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Game of Thrones

Ryan Franco

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Offering at least one explanation for why George R.R. Martin is taking his time with completing his A Song Of Ice And Fire saga—besides the fact that he’s always busy giving interviews—the Game Of Thrones author explained his writing process in an interview with Conan O’Brien last night. Specifically, Martin revealed that he hews his prose as the ancients did: from the rough slab of a DOS computer running Wordstar 4.0, a software forged in blood and iron in the dark year of 1987. Its monochromatic textual display is clean and sharp, like Valyrian steel. Its storage method is floppy, like the penises he writes about.

Martin’s reasons for clinging to the ways and word processors of the elders are manifold: A superstitious sort, he doesn’t trust the sorcery of spellcheck and autocorrect—a reasonable fear, considering the veritable Red Wedding of spellcheck lines that Word becomes whenever you start typing things like “Petyr Baelish” and “Valar morghulis.” And like the eunuch Varys, who finds that desire only gets in the way of more important pursuits, Martin’s DOS machine removes the temptation of the Internet and all its sundry whores, freeing Martin to concentrate on imagining his own graphic porn. 

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Koja je prica sa trial by combat? Je l to moze da se zatrazi u bilo kom trenutku tokom sudjenja? Kao fazon, ok, mislio sam da su mi svedoci i argumenti na mestu, al izgleda da sam se zajebao, pa bih ipak da o mojoj krivici odluce dva viteza koja ce se tuci do smrti?

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Offering at least one explanation for why George R.R. Martin is taking his time with completing his A Song Of Ice And Fire saga—besides the fact that he’s always busy giving interviews—the Game Of Thrones author explained his writing process in an interview with Conan O’Brien last night. Specifically, Martin revealed that he hews his prose as the ancients did: from the rough slab of a DOS computer running Wordstar 4.0, a software forged in blood and iron in the dark year of 1987. Its monochromatic textual display is clean and sharp, like Valyrian steel. Its storage method is floppy, like the penises he writes about.

Martin’s reasons for clinging to the ways and word processors of the elders are manifold: A superstitious sort, he doesn’t trust the sorcery of spellcheck and autocorrect—a reasonable fear, considering the veritable Red Wedding of spellcheck lines that Word becomes whenever you start typing things like “Petyr Baelish” and “Valar morghulis.” And like the eunuch Varys, who finds that desire only gets in the way of more important pursuits, Martin’s DOS machine removes the temptation of the Internet and all its sundry whores, freeing Martin to concentrate on imagining his own graphic porn. 



Povraća mi se. Mi stari Martinofili, koji ga volimo još iz osamdesetih, znamo da je to jedan vrlo, vrlo temeljit pisac, štaviše. A poslednjih godina je stekao ogromnu i neočekivanu popularnost, pa je ta njegova temeljitost dodatno usporena time što se bavi serijom, gostovanjima kod Konana i sličnim glupostima koje ne služe ničemu umesto da piše.


Verujem da bi se staaaari Martin ubio kada bi mogao da vidi šta je objavio kao roman u ovoj petoj knjizi, jer bi ta ofrljost bila neprihvatljiva za njega.

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Koja je prica sa trial by combat? Je l to moze da se zatrazi u bilo kom trenutku tokom sudjenja? Kao fazon, ok, mislio sam da su mi svedoci i argumenti na mestu, al izgleda da sam se zajebao, pa bih ipak da o mojoj krivici odluce dva viteza koja ce se tuci do smrti?


Teoretski može, ali funkcioniše samo kad ti dramski momenat odobri. Npr. sudija bi mogao da kaže "Ko te jebe, imao si normalno suđenje, što nisi odmah tražio by combat - kriv si." Ali Tywin daje sve od sebe da izbegne tj. minimizuje skandal (zato je i hteo da pošalje Tyriona na zid umesto da ga ubije), neće da se priča da nije bio pobožan i dao bogovima da odluče ko je kriv a ko nevin. Takođe, to funkcioniše na volonterskoj bazi - Cersei će naći najzajebanijeg mogućeg zastupnika, Tyrion mora da nađe nekog spremnog da rizikuje život za njegov lost cause, a ako ne nađe - moraće sam sebe da zastupa što je samoubistvo.


Dakle, ništa naročito ne dobija on ovim gambitom, ide iz jedne bezizlazne situacije u drugu iz čistog inata.


