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Game of Thrones

Ryan Franco

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Trebalo bi da bude jedna masivno-masovna scena pred sam kraj sezone, kad glavni pretendenti uđu u klinč pred King's Landingom. Za to su najavili da će se otvoriti i da će izgledati kako treba. Bum videli.

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Oluja ce biti 2 sezone, potvrdjeno. A Gozba i Ples ce valjda biti spojene i prikazane hronoloski, mozes li da zamislis da neke likove ne vidimo citavu sezonu? :unsure:Jos 14 sati i 36 minuta! :D
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Nema šanse da otkažu GoT zbog problema s kontinuitetom ili nepridržavanja izvornom materijalu. Otkazaće je ako padne gledanost, a gledanost će pasti tek kad ljudima spontano dosadi da se uzajamno hajpuju, menjaju avatare, i sl. :)
nije ti fora. mani me se sa filipom i njegovim mrakacenjem. inace, ja necu vise da zvrljam po ppp, osim ovde sa mojim drugarima, vitezovima, placenicima, princezama, paorima i kraljevima. tako da ima da hajpujemo i da se veselimo. gledacu sutra ipak, a ne nocas. sta da kuvam povodom toga? moram da smislim neki got meni. cool.gif
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telecu u skenbetu for sure
ja bih trebalo da jedem konjetinu, ali ne volim.
We start off at Winterfell with Jon, who has roasted honeyed chicken with roasted onions and brown gravy, served with fresh bread. Tyrion follows this up with bread and bacon, while poor Bran is kept alive on a diet of honey and water. What a downer...Across the sea, Daenerys is served honey duck and orange peppers. Later at her wedding Dany refuses a delicious meal consisting of horseflesh, joints of meat, black sausages, blood pie, fruits, sweetgrass stew and delicate pastries.Back at Winterfell, Catelyn goes Daenerys-style and refuses hot bread with butter and honey and blackberry preserves, a rasher of bacon, a soft-boiled egg and a nice wedge of cheese. Oh my!On a road trip, Sansa prefers bread, honey and bacon. And as a real gourmet, she can't say no to a fresh trout from the river.At the wall, food is sparse and Jon has to be content with black bread and mutton stew, while Tyrion gets his hands on fresh crab legs. That weasel!At King's Landing, Arya treats herself to ribs roasted in a crust of garlic and herbs. The tomboy missed the sweet pumpkin soup, though.Now, back in Winterfell Bran is up again and celebrates with suckling pig, pigeon pie, turnips soaking in butter and some honeycombs. Nice comeback, lil' bro.At the Wall, Jon is having pork pie. Damn.Darling Catelyn is having bread, chunks of brown meat, tiny onions, fire peppers and some very fat mushrooms on the road.Okay, here she comes. Sansa knows what a girl needs. At the Hand's Tourney she dines on soup of barley and venison, salads of sweetgrass and spinach and plums, sprinkled with crushed nuts. Snails in honey and garlic. fresh river trout baked in clay, roasted aurochs. For dessert she goes with sweetbreads and pigeon pie and baked apples fragrant with cinnamon and lemon cakes frosted in sugar. Way to go!Eddard Stark joins the race with black bread and boiled goose eggs and fish fried up with onions and bacon. Good start my liege.In the Vale, Catelyn takes what she can get. Skewers from charred meat and onions. Also in the Vale, but in prison, Tyrion is denied some delicious beans.All that scum, and now this? Jon finally gets his piece of the pie with a rack of lamb baked in a crust of garlic and herbs, garnished with springs of mint, surrounded by mashed yellow turnips swimming in butter. Additionally, he has some salads of spinach and chickpeas and turnip greens, a bowl of iced blackberries and sweet cream.Tyrion is breathing free air again and has some roasted goat on the road. Tasty rhyme!In King's Landing, Sansa snatches some cold strawberry pie.Daenerys goes for the haute-cuisine and eats the heart of a stallion. Raw.Sansa is back with a vengance and eats through hard cheese and fresh baked bread, roasted chicken and greens and beef and barley stew. Good girl!At the Wall, Jon keeps up the good work with venison stew, thick with barley with onions and carrots. And of course some bread.On the market in Vaes Dothrak, Daenerys treats herself to some sausages with garlic and hot pepper. Made from her new favourite animal, horse. Those outlandish folks...Tyrion is full already and finishes his meal with some veined white cheese and fruits.And that's it!Oh, wait!Tyrion is back for a reprise and closes the curtain after dining on five suckling pigs, with a different fruit in every mouth!Bon Appetit!
joj, ima svaceg interesantnog u 'the inn at the crossroads'. potpuno je savrseno, imaju razne kuhinje (the north, king's landing, dorne...), pa klasifikovano po glavnim jelima, doruchcima, dezertima,...vrh!! ima i old bear's hot spiced wine sa zida. sansa salad, ali i lemon cake iz king's landinga! pa ja cu samo po ovome da kuvam narednih meseci. :)
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što da se mučiš da spremaš? uzmeš živog srceta i to ti je to.
hajd promenis avatar, stormish. hajd pliiizz!! :D@plannayou will regret for those words one day!! Edited by MayDay
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hajd promenis avatar, stormish. hajd pliiizz!! :D
heh, nisam dostojna.kasnim opako. ni prvu sezonu nisam odgledala skroz, knjigama sam se okrenula.možda nađem vremena da se ubrzam, pa ako uhvatim priključak, eto me.
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nije ti fora. mani me se sa filipom i njegovim mrakacenjem. inace, ja necu vise da zvrljam po ppp, osim ovde sa mojim drugarima, vitezovima, placenicima, princezama, paorima i kraljevima. tako da ima da hajpujemo i da se veselimo. gledacu sutra ipak, a ne nocas.
Ma pazi samo da se ne preforsiraš, pa posle da nas napustiš u pola sezone kad shvatiš da je Daenerys provela ukupno 6 minuta na ekranu :P
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