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u flashbackovima ili flashupcomingsima vidi se da WW ima kosu i dolazi kuci koja je odavno napustena. ili je roknuo henka ili ga nekim super twistom henk vise ne juri.


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такође, теорије о могућем завршетку серије... http://www.wired.com...g-bad-theories/мени ова најзанимљивија

The Hunter-Gatherer TheoryOriginally posited by theorists on sites like Reddit and The Straight Dope, the Hunter-Gatherer Theory (as we at WIRED have dubbed it) picks up on subtle changes to Walt's behavior after murders someone: notably, that he takes on certain habits and idiosyncrasies of the people he puts into the ground.When Walt and Jesse are holding Krazy-8 hostage, for example, the dealer makes Walt cut the crusts off his sandwich; after Walt strangles him to death, he begins doing the same to his own bread. Mike and Walt order drinks early on in their relationship, Walt asking for his straight, Mike ordering his on the rocks. Once Walt kills Mike, he picks up the on-the-rocks habit (as well as Mike's preference for estate cars, as seen in the flash-forward). As of last Sunday's mid-season premiere, Walt also picked up the also-murdered Gus's neat-and-tidy habit of putting down a towel before kneeling in front of the toilet to ralph. It develops a minuscule but ultimately water-tight pattern that's hard to ignore when thinking about the show's conclusion.So what does it mean? Well, since we've already gotten a glimpse of the future, it may mean that there are clues about who Walt is taking out next--and the answers aren't pretty. Since the Season 5 opener starts with a flash-forward where Walt is (a) wearing a big-pocketed, army-style jacket that looks just like the one Jesse wears, and (b) not only breaks and rearranges the bacon on his plate the way his wife used to, but is currently using her maiden name as an alias, the theory holds that Walt will have killed both Skyler and Jesse by season's end. -Devon Maloney
Edited by Dionysos
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такође, теорије о могућем завршетку серије... http://www.wired.com...g-bad-theories/мени ова најзанимљивија
Čuo sam za to da kupi sitne običaje ljudi koje ubija, mada ne znam kako bi to psihološki stajalo - nije serijski ubica, ne skuplja trofeje, nego uklanja ljude iz vrlo pragmatičnih razloga. U svakom slučaju, bilo bi malo antiklimaktično da su i Skyler i Jesse već maknuti pre tog flashforwarda. Šta mu onda preostaje, da zguta taj ricin i nek ide život?
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не верујем ни ја да то слагање сланине има везе са купљењем навика, вероватније ми је да је просто начин да се укаже да се свашта издешавало до тог финалног расплета, а у то спада и промена имиџа и напуштена кућа, шокирана комшиница... у сваком случају сазнаћемо у предстојећим месецима како ће се све завршити, било би мало и смор да је неко већ сада провалио крај

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Čuo sam za to da kupi sitne običaje ljudi koje ubija, mada ne znam kako bi to psihološki stajalo - nije serijski ubica, ne skuplja trofeje, nego uklanja ljude iz vrlo pragmatičnih razloga.
Ne verujem da on to radi namerno. Meni vise lici na hint direktno nama gledaocima, da znamo sta da trazimo u tim flashforwardima. Meni ta teorija ima smisla, no videcemo sta ce biti... Edited by Calavera
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