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Da, pa dobro, moze se tumaciti kao spojler, ali jasno je bilo i bez Ozimandijasa u kom pravcu ce da idu. A u kom drugom bi objektivno i mogli?

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To bi opet znacilo da nema vise ni kralja ni kraljevstva, tako da upotreba Ozimandijasa moze i u tom slucaju :DHmm, zanimljivo bi bilo da se tako zavrsi kao sto kazes!

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Ma ja i dalje očekujem da će se završiti nekim Tata-Sin trenutkom, verovatno Džunior zagine kao kolateralna šteta (ili se bar zgnušne™ oca kad sazna čime se bavi) i tako baci Walta u pokajnički PC soul-searching, "ah da sam samo ostao srednjoškolski profesor koji umire od raka umesto što sam se odao drozi, svega ovog ne bi ni bilo", tako nešto.Ali voleo bih da me iznenade.

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Kao mudri vidovnjak iz Asteriksa predviđam: ili će se završti hepiendom ili neće.Najverovatnije je naravno da neće. Bitan je način na koji će se desiti taj tragični pad Kralja Metamfetamina.Za sada je serija vrlo plauzibilno pratila logiku stvarnog, a ne filmskog sveta.Ja tipujem da će se WW konačno talno odmetnuti u hajduke, bataliti porodicu, oterati ženu i decu sa nekom kintom i poslati ih na sigurno, dok se dok se klimaktički obračunava sa poslednjom preprekom - FBIjem, šurakom, kartelima ili sa sva tri.Tu negde gine ili se dešava pičvajz, ginu svi, zločin se ne isplati. It was a good run, mnoge prepreke su iskrsle, mnogi ljudi su ubijeni u procesu metamfetaminske proizvodnje i prometa. WW je postao čudovište koje treba odstreliti.

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INSIDE TV 'Breaking Bad': Creator Vince Gilligan spills on the final eight episodesby Dan Snierson on Jun 12, 2013 at 4:19PM

When Breaking Bad left off last summer, tenacious DEA agent Hank Schrader (Dean Norris) was hot on the trail — and, er, toilet — of meth maker Walter White (Bryan Cranston). And when the revered drama returns with the second half of season 5 (beginning Aug. 11 on AMC), what should we brace for? Among other things, maybe a bit of self-reflection from the cancer-stricken chemistry teacher who transformed himself into a lethal drug kingpin with the help of high school dropout/partner Jesse (Aaron Paul).“We often said in the writers’ room that if Walt had a superpower, it would be not his chemistry knowledge or his ability to cook crystal meth but his ability to lie,” series creator/executive producer Vince Gilligan tells EW. “Walt has been the world’s greatest liar, and I think the person he lies most capably to is himself. So in these final eight episodes, perhaps the lies will cease to find traction and the scales will start to fall away from Walt’s eyes. And when that happens, will Walt really begin to realize who he is? That’s a question that we asked ourselves a lot in the writers’ room this year.”Of course, Walt won’t have too much time for navel-gazing, as he’ll need to keep his eyes on his brother-in-law Hank — in addition to other adversaries. “There will be antagonistic relationships aplenty,” promises Gilligan, adding: “Walt’s got plenty of fight left in him. And he’s got plenty of forces to fight. You met some of them. Others you haven’t.”Should viewers brace for a high body count? “As the movie title goes, there will be blood,” answers Gilligan. “To my mind, that’s not the most interesting thing. It’s the emotional moments and the character moments. … We’ve got some stuff that I think is going to be truly satisfying and truly shocking and jarring. It does not always center on moments of violence.” And these moments will come flying at you at “breakneck speed,” he warns: “I have surprised myself at how much story there was left to tell and how quickly we tell it. You need to really settle down on the couch and pay close attention because it’s going to come at you fast and furious in the final eight episodes.”Gilligan is both cautious and upbeat when it comes to discussing that highly anticipated finale. “We worked long and hard to ensure that these final eight — and, in fact, the very last episode — would satisfy an audience,” he says. “I am guardedly optimistic that we have achieved just that. And furthermore, trying to be as coy as possible, trying to give away as little as possible, I feel like this ending represents on some level, however small, something of a victory for Walter White. Read into that what you will. And try to be as open-minded as possible when you watch this episode, because it may not indeed feel like a victory. Or maybe it will. … I feel good about where it all ended up, and I can’t wait for people to see it.”

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Odlicna epizoda.Prvo sam pomislio da su u uvodnim scenama otkrili previse [mada smo svi to ocekivali], da ce proci suvise epizoda dok se dodje do toga.Tokom epizode postaje jasno da Walt, sa svojim idejama o lancu perionica, (iako su do pre par meseci bili na rubu bankrota) ne moze da se vrati u ulogu "obicnog" gradjanina, da je ostao narkobos. Pretpostavljam ce dogadjaji koji ce uslediti dovesti do toga da nas manje zanima kako ce konkretno skoncati Walt, a vise koga i da li ce uspeti da povede sa sobom [Hank, Pinkman, Rodarte-Quayle, Saul].

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