ciklus - od 1958. do 1985. je 27 godina, dodaš još toliko i evo nas u 2012.!Mogli bi lepo sve da apdejtuju, da su protagonisti bili deca u osamdesetim godinama, a da su odrasli i vraćaju se u Derry negde danas...
porucnik vasic Posted October 5, 2013 Posted October 5, 2013 E, baš sam pre nekog vremena mislio kako bi bilo dobro da je neko odradio remake za It, taman je vreme za novi ciklus - od 1958. do 1985. je 27 godina, dodaš još toliko i evo nas u 2012.!Mogli bi lepo sve da apdejtuju, da su protagonisti bili deca u osamdesetim godinama, a da su odrasli i vraćaju se u Derry negde danas...+32
goofs Posted October 11, 2013 Posted October 11, 2013 Procitao "The Stand", ono preradjeno izdanje. Ranije sam citao jos samo "It" i ono sto mi je smetalo u tom delu (konfuzan i nerazjasnjen zavrsetak) je ovde ok odradjen, ali s druge strane, tenzija i triler su dosta jaci u To-u, uznemireniji si dok ga citas, i na kraju krajeva, vise vuce na horor nego Uporiste. Tako da, kad podvucem crtu tu su negde obe - jako dobre.Za dalje sam spremio Dalas '63, al to tek posle male pauze od Kinga.
Hippie Posted October 11, 2013 Posted October 11, 2013 jako lepo i nostalgicno; WHAT STEPHEN KING ISN’T
porucnik vasic Posted October 14, 2013 Posted October 14, 2013 Па Стевица је увек био много више од писца хорор жанра.
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