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Game of Thrones

Ryan Franco

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bas je žalosna epizoda. ništa ne funkcioniše.


kad bi oduzeo ok akcione delove (recimo 3/4 gladijatorske borbe su ok za standard serije, mada smrdi ono kako je poginuo brzi macevalac, a i đurin kolut napred je koma) dobila bi se jedna od najgorih epizoda


i ono bljuvanje vatre jel nije moglo biti maštovitije malo odrađeno od offscreen flamethrower i ULTRA VIDLJIVI vatrostalni kombinezoni


zašto je zmaj otišao umesto da rastrga sve one? jesu stvarno koplja toliki problem? koplja ne mogu da se bace tako iz mesta inače (ovo se odnosi na sva bačena koplja u epizodi)


ma milion primedaba, bas sam se iznervirao

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I'll believe it when I see it. Ne mogu da zamislim niz događaja koji bi uverljivo vodio do toga da Book Stannis žrtvuje ćerku. 


Gledajući Cock Merchants kako lupetaju o svojoj kreaciji, setio sam se koliko mi je glupo što poslednjih par epizoda tutumrače protiv "nasilja". Kao - waah, gladijatorske igre su previše nasine, waah, ja sam se rodila i odrasla u 21. veku, waah! Besmisleno je skoro koliko i tutumračenje protiv ropstva.

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Jesu odradili sve iz knjige, Bran samo sedi u onoj pećini i kao ima nekakve vizije, posmatra svet kroz ono drveće sa licima, tako nešto. Realno, ne mogu da im zameram što ne znaju šta dalje sa njim, priličan je ćorsokak taj deo priče. 


Rickon zato nije sa bratom, njega je Osha odvela u nekom drugom (nepoznatom) pravcu. U knjizi ga nismo videli ali izgleda da će Davos da ide njega da traži, da bi Stannis pokazao severnjacima da planira da ustoliči Starka ako pobedi. Toga možda bude u sledećoj sezoni, ako serijski Davos poživi.

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Hey all it's me again to explain why this episode was terrible! And after a decent last episode, the show quickly returned to being utter garbage. And holy crap was this episode bad.


-WHY DID JON AND THE WILDLINGS MARCH RIGHT UP TO CASTLE BLACKS WALL. I assume Eastwatch no longer exists in the show despite being mentioned before. D&D write all these inconsistencies and logical failures, yet never seem to care.


-Oh look it's Olly again, truly the most amazing and subtle character in the series. D&D are such masters with their original content. Olly is the most important character in this series me thinks given how much he appears


-So it seems they're setting up Jon to (try to) go south to "send stannis supplies and reinforcements" instead of the pink letter. Way to go, D&D, ruining any real tension or stakes in Jon's motivation for breaking the Watch's neutrality.


-Stannis keeping his family around still makes no sense. Non-stupid book Stannis leaves them back at Castle Black because he's again, not dumb


-Doran basically explains why D&D's Dorne-Jaime plot makes NO SENSE, and he isn't the first one to have done this. And once again, Jaime's attempt to "rebuke" the logical failures here is again complete bullshit. This entire plot was completely unnecessary, Doran just gives her up and is clearly willing to maintain peace. So long character journey in the Riverlands, hello Cringe Snakes and XD BEWBS


-Mycrella and Trystane are such shit characters, not surprising since they're both basically D&D creations by this point. Tedious, cliched, irritating, and ultimately useless parodies of their archetypes. Moreover D&D in their infinite wisdom had MASTER PLANNER Doran give (in the show) his only heir over to the Lannisters for LITERALLY no goddamned reason, Trystane would be a fucking awful small council member (he's a retard) and even if he was brilliant it would still be an awful decision. Doran willingly and unnecessarily did what Balon Greyjoy did with a sword to his neck, give his son over as an essential hostage. BRAVA D&D. 


