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Uhvacen lopov, sta dalje?

Аврам Гојић

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sta, u Americi opet smeju da se love plizdonti? pa dobro, dugo im je i potrajala rasna jednakost
pa ne bas. mozes da ih lovis samo dok si sa obe noge unutar svog dela medje, al eto - i to je nesto.
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Bertolt Brecht’s play The Exception and the Rule tells the story of a rich merchant who, with his porter (“coolie”), crosses the fictional Chinese Yahi Desert to close an oil deal. When the two get lost and their water supplies are running low, the merchant mistakenly shoots the coolie, thinking he was being attacked, when the coolie was actually offering him some water. Later, in a court, the merchant is acquitted: the judge concludes that the merchant had a right to fear a potential threat from the coolie, so he was justified in killing him in self-defence. Since the two men belong to different classes, the merchant had every reason to expect hatred and aggression from the coolie – this is the rule, while the coolie’s kindness was the exception.
the act of killing
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  • 4 weeks later...

upravo su pokusali da mi udju u stan, 2m od kreveta u kome smo zena i ja.pobegli su cim sam se uhvatio za kvaku, ali mogu samo ponovo da ponudim svoj kolbas svakome ko relativizuje pravo na odbranu poseda svim sredstvima.

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pobegli su cim sam se uhvatio za kvaku, ali mogu samo ponovo da ponudim svoj kolbas svakome ko relativizuje pravo na odbranu poseda svim sredstvima.
sad će humanitarci da ti objasne da je najčešći profil provalnika ćoravi dvogodišnji ciga bez ruke koji samo oće štanglicu čokoladice i ulazi u stan naoružan vudstok majicom i zato si ti sadistički rasista.
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