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nekakvo ludiranje posade bi objasnilo gotovo sve aspekte nestanka - mogli su da isključe kom.uređaje i odu u tri lepe majčine (kao ms990), a ako vlasti imaju saznanja o tome to bi dodatno objasnilo i njihovo ponašanje (konfuzija, podaci na kašičicu i pritom nedorečeni i nejasni) kao i pretragu u molučkom tesancu  i jugu andamanskog mora koje je sa suprotne strane kopna.


To je moguće ali u tom slučaju su ga morali imati na radaru dok je preletao kopno. Ako se stvarno vratio preko kopna sve do molučkog tesnaca i tamo pao, onda vlasti to znaju od početka i bolje bi im bilo da imaju neko ultra jako objašnjenje ne samo za sakrivanje te informacije već i za svesno trodnevno arčenje resursa 7 zemalja na pogrešnom mestu.

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opet, pitanje je radarske pokrivenosti (primarni i sekundarni civilni, plus vojni, njihovo sadejstvo...), a ako su piloti imali samoubličke namere nije daleko od pameti da su znali procedure i način da šmugnu kroz to. 


"imati ga na radaru" i ono što sada vlasti pričaju uopšte ne mora da se podudara. :(




lupam i nagađam, naravno...

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hi sir/miss

i have some information about the 2people who was in MH370 with stolen passport.

i got the information from one of the passenger mother.

and i have they picture and they real information.

on of them was my high school friend.

and i already give the information to the malaysian airline. and im on contact with his mother and i can get more information.

i thought maybe my information can help to the world.

and i put the last picture of them.

2nd on the left is pouria with Austrian passport and 1st on the right is reza with italy passport.

tank you




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Najtužnije je to što ta dvojica nesrećnika ne bi prošla dalje od Schiphola, a pitanje je da li bi i kroz Peking uspeli da se provuku.


“One of these the two was my friend from high school,” an anonymous Iranian told the Persian service on Monday by phone from Malaysia.

“I met him the first day he arrived in Malaysia... he said he was staying for three to four days but was eventually going to Germany, that his final destination was Frankfurt in Germany,” he said.

“He stayed for almost a week in Malaysia. The last night [before the flight] he stayed at mine ... We went together when he booked the flights and I even had his booking number and was checking his flight status online, that’s why I remember which flight he was taking. I had seen his flight number.”

“I accompanied them to the airport. It was almost 8pm when we headed to the airport and we arrived around 9pm to 9.15pm at the airport and we stayed in the car for few minutes and chatted.”

“The last night before the flight, they both stayed at mine. His friend was dyeing his beard and hair and was checking the colour [of his hair and beard] to match with the picture of a passport. He was making himself look like the photo in the passport...When we printed the tickets, I realised that the passports were fake. My friend’s passport belonged to an Austrian and my friend’s friend had a passport belonging to an Italian ... They had three flights to take, from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, from Beijing to, I think, Amsterdam and from Amsterdam my friend was heading to Frankfurt and his friend was going to another country.”

The Iranian told BBC Persian that his friend’s mother in Iran has since contacted him and asked him to inform the airline about his forged passport.

“His mother told me how he got hold of the fake passport. He had bought the fake passport and wanted to go [to Germany] to seek asylum and his mother told me his son was travelling with another person... My last contact with the two was 11.30pm when they had passed the immigration gate.


“I wanted to make sure they’ve found their way. They said they were waiting to get on the plane. I have [since the mother’s contact] informed the airline and this is how I’ve made sure they were aboard the flight.”

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btw, neko ko je dokon i ima brz net može da pomogne u pretrazi:




ovde su uploadovani hi-res satelitski snimci iz zadnjih dan-dva, sa mesta potrage (ili njegovog dela). ko nađe nešto neobično u moru neka ga taguje.




svoj shock&awe od ove tehnološke mogućnosti, da no-name netizeni crowdsourcuju potragu, ću ostaviti za kasnije...

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opet, pitanje je radarske pokrivenosti (primarni i sekundarni civilni, plus vojni, njihovo sadejstvo...), a ako su piloti imali samoubličke namere nije daleko od pameti da su znali procedure i način da šmugnu kroz to. 


"imati ga na radaru" i ono što sada vlasti pričaju uopšte ne mora da se podudara. :(


Ali ako se okrenuo na zapad prema molučkom tesnacu onda je preleteo i parče Tajlanda, nemoguće je da ga niko nije primetio. A ako ga stvarno niko nije primetio onda čitava ta zona treba da bude zatvorena za civilni saobraćaj jer mogućnost da im se širokotrupci tuda motaju neprimećeni predstavlja vrhunski bezbednosni hazard.


Evo sad i obrta kod vojske, kažu da su ga imali na radaru sve do ostrva Pulau Perak u molučkom tesnacu, u kom slučaju je išao ka zapadu otprilike u pravcu Banda Aceha. Tu je već morao biti i u dometu indonežanskih radara. Ovi ili kriju nešto neverovatno veliko i ozbiljno, ili su takvi diletanti da svako ko leti u taj region već godinama/decenijama stavlja glavu u torbu.




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svoj shock&awe od ove tehnološke mogućnosti, da no-name netizeni crowdsourcuju potragu, ću ostaviti za kasnije...


Већ годинама трају слични пројекти и у медицини и у истраживању свемира. Мој фаворит http://www.planethunters.org/ .

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Dakle, posle tri dana pretrage potpuno pogrešne lokacije odjednom se pojavljuje malezijska vojska koja je nakon prvobitnog "nestanka" nekih sat vremena pratila MH370, sve do najzapadnije tačke svoje teritorije. Pri tome kažu da su ga pratili na visini od 9000m, gde su ga apsolutno morali pokupiti svi primarni radari u Maleziji, Tajlandu i Indoneziji.


Ovo je potpuno neverovatno. Na kraju će ispasti da je sleteo negde u Somaliji ili se srušio usred Indijskog okeana.

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Ili neko još uvek masno laže, a avion su pogrešno navodili posle nekog kvara ili oborili iz nekog razloga, pa se sad parve ludi.


Edit: zar ne postoje satelitski snimci, na kojim bi se moglo videti šta se dešavalo? Ja sam bio ubeđen da Rusi/Ameri/Kinezi pokrivaju 24/7 veći deo planete sa slikama iz staelita. Izgleda da sam tu u zabludi.

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Da je bilo kvara, piloti bi ga prijavili. Neko bi morao da pita Tajland i Indoneziju da li su nešto videli na svojim radarima, pošto se Malezija zakopava sve dublje sa svakom novom informacijom.

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