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Game of Thrones

Ryan Franco

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Juron na prvoj liniji odbrane protiv severno zapadne alijanse koja iz vazduha vrši atak na civilno stanovništvo u nameri da sruši legitimnu vlast. 210733282dbe1747a5870961ceb8d42f.jpg

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57 minutes ago, Cane Vukic Prebranac said:




Ако се то покаже као тачно, а вјероватно јесте, то ће тек бити највећа спрдачина у историји :laugh:


Razmisljao pet minuta da li da otvorim spoiler. I sad mi je drago da jesam, evo ne mogu da prestanem da se smejem koliko mi to imbecilno zvuci.

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4 minutes ago, Kampokei said:


Razmisljao pet minuta da li da otvorim spoiler. I sad mi je drago da jesam, evo ne mogu da prestanem da se smejem koliko mi to imbecilno zvuci.



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Novi spojleri za epizodu 5, prevedeno sa Španskog

Part I

-The episode begins with Daenerys in Dragonstone.

-She is very sad about what happened in the previous episode.

-Her hair is messy because Missandei died and she feels defeated.

-Tyrion and Varys are still arguing; Varys wants to betray her now so that she does not burn the King's Landing.

-Tyrion tells him he will not do it. We see Tyrion and Greyworm tell him that Gendry has arrived. The scene is cut. [DRAGON ARMOR BITCHES.]

Part II

-Then we see Jon with the Dothraki, Unsullied and the rest of the army arriving in DS.

-They talk about how they are going to die and those silly things.

-Tyrion warns Jon that Daenerys [might soon] lose the dragon and her mind.

-Jon defends her saying "She is my queen and I trust her" and he gives Tyrion to look like the one he gave to Sansa in Episode 4 [during the meeting].

-We see Cersei talking to Euron and telling him that he has to win for his son, Euron asks him how Tyrion knows about his baby. Cersei tells him that it will not matter after they win the great war.

Part III

-Cut to Arya and The Hound arriving at the King's Landing.

-Cut Jon again, he has asked Gray Worm and Tyrion where Daenerys is and Tyrion is telling him that she's already in King's Landing.

-Gold Company members come out and have a hostage [some other random leak describe this as someone in black hoods, OP does not know who it is, but most guess it's Daario].

-Euron is on the boats and sees the Yara's boats. Then he hears Drogon's scream [the one in the trailer]. Daenerys is using Aegon's strategy when he invaded Harrenhal. We see her attacking from the top. She and Drogon scream at the same time. We see that both are wearing armor (she uses Dracarys on Euron ships, the fleet is combination of Yara's and Dany) .

-Has the music like "Shall We Begin?" but much more intense.

-Euron and his men shoot Drogon and Daenerys but Daenerys dodges them like a pro.

-This moment Euron knows they are "fucked up." Men jump from their boats.

-Jon and Greyworm notice that the Golden Company has marched inside again. Greyworm says they have to wait.

Part IV

-Suddenly Drogon and Daenerys burn the Scorpions and the gate so that their armies can enter.

-We see Jon smiling at Daenerys because he knew that she was not going mad like what they tell him (the song called Truth plays).

-Well then we see the armies complete each other (all fighting together and effectively).

-Cersei did something along with Tyrion's help [OP doesn't know what it is, but they think it has something to do with framing Daenerys up. My guess is that Cersei triggers explosions using the wildfire. From the set leaks, we can see the gate being destroyed with linear trails-Drogon- and the interior of the keep in shattered explosions, this might check out.]

-The final scene is Daenerys and Jon face to face.

New info:

-Daenerys seems to have a sword with a red stone in the middle [Lightbringer? Something from Kinvara? Holyshit. Edit: Seems unlikely it's Lightbringer after all, some suggested it's Dask Sister that Arya mentioned in Season 1, some suggested it's Blackfyre]

-Jaimie Lannister arrives at the end of the episode to see the destruction and believes it was caused by Daenerys.

-Jon and Dany's scene in the end is quite long.

-They hug each other first (it's a long, emotional hug.) You can tell they missed each other because both of them have watery eyes and it seems Jon's never going to let Daenerys go, and OP thinks they overcame that they're related.

-Jon tells her that he regrets not coming along with her when she sailed first in Dragonstone.

-Then he tells her about what Tyrion told him, [that he thinks she's going mad].

-The scene ends with them face to face, both look appalled [perhaps towards Tyrion].

More info:

-The fight is very brutal. Greyworm is fighting like a beast, he is untouchable. Jon is fighting like when he fought against Ramsay.

-The scorpions on the back walls shoot Daenerys and Drogon.

-Lannister armies thought they him from above and it look like she looked like she fell off from Drogon (Dany looks worried and runs to the back wall to evade) but he does as in "Spoils of War", Drogon flies in front of them and torches them with Dracarys. The Hound and The Mountain meet and we're prepped for the Cleganebowl.

Songs: Truth, Shall We Begin, Rains of Castamere (when Jaime arrives), the song of the Greyjoy's, Spoils of War with the Dothraki. Super intense version of Truth when Jon and Daenerys are in the final scene.

Prilično normalnije, dakle neće se desiti :D Međutim, uklapa se u deo ranijih spojlera koji pominju suđenje Tirionu i da na otkrivanju njegove izdaje prisustvuju i Džon i Deni ali ne i na suđenju. Takođe, pominjano je da je Tirion odgovoran za paljenje grada, i da kaže na suđenju: They deserved it.

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Neko je stavio link na intervju s GRRM gdje ovaj kaze da ga je najvise rastuzio nacin na koji su radili ove kasne epizode i sam kraj, na temelju Q scorea pojedinih likova. Po svoj prilici su i zavrsetak napravili tako da snime vise verzija i onda sluzbena bude ona koja se najvise svidi probnoj publici. Odvratno da gore ne moze biti.

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Neko je stavio link na intervju s GRRM gdje ovaj kaze da ga je najvise rastuzio nacin na koji su radili ove kasne epizode i sam kraj, na temelju Q scorea pojedinih likova. Po svoj prilici su i zavrsetak napravili tako da snime vise verzija i onda sluzbena bude ona koja se najvise svidi probnoj publici. Odvratno da gore ne moze biti.

Potvrđeno je da je snimljeno više krajeva, jedan reditor koji tvrdi da je radio na seriji kaže 5 ukupno. Dao je nekoliko specifičnosti, nije smeo baš sve ali na osnovu onoga što je rekao za petu epizodu u nedelju ćemo znati jel fake ili ne :) Martin je po svoj prilici mislio na Arju i ubistvo NK, al ne bi me čudilo i ostalo da su uradili po Q score ključu. Ako jesu onda će kraj biti fanservice...

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Želja mene kao najvećeg fana je presto na Džonu.


Da bude neki hilariozni incident tokom krunisanja u finalu, strmopizdi se Bubi niz one stepenice i presto preko njega, pa kreće odjavna špica. Subverted expectations!

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Pa to znaci Dzon na prestolu, prepostavljam da je to najveca zelja fanova?
Ne obavezno toliki fan service, pre u smislu sudbine nekih glavnih likova ali koji ne utiču toliko na sam kraj sage... Moje mišljenje, jedan od pet krajeva koji izaberu:
A. Biće u skladu s onim što im je Martin rekao, ma koliko traljavo izveli
B. Džon sigurno neće biti vladar na kraju

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