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Game of Thrones

Ryan Franco

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ma bre to je high sparrow poslao ubice da bi napravio odgovarajuci frame of mind dzukcu da bi se ovaj borio za njega. svi su se oni zapravo svesno zrtvovali, das war ein sektaska predstava.

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ma bre to je high sparrow poslao ubice da bi napravio odgovarajuci frame of mind dzukcu da bi se ovaj borio za njega. svi su se oni zapravo svesno zrtvovali, das war ein sektaska predstava.

TFW you want cleganebowl so badly you kill all your friends and hang yourself



Edited by arheolog1981
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Isti glumac :O

Preteče me, baš uđoh da okačim :) Poznao sam ga na drugo gledanje :) Kapetan Darling... eto serije koju treba ponovo gledati.


Послато са HTC Desire 820 уз помоћ Тапатока

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The title of episode 9 (and this is the spoiler-y one) is “Battle of the Bastards” – presumably referring to the epic Jon Snow vs. Ramsay Bolton face-off that’s been teased all season. The Thrones showrunners have previously told us that season 6 includes the biggest battle in the show’s history and it’s fair to assume this is it. The running time is 60 minutes, which is firmly on the long side. That episode airs June 19.

The title of the finale is “The Winds of Winter” – a nod to George R.R. Martin’s forthcoming sixth novel in his A Song of Ice and Fire Saga (which was also given a verbal shout-out by Arya’s favorite theater troupe in Braavos earlier this season). The finale is a whopping 69 minutes long – which makes it the longest Thrones episode ever. That airs June 26.

Both episodes are directed by Miguel Sapochnik, who helmed last year’s acclaimed “Hardhome.”


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The title of the finale is “The Winds of Winter”



ja se sve nadam da će zima nekako zaista početi na kraju ove sezone... mada mi je strepnja dublja od nade, jer skupa je zima kad snimaš naleto u irskoj.

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Evo jedne Arya / Waif teorije, u stilu Fight Cluba ili Smeagol / Gollum dihotomije. Mislim da će svima biti zanimljiva :




Kad malo razmislim, ovo bi moglo mnogo toga objasniti...


Slažem se, Ayatollah...


Arya i Waif su polarne suprotnosti iste ličnosti. Preporučujem svima da pročitju nešto o psihologiji waif-a i razvoju ličnog identiteta. 


Uopšteno, trojac psihologije nesvesnog Freud/Jung/Adler je dosta pisao o tome.

Edited by rezwalker
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Mnjaha. Freud, Jung, Adler, Palahniuk, i sve tako ta ekipa.




Cock Merchants ne bi takav zaplet mogli da osmisle ni da su još toliki. Ne znam kakvu su glupost smislili i snimili, ali to definitivno nisu.

Aferim, ne nadam se više da ikakav smislen zaplet mogu napisati kitotrgovci... biće da je stvarno Arja ranjena i da će da se izleči od rana u roku od odma-jer su tako u mogućnosti :) To što se ponašala totalno out of character(samo gledajući 6. epizodu gde uzima Iglu i čeka u mraku jer zna u kakvoj je opasnosti) je još jedna stara "naša publika je glupava, ko jebe obraćanje pažnje na detalje".


Послато са HTC Desire 820 уз помоћ Тапатока

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Mislim da rez na ovo misli - sa jedne strane Lady Stark sa svojim humanim osobinama, a sa druge Waif, devojčica primorana da se bori za opstanak svaki dan :


waif (from the Old French guaif, "stray beast") is a living creature removed, by hardship, loss or other helpless circumstance, from its original surroundings. The most common usage of the word is to designate a homeless, forsaken or orphaned child, or someone whose appearance is evocative of the same.

As such, the term is similar to a ragamuffin or street urchin, although the main distinction is volitional: a runaway youth might live on the streets, but would not properly be called a waif as the departure from one's home was an exercise of free will. Likewise, a person fleeing their home for purposes of safety (as in response to political oppression or natural disaster), is typically considered not a waif but a refugee.

Edited by Ayatollah
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Waif je deskriptivan termin od Martina, kod kog dotična uopšte nije nikakav Arijin rival tako da bar tu nema govora o Fight Club frienemy forama. Evo šta wiki kaže:


The waif is the name given by Arya Stark to a priest of the Many-Faced God in the House of Black and White. Her real name is unknown. She appears to be a young girl, but is truly a grown woman, thirty-six years old.


Appearance: The waif appears to be a pale little girl with a gaunt bony face, hollow cheeks, and very large dark eyes. She wears the cowled robe of a priest of the Faceless Men, black on the right side and white on the left side.


History: The waif was once the only child of an ancient noble house, her father's heir. Her mother died when she was very young, too young to remember her. When she was six years old, her father remarried. Her stepmother treated her well, until she gave birth to a daughter of her own. Her stepmother then wanted the girl to die, so that her own daughter would inherit her husband's wealth. The stepmother could not bear the sacrifice that the Faceless Men would ask of her, so she tried to poison her stepdaughter herself. She did not succeed, although the poison left the girl with a permanent child-like appearance. When the healer in the House of the Red Hands told the girl's father what the stepmother had done, he offered a sacrifice to the Many-Faced God, offering two-thirds of his wealth and his daughter, so that the Faceless Men would deliver the gift of death to his wife. His prayer was accepted, the stepmother was killed, and the girl came to the House of Black and White to serve.

She is now a woman grown, who has spent her life serving the Many-Faced God, and will never have any children. Some days she leads the dawn prayer of the priests and acolytes within the House of Black and White. She frequently deals with poison, including emptying a flagon of poison into the euthanasia pool in the House of Black and White every evening. That, as well as her original poisoning by her stepmother, gives her the appearance of a child.



Nedostaje mlataranje štapom. Jebeš trovačicu koja ne bije slepe štapom po glavi.

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Waif je deskriptivan termin od Martina, kod kog dotična uopšte nije nikakav Arijin rival tako da bar tu nema govora o Fight Club frienemy forama. Evo šta wiki kaže:



Nedostaje mlataranje štapom. Jebeš trovačicu koja ne bije slepe štapom po glavi.


Tu se ne slažemo. Odnos Norton - Pitt u Fight Club odgovara konceptu jungove senke (a da ne pominjem animu koja u svom negativnom aspektu voli da se okružuje likovima sa društvene margine). Sa druge strane frojdovsko tumačenje ID pritiska na ego kompleks opet može da pije vodu. 

Edited by rezwalker
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Hteo sam da kažem da u knjizi ne postoje apsolutno nikakve šanse da Waif predstavlja Arijin disasocijativni aspekt ličnosti, onu Ariju koja želi da poništi "originalnu" i postane Niko, bezlični ubica... i protiv koje se ova aktivna Arija bori. Tog antagonizma tamo nema ni u naznakama, a nadimak za lik iz serije je direktno preuzet iz knjige - što samo znači da je nemoguće tumačiti značenje tog nadimka (siroče, itd.) kao argument u prilog ideje za pomenutu Fight Club postavku, Waif vs. Lady Stark. 


Dakle teoretski jeste moguće da su Cock Merchants u svoj traljavi scenario nekako uspeli da ugrade jedan tako zanimljiv i kompleksan podzaplet (astronomski malo verovatno, ali ipak moguće). Ali apsolutno je nemoguće da je ime Waif nekakav ukazatelj da je to slučaj, jer je ime preuzeto iz knjige i natakareno drastično izmenjenom liku.

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