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Ryan Franco

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retko ruzno dete.

u rangu onog malog uzasnog iz montevidea sto lici na miralema

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intelektualni pogled mu je tu, samo jos malo da poradi na bicepsima...

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Novi kastinzi za Sezonu 6 :



Even more interesting is the fact that Arthur Dayne has been dead for years. He died at the Tower of Joy, when Lord Eddard Stark led six other men to the Tower where Rhaegar was keeping Lyanna Stark. A fight broke out between Eddard’s men and three members of the Kingsguard, including Dayne. Only Eddard and his friend, Howland Reed (father of Jojen and Meera Reed) survived the battle.



Game of Thrones fan site Watchers on the Wall received information on characters that HBO is looking to cast, with descriptions, from what they claim is a “reliable source.“


A man in his thirties or forties who is a great swordsman and a paragon of knighthood. He carries a hugely famous sword on his back.  The show is seeking a very impressive swordsman for the role- the best in Europe, for a week of filming fight scenes for a season 6 role. His ethnicity/race isn’t specified, unlike many other roles.


While the list is sizable, there is one character in particular that fans have become instantly excited about, titled “Legendary Fighter.” Here’s the role’s description, from Watchers on the Wall: The popular opinion is that this “Legendary Fighter” is Ser Arthur Dayne, a members of the Mad King’s Kingsguard and Rhaegar Targaryen’s best friend. Called “The Knight of Morning,” he carried a “famous sword,” Dawn, and was considered the most chivalrous knight in Westeros. 



With Eddard Stark now dead, Howland Reed is the only person alive who knows what truly transpired at the Tower of Joy that day, and what promise Eddard made to his sister before she died. Those events are one of the biggest mysteries in George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, and seeing them played in a TV flashback is sure to cause a stir amongst fans.

Here are a couple of other noteworthy casting descriptions:


Lord of Noble Northern House: (Casting age anywhere between 25-50) The lord is a savage warrior, and he rules a distinguished house in the very far North, and the role is said to be an impactful one. He’s described as a massive bear of a man with a beard and temper to match, and hatred that run deep, and he can be violent. The show’s looking for someone with a powerful physique who can tower over other cast members, a Northern English Accent and specifies he has to be at least 180 cm tall. The role will be on 2 episodes.


Lord of Northern Stronghold: The show’s looking for an actor in his late thirties or forties to play another lord, one that’s ruthless and calculating. The frightening lord rules a vassal household with a castle stronghold. He’ll be in 3 episodes this year, with 20 days of filming this summer and fall.


The first role, which calls for a particularly large man, sounds a lot like the “Greatjon,” Jon Umber of House Umber. The Greatjon was plaed by Clive Mantle in Season 1, but was written out of the story after Robb sent him to fight in the Riverlands. This ended up saving the Greatjon from an unfortunate fate at the Red Wedding, so perhaps the showrunners are looking to recast him in Season 6.


The second lord is a little harder to pin down. It could be Lord Galbert Glover, ruler of Deepwood Motte, played by Mark Coney in Season 1. Alternatively, it may be Ser Wylis Manderly of White Harbor, who strikes an interesting bargain with Ser Davos Seaworth in the books.


Other roles call for at least two characters who are almost certainly Dothraki – no surprise there, given the Season 5 finale – as well as members of an outlaw band that is “using religion to justify terrorizing and extorting what they need from the people of the countryside,” some military types, and servants.


Game of Thrones will return for Season 6 in 2016.




Edited by Ayatollah
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Novi kastinzi za Sezonu 6 :


Cock Merchants hvataju zalet da probiju više puta probijeno dno, uvešće Umbers i Karstarks i Manderlys u priču na severu sad kad je Stannis već zaginuo :Hail: Šta ima veze, skupiće se jedno 40 minuta retrospektivnih dijaloga. "My lord, as we both know, the Boltons betrayed the Starks at the Red Wedding and now rule the North in their stead, and Stannis Baratheon was slain by the ugly chick." A onda neko nekog nabode, što bukvalno što figurativno, da malo razdrma usnulu publiku.


Supernebitni rahmetli Arthur Dayne će verovatno imati jednu flashback scenu na početku prve epizode, slično kao što su petu krenuli sa flashbackom na Cersei iz detinjstva. Naravno da je idiotima najbitnije da je glumac "an impressive swordsman, the best in Europe". Valjda zamišljaju da u Evropi još postoje viteška takmičenja u kojima se takve titule određuju. Sad kad kastuju Idrisa Elbu, boli ih dupe... a Sean Bean će da glumi 20 godina mlađeg Neda Starka.

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Ian McShane i Max von Sydow će biti članovi casta u sledećoj sezoni. Za McShane-a se još uvek ne zna koga će igrati, von Sydow će igrati Three-eyed Raven.

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