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istok pavlovic ti je duhovni vodj stada 365 lepih dana. poenta je da je casa uvek vise nego polupuna, a svi oni koji pokusavaju da uznemire takav zenoidi optimizam to rade namerno, pa bili oni manjine, radnici ili ostatak puka, da uznemire 365 stado dok kontemplira o prelepoj sadasnjosti i jos prelepijoj buducnosti.

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U, kao me nervira ovaj smug rasizam, zapakovan u progresivizam i ateizam. Marš bre, barabo, da nemaš šta da jedeš i da živiš u konstantnoj bedi i ti bi bio religiozan, pa bi sve pevao.Već sam na drugom mestu kačio ovaj tekst, ali evo opet.

The weaponisation of atheism, then, becomes a possibility only with the mainstreaming of non-belief. In the nineteenth century, religious skepticism in Australia barred you from polite society, so that, of necessity, nineteenth century secularists rubbed shoulders with dissidents and non-conformists in a fraternity of the poor and the marginalised. Today, in most circumstances, no-one cares that you don’t believe in God. The Prime Minister is an atheist; in some professions – say, higher education or the arts – it’s considerably easier to be a sceptic than a believer (see many head scarves on Australian TV?). As Sikivu Hutchinson points out, the front ranks of New Atheism consists almost exclusively of ‘elite white males from the scientific community’, a fact that, in and of itself, speaks to the social acceptance of non-belief, at least in the prestigious universities.These days, it is religion, not atheism, that correlates with poverty. Within Australia, the most fervent believers often belong to immigrant communities; across the world, religion dominates in impoverished states in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.
Edited by Syme
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