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Search vessels are heading for the South China Sea to investigate reports of a debris field in the water south of Vietnam as the hunt continues for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 which is lost with 239 people aboard.

The report will be investigated at first light in the latest attempt to unravel what officials in Kuala Lumpur today termed an “unprecedented aviation mystery”.

The pilot of a Cathay Pacific airliner flying from Hong Kong to Kuala Lumpur radioed Hong Kong air traffic control this afternoon to report what was described as a large field of debris, about 50 nautical miles off the southern coast of Vietnam.

Ships have been sent to the site, which is apparently about 280 nautical miles from the missing aircraft’s last known radar position. It apparently vanished at about 1.20am local time on Friday.

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Inače, mene je začudilo kada sam skoro bivao u UK kako mi niko nije gledao pasoš kada sam napuštao zemlju. To mi se desilo 2 puta u roku od 6 meseci.

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Inače, mene je začudilo kada sam skoro bivao u UK kako mi niko nije gledao pasoš kada sam napuštao zemlju. To mi se desilo 2 puta u roku od 6 meseci.


UK su ukinuli pasosku kontrolu na izlasku iz zemlje [nema ni USA, i jos neke zemlje] 1999/2000.


Ja u jednom starom pasosu imam izlazne [trouglaste] pecate iz 97. i 98.


2001. ih vise nije bilo.

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Hm. Ja ne bih smeo da provedem u UK više od 6 meseci godišnje. Kako znaju koliko sam tu ako ne proveravaju izlazak? Da ne govorimo o tome što svaka budala može da uđe u avion...

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KUALA LUMPUR (REUTERS) - Officials investigating the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 with 239 people on board are narrowing the focus of their inquiries on the possibility that it disintegrated mid-flight, a senior source has said.


The plane vanished after climbing to a cruising altitude of 35,000 feet between Kuala Lumpur and Beijing in the early hours of Saturday. Search teams have not been able to make any confirmed discovery of wreckage in seas beneath the plane's flight path almost 48 hours after it took off.

"The fact that we are unable to find any debris so far appears to indicate that the aircraft is likely to have disintegrated at around 35,000 feet," said the source, who is involved in the preliminary investigations in Malaysia.

If the plane had plunged intact from such a height, breaking up only on impact with the water, search teams would have expected to find a fairly concentrated pattern of debris, said the source, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak publicly on the investigation.


malo mi je nejasna logika - ako se raspao u vazduhu onda bi rastur delova morao biti na većoj površini (twa800 naspram sr111, za poređenje), pa bi ga bilo lakše naći.

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The most modern FDR systems incorporate an Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) and some up-to-date recorders are also equipped with an Underwater Locator Beacon (ULB) to assist in locating in the event of an overwater accident. The device called a "pinger", is activated when the recorder is immersed in water. It transmits an acoustical signal on 37.5 KHz that can be detected with a special receiver. The beacon can transmit from depths down to 14,000 feet.


ELT se u teoriji može isključiti iz kabine, plus što nemam pojma koji model je na ovom 777 ali verujem da poseduje i elt i ulb.

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Ovi u Maleziji ne znaju gde udaraju, te terorizam, te raspad u vazduhu, a nemaju niti jedno parčence aviona u rukama. Ona poslednja fotografija nečega u moru više liči na djubre koje brodovi masovno ispuštaju nego na ostatke letelice.


A za to vreme prljavština samo izbija na površinu. Evo kako je službenik kompanije u Kuala Lumpuru pre dve godine najopuštenije u avion za Novi Zeland pustio putnika sa zabranom tako što je ukucao pogrešan broj pasoša i zaobišao rampu u sistemu:



Ono za telefone je tačno da može da daje signal kao da zvoni iako veza zapravo nije uspostavljena (naročito kod medjunarodnih poziva).

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Ona poslednja fotografija nečega u moru više liči na djubre koje brodovi masovno ispuštaju nego na ostatke letelice.





yup, sve i svašta, još je more bogato algama pa i one daju lažni trag, kao onaj sa gorivom.

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