Trial by combat ordeal je inače istorijska činjenica, srednjevekovni sudovi su to birali kad god bi im zaključak u normalnom procesu bio "I dunno", uvek je to stajalo kao opcija, tako da praktično nisi ni smeo da ulaziš u parnicu sa nekim ko je jači od tebe... Arapski istoričari su se čudom čudili kad su za vreme krstaških ratova videli tu sumanutu verziju hrišćasnke pravde.

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Koja je prica sa trial by combat? Je l to moze da se zatrazi u bilo kom trenutku tokom sudjenja? Kao fazon, ok, mislio sam da su mi svedoci i argumenti na mestu, al izgleda da sam se zajebao, pa bih ipak da o mojoj krivici odluce dva viteza koja ce se tuci do smrti?


da, možeš to da tražiš uvek, al ne možeš očekivati da će biti baš mnogo zainteresovanih da rizikuju glavu zbog nekog ko je verovatno/očigledno kriv :D

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Takođe,ne bi bilo zgoreg napomenuti da je Mika mesarev sin tražio trial by combat ili bilo kakav trial,ne bi mogao da ga dobije :D

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Znači Oberin će da zalegne za Tiriona, a Kligen za Sersei. 


Verovatno ćemo u sledećoj epizodi gledati dramu oko toga kako će Jaime uspeti da iskulira sukubu, a i da objasni što je išao na časove plesa kod onog trgovca kojeg muje Tirion preporučio. Tu će se negde javiti i željla da se šiba za Tiriona ali ne verujem da će se izgovoriti.


Dobra stvar je što je Kalisina epizoda prošla relativno bezbolno. Sad mžemo natenane da se posvetimo događajima na severu.

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E, to vec u ovoj seriji moze znaciti samo jedno  ^_^ Jos nekoliko epizoda i stizes nas, ocekujem 1 traktat o kvalitetu serije kad se to desi!

Edited by Calavera
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Trial by combat ordeal je inače istorijska činjenica, srednjevekovni sudovi su to birali kad god bi im zaključak u normalnom procesu bio "I dunno", uvek je to stajalo kao opcija, tako da praktično nisi ni smeo da ulaziš u parnicu sa nekim ko je jači od tebe.


с тим да је било којекаквих бизарних метода, не само фајт




 The bishop of Paris and the abbot of St. Denis disputed about the patronage of a monastery: Pepin the Short, not being able to decide on their confused claims, decreed one of these judgments of God, that of the Cross. The bishop and abbot each chose a man, and both the men appeared in the chapel, where they stretched out their arms in the form of a cross. The spectators, more devout than the mob of the present day, but still the mob, were piously attentive, but betted, however, now for one man, now for the other, and critically watched the slightest motion of the arms. The bishop’s man was first tried:—he let his arms fail, and ruined his patron’s cause for ever.
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Koja je prica sa trial by combat? Je l to moze da se zatrazi u bilo kom trenutku tokom sudjenja? Kao fazon, ok, mislio sam da su mi svedoci i argumenti na mestu, al izgleda da sam se zajebao, pa bih ipak da o mojoj krivici odluce dva viteza koja ce se tuci do smrti?


Evo objašnjenja sa Wiki of Ice and Fire, posebno mi je zanimljiv ovaj trial of seven (tuku se po sedmorica za svaku stranu, pa ko preživi) :



Trial by combat or trial by battle is a method to settle accusations in which two parties in dispute fight in single combat, possibly to the death. A variation is the trial of seven.[1]

  • May be requested at any point before or during a trial.
  • May be advised against, but even sovereign lords and members of the royal family rarely consider denying such a request outright.[1]
  • May be converted into a trial of seven if the accuser (or, presumably, the accused) so demands. Available evidence suggests that this request, too, cannot be denied without severe political consequences. In any case, trials of seven are exceedingly rare, happening perhaps less often than once in a century.[1]
  • May be fought by the parties themselves, but it is not unusual for either or both parties to choose champions to fight in their stead.[2]
  • Ends when either party yields or is killed; or when the accuser takes back his accusation; or (presumably) when the accused declares himself guilty.

Due to several unfortunate circumstances, the Ashford Tourney became the arena of a trial of seven, with tragic results.[1]

Prior to the start of Robert's Rebellion, Lord Rickard Stark, demanded a trial by combat when called to answer for his son Brandon Stark's alleged crimes. King Aerys II Targaryen declared that the Targaryen champion was fire and to prove his innocence, all Rickard had to do was not burn.[3]


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