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Game of Thrones

Ryan Franco

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Vini, ozbiljno, zasto Frejove nije snaslo neko zlo/prokletstvo zbog red vedinga?


Mozda da se pokaze kako su sve to sujeverja i budalastine? 

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Jel ih u knjigama ista snaslo?

После ти нас зезај за књиге.  :bee: Немој да му је ико ишта рекао.

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Cekao neko budjavo vreme da na miru odgledam petu sezonu ... Sve u svemu, sve price su ocekivano usrali za medalju, mada su dogadjaji iz Dorne dostigli neki poseban nivo idiotizma! Dorana Martela su od (verovatno) najinteligentnijeg lika pliv-a, pretvorili u najveceg glupana ikada  :isuse:



Jel ih u knjigama ista snaslo?


Svasta (bas se potrudio Martin), ali ih ima jedno 278 najblizih rodjaka ....

Edited by Geo
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Improving ASOIAF Dialogue with GOT Writing


"A bag of dragons buys a man’s silence for a while, but what he needs is a bad pussy. "
-Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish

"Kings have no friends. Only subjects and enemies and cock merchants."
-Stannis Baratheon

"All men must die, but what they need is bad pussy."
-A Braavosi saying

"My old grandmother always used to say, Summer friends will melt away like summer snows, but what you really need is a bad pussy."
-Alys Karstark

"There is no creature on earth half do terrifying as a truly bad pussy."
-Lord Varys


She narrowed her eyes. "What is our heart’s desire?"
"Vengeance." His voice was soft, as if he were afraid that someone might be listening. "Justice." Prince Doran pressed the onyx dragon into her palm with his swollen, gouty fingers, and whispered, "Fire and blood. But what we need is a bad pussy.
-Arianne and Doran Martell




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Ali u kom smislu je ta pussy bad? Je l' ne miriše dobro? Ili je bila nevaljala pa je prosula mleko? Ili je loša u smislu "loša je po tebe", kao triple whopper? Ili kad je zoveš da se igrate ona neće da dođe uz neko "krepaj stari astrolože"?


Layers behind layers...

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Stigao sam do 8. epizode 2. sezone. Da li mi neko moze reći (a da ne bude spoiler) zašto Pseto štiti Sansu (ili sam nešto propustio, ili to treba da saznam tek kasnije) ?

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