-The Cringe Snakes return in all their glory. XD LEL SLAPPING GAMES AND SEX REFERENCES. And another awful and nonsensical diatribe that is supposed to sound like a brilliant metaphor but ultimately is meaningless. Reminder this is what we're getting instead of real Dorne intrigue like in the books


-Arya plot is still sex. Oysters and sexual harassment instead of going fucking blind and having some real goddamned character development. You know a plot is awful when the lackluster Arya AFFC plot is literally War and Peace compared to this crap.


-Mace Tyrell being in Braavos still makes no sense. Trant being with him makes no sense. None of this makes any sense. On top of that they're still making Mace out to be full-fledged developmentally disabled. Book Mace is no rocket scientist, but it isn't NEARLY this bad and he isn't just a complete comic relief character. why can't D&D understand not everything has to be one way or the other?


-And lel, Ser Meryn Trant. The latest victim of D&D's character assassination. Yes in the books he's an asshole and Cersei's creature, but he's still shown to be a respectable and capable knight who isn't needlessly awful instead of this foul mouthed grumpy pedophile. It's like D&D realized he was associated with Cersei and Syrio so they immediately thought of the worst shit they could to make him a "bad guy".


-Did you ever notice whenever Arya is in 1 of apparently 2 rooms in the House of the Undying, someone is ALWAYS getting assisted suicide there? Like holy crap in the books this happens to but not every instance you see the House. This place must be the Essos version of Auschwitz or something with how many people they must be killing. D&D again show how simple they ultimately are, they associated one trait with this place and just keep repeating it over and over to remind the audience what it is. 


-Doran the master planner and the Great Dornish Conspiracy seems pretty much out the window now. Especially with no Aegon in the show. Instead he's just a bitch to the Lannisters and hurrrr war iz bad. D&D kept the Dorne plot for some reason, yet saw fit to cut out all of its most important characters, completely rework it into something fillerish and unnecessary, and then take away any future implications from it. Once more, Bravo D&D.


-Ellaria gives a speech on gay rights to Jaime out of  nowhere. D&D probably thought this was an oh-so-subtle and brilliant hint at contemporary gay marriage debate (much like the changes to Loras/Faith plot) but it was just so stupid and illogical in its own setting. This is why contemporary politics need to stay out of the story. First off, tons of Lords have paramours (aka mistresses) in the rest of Westeros. Second, people DO bat an eye at Oberyn's relationship with Ellaria in Dorne and it's even plainly stated as much in the books. Dorne still follows the Faith of the Seven, they're predominately Rhyonar but still have heavy Andal (and First Men) influence, and they're not a completely different world from central/northern Westeros. Just like how Italy/Spain but culturally different from France, but not night and day. D&D think Dorne is some gay rights utopia when IRL they're just marginally more tolerant and believe women should have a stake in secession because of Nymeria's influence on their society. THAT'S IT. And THIRD, people DID "bat an eye" at Targaryen incest, or did you just forget the entire Faith Militant Uprising you dumb hacks.


-Stannis doesn't know what the Dance of the Dragons is. Mind you this is probably the bloodiest war in Westerosi history (and certainly the bloodiest in post-conquest Westerosi history). This is literally like General Petraeus saying he never heard of WW2. First D&D make Stannis into some dumby, then they go and make him Emperor Palptine (AND SEE NEXT)


-HO BOY. Burning Shireen at the stake. There waso so much wrong here it hurts my head to think about. First after spending the season making Stannis into a nice guy and repairing their demonization campaign against him for the last 2 seasons, they completely wreck it all. What was the point of adding in that Shireen-Stannis wuv scene if all they did was squander it? Why do D&D INSIST on making Stannis the anti-christ incarnate? We're back to RHOLLOR HUNGERS in a big way. And on top of that, while book Stannis wouldn't even consider this shit, she's his heir and he literally says she's the only one who can succeed him in the books. And the only fucking Baratheon who would consider burning Shireen (Queen Selyse, who is implied to have the desire to sacrifice Shireen in the books) is the one who is actually AGAINST it in the show. TOP FUCKING KEKS. Wtf are with D&D and their insistence to do the opposite of anything right? 


