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Game of Thrones

Ryan Franco

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To viper, a pogotovo red, nije nijednom spomenuto u seriji. 


Stvarno nije? Ni kad su ga predstavljali? Pa dobro, uvek mogu da ubace nesto u stilu "why do you think they call him the red viper", bilo bi steta ne povezati tako kul nickname s njegovim metodama u borbi.

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uini, je l ga ovako i u knjizi ubije? mislim, za ono je trebalo neko obaveštenje da se stavi, presede mi doručak.


žensko ubija otrovom, muškarac čelikom, planina tako što ti palčevima iskopa oči i onda smrska glavu. mada nekako neuverljivo izgleda sve to, aj što ga je probo nekoliko puta, nego što ranjeni ljudi koji su pred porazom obično ne leže kao mrtvi dok protivnik vitla dvobodežnim kopljem iznad njihove glave, mogao je lagano da ga iznabada do smrti i onda drži govoranciju.

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Nisam još gledao, ali zvuči tako nekako. Evo citat (nije spoiler ako ste gledali epizodu), bold je jedna od meni omiljenih Tirionovih rečenica:

The snake has vaulted over the Mountain. Four feet of broken spear jutted from Clegane's belly as Prince Oberyn rolled, rose, and dusted himself off. He tossed aside the splintered spear and claimed his foe's greatsword. "If you die before you say her name, ser, I will hunt you through all seven hells," he promised.


Ser Gregor tried to rise, The broken spear had gone through him, and was pinning him to the ground. He wrapped both hands about the shaft, grunting, but could not pull it out. Beneath him was a spreading pool of red. "I am feeling more innocent by the instant," Tyrion told Ellaria Sand beside him.


Prince Oberyn moved closer. "Say the name!" He put a foot on the Mountain's chest and raised the greatsword with both hands. Whether he intended to hack off Gregor's head or shove the point through his eyeslit was something Tyrion would never know.

Clegane's hand shot up and grabbed the Dornishman behind the knee. The Red Viper brought down the greatsword in a wild slash, but he was off-balance, and the edge did no more than put another dent in the Mountain's vambrace. Then the sword was forgotten as Gregor's hand tightened and twisted, yanking the Dornishman down on top of him. They wrestled in the dust and blood, the broken spear wobbling back and forth. Tyrion saw with horror that the Mountain had wrapped one huge arm around the prince, drawing him tight against his chest, like a lover.

"Elia of Dorne," they all heard Ser Gregor say, when they were close enough to kiss. His deep voice boomed within the helm. "I killed her screaming whelp." He thrust his free hand into Oberyn's unprotected face, pushing steel fingers into his eyes. "Then I raped her." Clegane slammed his fist into the Dornishman's mouth, making splinters of his teeth. "Then I smashed her fucking head in. Like this." As he drew back his huge fist, the blood on his gauntlet seemed to smoke in the cold dawn air. There was a sickening crunch. Ellaria Sand wailed in terror, and Tyrion's breakfast came boiling back up. He found himself on his knees retching bacon and sausage and applecakes, and that double helping of fried eggs cooked up with onions and fiery Dornish peppers.

Primetite u kakvim trenucima autor detaljno navodi šta je ko jeo za doručak.

Edited by Weenie Pooh
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али да, морала је да буде борба која иде у једном смеру, па онда обрт на крају, једино што је овај пут миљеник публике испушио... међутим прилично добро одрађено, ма колико у теорији не би требало да ми се свиђа

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I kako ce se kepec sad izvuci? Obojica su umrla, a on je ipak kriv. Ima li revansa?



Jbt, vise vremena je potroseno da cujemo kako neki Lanister retard ubija bube nego na samu borbu. :isuse:



Sluzavka od Kalisi... :droooool:



Sansa ce postati dobra ucenica Lorda Bejlisa... :Hail:

Edited by MiddleClass
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Cerislave, meni tvoj avatar govori ko ce da pobijedi.




био си близу  :lolol:




I kako ce se kepec sad izvuci? Obojica su umrla, a on je ipak kriv. Ima li revansa?


Valjda se gleda ko je umro prvi, Planina u ovom trenutku u knjigama jos nije mrtav.

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I kako ce se kepec sad izvuci? Obojica su umrla, a on je ipak kriv. Ima li revansa?


To mene kopka, oce li sada Tirion da se izvuce (ili bar da produzi sudjenje) na kvaku da su obojica riknula u borbi i od borbe?

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Ma gde, čim je Tata obznanio presudu, suđenje je gotovo. Grgur može još tri godine da umire, ne menja se stvar.


Mene zanima koga ćemo sad da gledamo u bordelu, možda Udovicu Sand kako je teši šest devojaka i četiri đuvegije?

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Koliki sam ja zabludeli romantik, to sto sam citao knjige me nije sprecilo da ipak navijam za Oberina. Jes da ovoliko za sada nisu menjali, ali ono, za sve postoji prvi put. :D

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Pa kako je krenula da se oblači, ne bi me čudilo. Ne znam kakav je to džombasti medaljon okačila oko vrata kad se uparadila za svog novog gazdu i svog balavog verenika, jel' treba nešto da predstavlja taj simbol?


Nije Starkovski vuk, nije Baelishev mockingbird, nije ni Arrynovski soko sa polumesecom. Izgleda kao krug sa vodoravnom linijom na sredini, sve crno sa crnim :blink: 

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