-What's the point of the Fighting Pits being reopened when there is literally no war with Yunkai and they already surrendered? The Sons of the Harpy haven't stopped either, so there's no point there. These types of concessions make no goddamn sense in the show setting, but since D&D cherrypick shit from the books for their god-awful show it just creates more of these logic holes.


-We have Saint Tyrion once more in all his glory. Omg he talks down Hizdhar on his Ghiscari Privlege and violence isn't the answer. You know what was fucking good in ADWD? Tyrion was morally ambiguous, he straight up gleefully murders someone out of spite in Slaver's Bay, while gloating "a Lannister always pays his debts" like a serial killer. Yet because Peter Dinklage is a bigshot and Tyrion is beloved by the fanbase D&D make him into a mary sue here.


-Hizdhar is so  awful in this adaptation. Yes he's a slimy ass in the books, but he isn't a moron who is just used as comic relief or the foil for Dany's STRNK WYMZ BLOOD OF THE DRAGONZ speeches. He actually has a sinister and cunning nature to him and isn't fucking wasted. D&D killed him off after he did literally nothing for no goddamn reason here because they apparently don't understand their own source material, much like Barristan.


-LEL, THIS FIGHT SCENE. None of this makes sense. Why do the Sons do this? Why kill Dany like this? Why not be subtle about it and work within your own network for a stealth-kill (SEE THE BOOKS ON HOW THIS IS DONE, D&D). And why are the Sons murdering random people? How did they get in here with those big goddamn masks? And most of all, WHY ARE THERE 5 MILLION OF THEM. They literally occupy this while arena and own Dany's Unsullied (again). Then if this mess isn't enough, they see to it to ruin the entire Drogon-return scene. Drogon does not appear as an unstoppable force of terror that sends Meereen into a panic and sows needless death, but as the noble rescuer. He's Han Solo at the Death Star if he was magically summoned by Luke. It's a joyous "yahhhh!" moment when Drogon arrives in the show, whereas in the books it's an "oh shit" moment. And then D&D just drop the whole not being able to control her own dragons subplot, after already introducing it.


 I knew the shoe was beyond saving despite Hardholm being passable, but D&D are back in all their glory here. I'll be back next week. Reminder that the show has been shit since season 2 and the books are better!




vini, priznaj da si ti pisao

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Kad spomenu Ošu setih se Brena.

On beše negde sredinom S02 imao snove o trookoj vrani i pitao Ošu šta zna o tome. Ova ga navela da joj priča još o snovima, a Bran joj prepričao zadnji san da će more poplaviti Vinterfel i da će utopljeni ljudi plutati po dvorištu Vinterfela. Doduše spomenuo da je i Rodrika video među utopljenima što baš ne odgovora da će mu se san obistiniti sa onim što Melisandra kuva oko privremenog i naglog topljenja snega i leda oko Vinterfela. Šteta, a dobro zapamtih te delove oko njegovih snova i vizija, bilo bi baš kul da se neki nebitan detalj iz davne sezone obistini u završnici ove.

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Pa to se odnosilo na Ironborne koji su preoteli Vinterfel.




Znači, Stanise, jedi govna :cry:

Edited by Valkyrie
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vini, priznaj da si ti pisao

Nisam, ali kao da jesam - svaka mu je na mestu. Čak nemam živaca više ni da registrujem sitne gluposti kao što je besmisleni character assassination ovog ili onog sporednog lika... zbog krupnijih stvari toliko fejspalmujem da mi na ekranu promaknu te sitnije.


-WHY DID JON AND THE WILDLINGS MARCH RIGHT UP TO CASTLE BLACKS WALL. I assume Eastwatch no longer exists in the show despite being mentioned before. D&D write all these inconsistencies and logical failures, yet never seem to care.

Ovo sam primetio ali ignorisao - fantastično glupavo izgleda scena. Došli su brodovima do obale kod Zida, onda se iskrcali i krenuli peške ali sa severne strane :blink: Zašto? Pa da bismo imali scenu od pola minuta prolaska kroz kapiju, gde nas Sam Tarly i Adrastus Thorn podsećaju da je Jon divan čovek skurca mekanoga.


D&D in their infinite wisdom had MASTER PLANNER Doran give (in the show) his only heir over to the Lannisters for LITERALLY no goddamned reason, Trystane would be a fucking awful small council member (he's a retard) and even if he was brilliant it would still be an awful decision. Doran willingly and unnecessarily did what Balon Greyjoy did with a sword to his neck, give his son over as an essential hostage. BRAVA D&D.

Ovo je stvarno glupo. Evo vam Myrcella koju ste nam dali kao taoca, a evo vam i moj sin kao taoc. Pošto je vama potrebna naša vojna podrška. Pa vam dajem taoca uauzvrat... ne, čekaj, zašto vam dajem naslednika kao taoca? Ah da, bez ikakvog razloga.


-Arya plot is still sex. Oysters and sexual harassment instead of going fucking blind and having some real goddamned character development. You know a plot is awful when the lackluster Arya AFFC plot is literally War and Peace compared to this crap.

+ milion


Mazie Williams, sad kad je malo porasla, stvarno iritantno izgleda na ekranu. Ti izrazi lica, to drveno glumatanje, užas božji. Tekst koji joj Cock Merchants trpaju u usta je naravno najgori.


-Ellaria gives a speech on gay rights to Jaime out of  nowhere. D&D probably thought this was an oh-so-subtle and brilliant hint at contemporary gay marriage debate (much like the changes to Loras/Faith plot) but it was just so stupid and illogical in its own setting. This is why contemporary politics need to stay out of the story.

Apsolutno, ali na ovo smo valjda do sada navikli. Toliko je trapavo da će im GRA čak zameriti što ih dovode u kontekst incesta.


-Stannis doesn't know what the Dance of the Dragons is. Mind you this is probably the bloodiest war in Westerosi history (and certainly the bloodiest in post-conquest Westerosi history). This is literally like General Petraeus saying he never heard of WW2.

Sjajno :D Ja sam im istolerisao zato što sam dobar čovek i ne zakeram previše, pomislio sam možda zna šta je Dance with Dragons ali hoće da čuje šta je mala naučila. (Isto važi za Davosa.)


-We have Saint Tyrion once more in all his glory. Omg he talks down Hizdhar on his Ghiscari Privlege and violence isn't the answer. You know what was fucking good in ADWD? Tyrion was morally ambiguous

Užasni su kad krenu da isprazno morališu, sve imam utisak da su pročitali neki sažetak Braće Karamazova pa sad trapavo pokušavaju da nešto u tom smislu nalupetaju. "Nije u redu porobljavati ljude, a ne treba ih ni klati, to je naša poruka suptilno isprepletena sa radnjom serije." :isuse:


None of this makes sense. Why do the Sons do this? Why kill Dany like this? Why not be subtle about it and work within your own network for a stealth-kill (SEE THE BOOKS ON HOW THIS IS DONE, D&D). And why are the Sons murdering random people? How did they get in here with those big goddamn masks? And most of all, WHY ARE THERE 5 MILLION OF THEM. They literally occupy this while arena and own Dany's Unsullied (again). Then if this mess isn't enough, they see to it to ruin the entire Drogon-return scene.

Šta reći a ne zaplakati - sve tačno, ali sve od ranije poznato i očekivano. Katastrašno.


In other news pozdravila vas sve Mau, kaže da čita temu redovno i da joj se uopšte ne povraća od ovoga što pišete -_-

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situacija u mirinu je opet spektakularno glupa.

dakle, oni su pokušali da ubiju kraljicu, to je suština scene. kako? tako što nekoliko desetina njih unese maske, noževe i koplja (!!!) u arenu. ajde nekako i da prođe, međutim - oni su brojčano nadmoćniji nad onom kastriranom kvazivojskom, koje valjda treba da bude mnogo i da bi štitila mir u areni i da bi čuvala kraljicu? pa ima li njih deset uopšte oko one dosade da je čuva? i opet, ne znam kako je u knjizi, ali za koju đoku njima služe ona koplja u gradu, uskim ulicama, malom prostoru? šta će da uradi sa onolikim kopljem, ne može bre ni da se okrene, ima da udari u zid, plafon, u sve, samo ne u protivnika. i da se vratimo na to da njih bar 50 smisli zaveru da ubije kraljicu i to nikako ne dođe do ljudi koji treba da paze o njenoj bezbednosti? šta to nju štiti da 100 ovih upadne usred bela dana u dvorac i pokaže joj kako se zmaj jaše? a i taj nepobedivi zmaj zbog koga je svaki jebeni lord vesterosa kleknuo i prihvatio targerijena kao kralja maltene biva savladan sa nekoliko kopalja. naivna je njegova pojava u zao čas, no neka bude da ima neki kontakt sa majkom™, ali je još luđi početak kada mučeni đora frljne koplje i direkt u glavu pogodi harpiju koji se ko zna kako pojavio tik iza zmajojahačice. pa tu je sve gluplje od glupljeg jebo ih bog

Edited by Malvo
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Nisam, ali kao da jesam - svaka mu je na mestu. Čak nemam živaca više ni da registrujem sitne gluposti kao što je besmisleni character assassination ovog ili onog sporednog lika... zbog krupnijih stvari toliko fejspalmujem da mi na ekranu promaknu te sitnije.



Ovo sam primetio ali ignorisao - fantastično glupavo izgleda scena. Došli su brodovima do obale kod Zida, onda se iskrcali i krenuli peške ali sa severne strane :blink: Zašto? Pa da bismo imali scenu od pola minuta prolaska kroz kapiju, gde nas Sam Tarly i Adrastus Thorn podsećaju da je Jon divan čovek skurca mekanoga.



Ovo je stvarno glupo. Evo vam Myrcella koju ste nam dali kao taoca, a evo vam i moj sin kao taoc. Pošto je vama potrebna naša vojna podrška. Pa vam dajem taoca uauzvrat... ne, čekaj, zašto vam dajem naslednika kao taoca? Ah da, bez ikakvog razloga.



+ milion


Mazie Williams, sad kad je malo porasla, stvarno iritantno izgleda na ekranu. Ti izrazi lica, to drveno glumatanje, užas božji. Tekst koji joj Cock Merchants trpaju u usta je naravno najgori.



Apsolutno, ali na ovo smo valjda do sada navikli. Toliko je trapavo da će im GRA čak zameriti što ih dovode u kontekst incesta.



Sjajno :D Ja sam im istolerisao zato što sam dobar čovek i ne zakeram previše, pomislio sam možda zna šta je Dance with Dragons ali hoće da čuje šta je mala naučila. (Isto važi za Davosa.)



Užasni su kad krenu da isprazno morališu, sve imam utisak da su pročitali neki sažetak Braće Karamazova pa sad trapavo pokušavaju da nešto u tom smislu nalupetaju. "Nije u redu porobljavati ljude, a ne treba ih ni klati, to je naša poruka suptilno isprepletena sa radnjom serije." :isuse:



Šta reći a ne zaplakati - sve tačno, ali sve od ranije poznato i očekivano. Katastrašno.




Најбесмисленија епизода целог тупавог серијала у збиља  ненормаллно јакој конкуренцији.Ништа и нико не функционише. Шкопци не могу да оформе корњачу и и изгазе напададеч који на њих налеђу бодежима.  :frust: О паљењу мале принцезе не вреди трошити речи. Било је мучно не због трагике сцене, већ због тоталног лудила које се у истој одиграва. 

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